مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : محاضرة طرق تدريس لدبلوم تربوي قسم انجليزي جامعة الزقازيق

مستر هجان
04-12-2010, 01:08 AM
Community Language Teaching

Historical background

(By the mid 18s of the last century(1985
the industry of foriegn languages was maturing in its growth and moving towards in the direction of abroad approch and umberlla approch.this new approch encompassed varios methods and also encompassed other factors like motivation of learning,types of teachers and types of learners and their needs.

this broad approch has become the accepted norm by those specialists in the field and has become to be known as
Communicative Language Teaching (why)because it has encompassed many things under it from other methods.

Compared to earlier method, Communicative Language Teaching ,does a lot to expand on the good of communicative competence

key features


an emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction between learners
and leanrners and teacher

the introduction of outhntic text(original material as produced be natives)into the learning situation

the provision of oppotunities foe learners to focus on the learning process as well as the form og the language

an enhancement of learners personal experiences as important element to class learning

an attempt to link classroom language learning with activiation outside classroom



this approch focus on communication

giving learners opportunities to practise language
in everyday life situation

the introduction of authintic text


fleuncy is emphasized over accuracy

langauage is created by the individual often through
trial and error