مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : please help me

salma star
08-04-2009, 07:58 PM
i can not uderstand the
((the passive construction))

and I Would be grateful if any body help me

ريحانه من الجنه
25-04-2009, 02:09 PM
السلام عليكم

شرح مبسط لقاعده ال passive

1-Present simple tense:

rule:Object +am\is\are+past participle.

2-Past simple tense:

Rule:Object+was\were+past participle

3-Present continuous tense
Rule:Object+am\is\are+being past participle.

4-Past continuous tense:

Rule :Object +was\were+being+past participle.

5-Present perfect tense:

Rule:Object +has\have+been+past participle.

6-Past perfect tense:

Rule:Object+had +been+past participle.

7-The future simple tense:

Rule: Object+will+be+past participle.

والحين شوية تمارين

1-Heba eats an apple everyday.

-An apple is eaten everyday

2-Rania wrote a letter yesterday.

-A lleter was written yesterday .

3-The teacher is helping the students now.

-The students are being helping helped now.

4-She was asking a question.

-Aquestion was being asked.

5-He has scored two goels in the match.

-Two goals have been scored in the match.

6- They had washed the car.


The car had been washed.

Example sentences:

Active: I keep the butter in the fridge.
Passive: The butter is kept in the fridge.

Active: They stole the painting.
Passive: The painting was stolen.

Active: They are repairing the road.
Passive: The road is being repaired.

Active: Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.
Passive: Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.

Active: A dog bit him.
Passive: He was bitten by a dog.


و ممكن تبعتى لاحد مدرسى اللغه الانجليزيه الافاضل و ان شاء الله يفيدك

مستر خالد غباشى
30-04-2009, 09:55 AM
كل شى موجود على المنتدى تابعى

salma star
01-05-2009, 05:01 PM
جزاكم الله خيرا على مجهوداتكم الرائعة