مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اجابات Unit 10 من كتاب Bit by Bit

احمد القلش
21-04-2011, 08:35 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
تم ارفاق الملف لان
الاجابه فيه اكثر تنسيق
في انتظار الملحوظات
م/احمد القلش
Unit 10
General Exercises Lessons 1 – 2 P.14
(1) When are you coming
(2) how long are you staying
(3) What is your flight number
1- f)
2- e)
3- a)
4- b)
5- d)
1- Ali asked Tom if he were going to visit Aswan during his trip.
2- Mother asked Eans to clean the floor when she finished the cooking.
3- Ali asked Maged if he had ever been to Paris.
4- There is too little sugar in my tea.
5- During the film, he felt tired.

1- wanted
2- relaxing
3- asked
4- asked
5- little
A country I have been to
I visited Saudi Arabia last year. I travelled by plane with my father. I stayed in hotel for three days. We did ‘umrah during the last two days of Ramadaan.

General Exercises Lessons 3 – 4 – 5 P.29
(1) Yes,I have.
(2) Were the questions easy?
(3) Yes,I’m ready

The pyramids of dahshur
Thirty kilometers from the giza pyramids , there are some older pyramids , the pyramids of dahshur. Although not many tourists visit them , the pyramids of dahshur are imortand in the history of ancient Egypt. snefro , who was a great king of Egypt 4500 years ago , chose dahshur as the place for his tomb because it was near Memphis , the capital of ancient Egypt .
King snefro built two pyramids . the south or bent, pyramid and the north pyramid . the engineer made a mistake when he built the pyramid. As the workers were building it, they realied that it would be too tall and change direction
1- f)
2- e)
3- d)
4- a)
5- c)
1- d)
2- b)
3- b)
4- a)
5- b)
6- a)
7- c)
8- b)
9- c)
10- c)
11- d)

1- I asked him what his favourite subject was.
2- Please, lend me your bicycle.
3- Don’t forget wash the dishes, Hala.
4- Heba asked Mona if she had ever been to Aswan.
5- Too little sugar is good for your health.
To :
From :
About :
anna*infocenter.com (anna*infocenter.com)
Dear Anna
I will have my holidays in June. I’d like to invite you to visit egypt for a week. We Will visit Pyramids, Aswan and Luxor. Please write back and tell me if you can come.

Exercises for brilliant students
1- I wish I could buy a new computer.
2- He thanked me for carrying his bag.
3- The teacher said to the pupils, “You have to do your homework well.”
4- How many tomatoes did she buy?

Test 1 Unit 10 P.31
(1) You can take a taxi
(2) Is this your first visit
(3) I’m going to visit Luxor and Aswan.
1- I wish I could but I have to study.
2- Don’t come late again,please.
3- I’d like to invite you to my birthday party next Friday.
4- I’d love to come.
1- d)
2- e)
3- b)
4- c)
5- a)
1- Players ….. a net.
2- Tennis started in the mid-19th century.
3- Something is great.
4- d)132
5- c)sets
6- d)getting the most points

1- c)
2- b)
3- a)
4- b)
5- d)
6- a)
7- c)
8- c)

1- What is your uncle’s job?
2- I said to my brother not to forget to buy some fruit.
3- Would you like to drink orange juice?
4- The niece told her aunt that she only spoke when she was spoken to.

1- told
2- she was
3- advice
4- customer

666 Sabry St
20 June
Dear Peter
I’d like to invite you to my birthday party in 28 June at home.
My family and my friends will attend it. During the party, we are going to play playstation, dance, eat cake and have fun time. Please write back.

احمد القلش
21-04-2011, 08:47 PM
وانتظر باقي الوحدات قريبا ان شاء الله

28-05-2011, 04:18 PM
مجهود رائع
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