مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : حاجه غريبه:هل الجمله دى صح ام لا ؟

ابو بيشو
10-11-2009, 10:01 PM
I will go, should it be necessary.:049gc0:

مستر/ عصام الجاويش
10-11-2009, 10:08 PM
I will go, should it be necessary.

مش غريبه ولا حاجه
الكل عارف ان should تحل محل if فى الحاله الاولى والتانيه

10-11-2009, 10:16 PM
that's right

ابو بيشو
10-11-2009, 10:27 PM
شكرا جزيلا لحضراتكم
اصل هذه الجملهIf it should be necessary , I will go. حذفنا if وقدمنا SHOULD
I will go, should it be necessary.
والغريب ان هذه الجمله لها علاقه بsubjunctiveلذا تم التحويل بهذه الطريقه شكرا لحضراتكم شكرا

11-11-2009, 02:09 AM
مشكور كتير مستر
thank you

مستر/ عصام الجاويش
11-11-2009, 05:29 AM
يامستر ابو بيشو حالات if وصورها متعدده

لكننا نقتصر على ماهو موجود فى المنهج حتى لانحير الطالب وكما تعلم الامتحان لايخرج عن المنهج ومما يدرسه الطالب ان should تحل محل if فى الحاله الاولى والثانيه وهذا ماقصدته باجابتى ربط الجمله بما يدرسه الطالب وشكرا جزيلا لك

ابو بيشو
11-11-2009, 08:57 AM
يامستر ابو بيشو حالات if وصورها متعدده

لكننا نقتصر على ماهو موجود فى المنهج حتى لانحير الطالب وكما تعلم الامتحان لايخرج عن المنهج ومما يدرسه الطالب ان should تحل محل if فى الحاله الاولى والثانيه وهذا ماقصدته باجابتى ربط الجمله بما يدرسه الطالب وشكرا جزيلا لك
شكرا جزيلا مستر عصام ولكن المنتدى ليس قاصر على الطلبه فقط فكلنا دايما نبحث عن المثير والجديد لنشعر بالتجديد فنستمر فمن لا يبحث عن ما هو جديد ليقدمه لا يمكنه الاستمرار
لك منى كل احترام وتقدير شكرا

10-06-2011, 01:12 AM
شكرا لكما انتما محترمان

10-06-2011, 01:08 PM
بالنسبة للتوضيح اصل الجملة كان If it is necessary , I will go
عند استخدام should تكون + مصدر should it be necessary ولا نستخدم is
Mr. Hosam

Huda Mohammed 2010
10-06-2011, 01:22 PM
شكرا جزيلا لحضراتكم
اصل هذه الجملهIf it should be necessary , I will go. حذفنا if وقدمنا SHOULD
I will go, should it be necessary.
والغريب ان هذه الجمله لها علاقه بsubjunctiveلذا تم التحويل بهذه الطريقه شكرا لحضراتكم شكرا
جميل جدا
أنا بحب دائما أشرحها مع قاعدة If
ومهمة جدا لطلبة المستوى الرفيع

لكن أعتقد أصل الجملة
If it is necessary, I will go
لو طلب نبدأ بـ Should
Should it be necessary, I will go
شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك

11-06-2011, 01:38 AM
بالنسبة للتوضيح اصل الجملة كان If it is necessary , I will go
عند استخدام should تكون + مصدر should it be necessary .

ابو بيشو
25-06-2016, 05:44 PM
شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا اااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا اااا

الاستاذ خالد زلط
25-06-2016, 08:50 PM
يا جماعة عادي ممكن يكون اصل الجملة if it is necessary او if it should be necessary لانه كما نعلم انه يجوز استخدام should في فعل الشرط لزيادة نسبة عدم احتمالية وقوع الحدث.

ابو بيشو
26-06-2016, 05:10 PM
• 'If you should have any free time, make sure you visit the old town.' (I don't really expect you will have any free time, but if you do...)
• 'Should you fail this exam, you can always re-take it next year.' (I think it's unlikely, but it's possible you may fail it and if you do...)
If you should see him again, walk the other way!
Should you see him again, walk the other way!

ابو بيشو
26-06-2016, 06:23 PM
2. There are three uses of should and would. Referring to the present or future, should is often used as an alternative to shall in connection with requests for advice or instruction: 'What do you think I should do now? Should I write him a letter, send him an e-mail, or should I try to phone him up?' Should is often used to talk about obligation and duty as an alternative to 'ought to': 'If you are still infectious, you should stay at home. You shouldn't be out and about, infecting everybody you meet.' 'You really should open a bank account. You shouldn't keep so much money in the house.' 'People with fierce dogs should keep them on a leash at all times.' Should is used after if when a slight possibility is suggested. 'If you should see her at the anniversary concert, do give her my best regards.' 'If I should bump into Tony, do you want me to remind him that he still owes you one hundred pounds?'

ابو بيشو
26-06-2016, 06:30 PM
We can use 'should' in 'if clauses' when we believe that the possibility of something happening is small.• If you should happen to see him before I do, can you tell him that I want to speak to him urgently?• If there should be a problem, just give me a call and I'll sort it out.• If anyone should ask where I am, say I'm in a meeting.

ابو بيشو
27-06-2016, 05:54 AM
اليكم منى كل احترام وتقدير شكرا

ابو بيشو
29-06-2016, 06:22 PM
2. There are three uses of should and would.
Referring to the present or future,
should is often used as an alternative to shall in connection with requests for advice or instruction: 'What do you think I should do now?
Should I write him a letter, send him an e-mail, or should I try to phone him up?'
Should is often used to talk about obligation and duty as an alternative to 'ought to':
'If you are still infectious, you should stay at home.
You shouldn't be out and about, infecting everybody you meet.'
'You really should open a bank account.
You shouldn't keep so much money in the house.
' 'People with fierce dogs should keep them on a leash at all times.'
Should is used after if when a slight possibility is suggested.
'If you should see her at the anniversary concert, do give her my best regards.'
'If I should bump into Tony, do you want me to remind him that he still owes you one hundred pounds?'