مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مراجعة وتمارين رائعة علي الوحدات الاولي الي الرابعة

29-09-2011, 06:54 AM
General Exercises Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- The boys went swimming .........................it was raining .
a) because b) so c) although d) that's why
2- Is Hany still waiting ........................me outside ?
a) at b) in c) for d) on 3) If you don't study hard, you will....................... mistakes .
a) take b) make c) give d) study
4- Arabic is the ...........................people speak in Egypt.
a) game b) sport c) subject d) language
5- Fady sometimes ...........................to soft music .
a) listen b) listens c) listening d) to listen
6- Mother...... ...............the dishes at the moment.
a) washes b) is washing c) washed d) was washing
7- Nour enjoys ...........................pictures .
a) painting b) paint c) painted d) paints
8- A ..........................guide should speak English well .
a) tower b) power c) lower d) tour
9- Reading is ......................... I enjoy it very much .
a) tiring b) boring c)fun d) uninteresting
10- My father asked me not to be ........................home .
a) late b) lately c) later d) last
11-1 can answer this question .........................about ten minutes .
a) for b) out c) in d) on
12- Gehan couldn't go to the club .........................she was ill .
a) so b) but c) because d) although
13- I'd like you ..........................me to solve this problem
a) helping b) help c) to help d) helped
14- Samir is very ill. The doctor thinks he will get ....................soon
a) good b) well c) best d) better
15- You were tired last night, how are you ......................now ?
a) feel b) feeling c) feels d) felt
16- Do you know who is the ..........................of this book ?
a) driver b) writer c) builder d) listener
17- People in Greece speak ...........................
a) Chinese b) Japanese c) French d) Greek
18- Pupils go to school ..........................learn .
a) to b)for c) on d)from
19- .........................you usually have your breakfast at home ?
a) Have b)Will c) Do d) Does
20- Rania works hard ............................be a manager.
a) because b) so c) or d) in order to
z Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
1- Many .....................a letter on the computer now . a) types b) is typing c) typed d) is typed
2-1 usually watch TV at 6 o'clock , but now I ..................a letter to
my pen-friend . a) write b) am writing c) wrote d) has written
3- Soha is a tennis player. She .........for the national team. a) plays b) was playing c) played d) had played
4- Students .............go to school on Fridays.
a) ever b) often c) usually d) never
5- We .......................all the questions now .
a) answer b) are answering c) answering d) answers
6- My cousin ..................for an international oil company .
a) working b) have worked c) works d) are working
7- Sometimes I .......................to school by bus .
a) goes b) go c) going d) gone
8- Mother ..................the dinner now . She can't answer the phone .
a) cooks b) has cooked c) is cooking d) was cooking
9- He never ..............................with matches . y . o
a) playing b) has played c) play d) plays
10- After school I usually .......................my mother . a) helps b) help c) helped d) helping
11- Why are you turning on the TV ? - 1 .......................the news.
a) watch b) am watching c) watched d) am going to watch
12- Magdy was very frightened,. ........ ..he ran away as fast as he could.
a) so that b) but c) so d) while
13- 1 went to Akhmim ..........................see the temple .
a) to b) in order that c) because d) so that
14- Salem climbed the tree..........................pick the fruit .
a) in order b) although c) however d) in order to
15- He borrowed a cassette ........'..............listen to the new song .
a) so that b) although c) after d) in order to
16- Farmers grow vegetables ....................sell them at the market .
a) although b) because c) to d) but
17- We stopped ........................have a rest .
a) in order b) in order to c) so d) so that
18- My brother went abroad .........................study medicine .
a) so that b) because c) in order to d) so
19- Basma went to the cinema .....................see the new film .
a) so b) in order to c) so that d) because
20- He telephoned me ................invite me to his sister's wedding party.
a) because b) so that c) to d) so
21- 1 am learning English ..........................join university .
a) so that b) in order to c) although d) so
22- He telephoned me .........................invite us to his party .
a) although b) because c) so that d) to
23- Esam is learning English ...........................get a better job.
a) because b) in order to c) so d) so that
24- 1 can't go out for dinner .......................it is very cold .
a) to b) in order to c) although d) because
25- Samia went to the market ......................buy some fruit .
a) for b) in order to c) so that d) because
26- You should read the questions carefully ..........get the best answers.
a) so that b) because c) to d) although
27- We can't go out for lunch ....................it is still raining .
a) to b) in order to c) because d) although
28- She telephoned me ...............invite my family to her birthday party
a) because b) although c) to d) so that
29- 1 went to America ...................improve my English .
a) so that b) in order to c) but d) because
30- Yesterday, I could not swim .......................the weather was bad .
a) after b) while c) because d) in order to
31- He was late, .....................his teacher was angry with him.
a) so b) because c) but d) although
32- Ali was unhappy ..........................he had lost his wallet .
a) although b) so c) but d) because
33- Mr Samy was very tired, ....................he didn't go to his office .
a) so b) although c) because d) but
34- 1 didn't like the film .......................1 left the cinema . a) but b) although c) because d) so
35- .......................it is very cold, I won't go out a) Because b) Although c) So d) But
36- The team won the match ..................they played well a) so b) although c) because d) but
37- He was ill....... ................he went to his office .
a) so4 b) because c) but d) although

-Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- A friend of yours greets you by saying, "Hello". How are you ?"
2- You want to greet your teacher in the morning .
3- You are introduced to Ahmed . You want to greet him .
4- You meet your friend with his cousin. Your friend introduces his cousin to you . What would you say ? 5- You meet someone for the first time 6- You meet a friend in the evening . Greet him .
7- You meet someone for the first time
8- A friend of yours greets you and asks how, you are . You reply .
9- You meet your friend in the street after school at 3 o'clock.
10- You meet your father's friend for the first time 11- You greet your mother before going to bed . 12- You meet your brother's friend for the first time 13- You meet your new boss for the first time .
14- You want to greet your parents before going to bed .
15- You meet your friend Hoda in the morning. 16- A school friend greets you and asks how you are . You reply
17- You tell Gehan what you usually do in the weekend .
18- You tell Kamel what you are doing at the moment.
19- You ask Ramy when he often watches TV .
20- You tell Wael how you go to school every day
21- You ask Leila about her health .
22- You introduce your pen-friend Jack to your family .
23- You greet someone in the evening .
24- You meet a tourist for the first time .

3- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning :
1- Sameh is training hard because he wants to win the gold medal . ( that's why…)
2- We are proud of Dr Zewail because he is famous . ( so )
3- Mr Samir is a good teacher, so everyone likes him . ( because)
4- Mrs Samya is a good teacher, so all the pupils like her. ( because)
5- I'm studying hard because I want to get high marks . ( so )
6- Hany is a polite student, so everyone likes him.
( because )
7- Ali fell ill, so he went to see a doctor . ( because )
8- He didn't like the film. He left the cinema . ( so )
9- Although Ahmed is not very tall, he plays basketball . ( but )
10- She was tired, so she went to bed. ( because )
11- He couldn't find his bicycle because somebody had stolen it. ( so )
12- Walid won the swimming race because he practised hard. ( so )
13- Farmers grow a lot of vegetables so that they can sell them at the market. (in order to )
14-I learn English so that I can travel abroad. ( in order to)
15- Our team trained very hard so that they could win the handball match . ( in order to )
16- He was ill. So he didn't go to work . ( because )
She borrowed the camera so that she could take some photographs
( in order to)
18- Skiing isn't a popular sport in our country because we don't have snow in winter . (so)
19- He lost his key, so he was angry. (because )
20- My father gave me some money so that I could buy new clothes.
(in order to)
21-1 want to be healthy , so I always eat fresh fruit. ( because )
Amr has been studying a lot so that he might get high marks.
( in order to)
22- Mr Salah borrowed my camera so that he could take some photographs . (in order to )
23- I see Ahmed playing tennis now .. ( is )
24- It's Heba's daily routine to have a cold shower. ( usually )
25- The jacket is expensive but Khalid will buy it. ( although )
26-1 can't answer this question because it is very difficult. ( so )
Read and match
l.Hany is waiting a. understand Japanese
b. I'm late.
2.1 usually enjoy using c. international language
3. Mostafa doesn't d. for the bus
e. from England
4. Til take a taxi because f. the internet 5. French is the third.
4-Read the following, then answer the questions below: (7.5 Marks)
Mazin usually spends his spare time in watching TV. He told me about an interesting film he watched on channel 2 last Friday. The story was about a clever dog. His owner used to send him to the market to buy things like newspapers. He put a basket around the dog's neck and a piece of paper on which he wrote a list of things he wanted to buy . He also put some money into the basket. One day, a thief followed the dog and tried to steal the money. The dog was very clever. It caught the thief until the police came and caught him. a] Answer the following questions:
1- Why did the thief follow the dog ?
2- How did Mazin spend his spare time?
3- What was the film story about?
ft) Choose the correct answer from a h, c or d
4- Mazin watched the film on channel.................
a. one b. two c. three d. four
5- Inside the basket, the dog's owner put................ .
a. a piece of paper b. some money c. both of them d. neither of them
6- The dog's owner used to send the dog to..................... .
a. school b. the zoo c. the circus d. the market
)_________________________________________________ _____________________________________(
5-Choose the correct answer from a, b, cord: (4 Marks)
1-The mechanic checked ........................... repaired my car,
a. to b. but c. and d. however
2-A journalist should ........................... English well.
a. speak b. make c. see d. hear
3- English, Arabic and French are ....................
a. religions b. sports c. hobbies d. languages
4- I'm interested .................... watching Indian films.
a. for b. in c. on d. of
5- Listen ! The phone ........................... .
a. rings b. ringing c. rang d. is ringing
6- I'm pleased ................. meet you.
a. to b. with c. for d. at
7- Hazim can write stories ................... English.
a. for b. from c. in d. on
8- Ahmed can't carry the bag .................. he is strong.
a. because b. but c. so d. although
6- Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give thesame meaning : (4 Marks)
1- It's my habit to watch TV at night. (I usually)
2- Hamid plays well because he wants to get the cup.( in order to )
3- The question is very difficult but I can answer it. (Although)
4- The weather is fine, so we can go swimming. (because)
7- Read and correct the following underlined words. ( 4 marks)
1) Fady listen to music every night.
2) I bought the book although I didn't start reading it.
3) My uncle went to the airport to taking the plane to France .
4) November is a day .
8 Write a paragraph of about 5 sentences on (5Marks)
Why we learn English.
(You may use the following guiding words.)
Most people / important / history / travel / books / e-mails .
E- The Reader { Chapter (1) 6 Marks
)————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————
9) a) Answer the following questions: 1) What was professor Lidenbrock?
2) Why did Axel come to live with his uncle?
3) What was Axel proud of ?
4) What did the professor say about Saknussemm?
b) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
(2 Marks)
5) Runes are .................................................. ................................
6) The Professor decided not to .......................or.................. until he
discovered the secrets .

General Exercises A- Choose the correct answer from a , b, c or d :
1- ...............my Dad was working in the garden, I was swimming
in the pool.
a) While b) Because c) After d) Before
2- When the small boy saw the gorilla, he was very ............and
began to cry .
a) happy b) pleased c) frightened d) interested 3......................you mind if I do my homework after we eat ?
a) Did b)Do c) Can d) Will
4- I'd rather you............borrow my pen, Soha . - Sorry I need it.
a) won't b) can't c) haven't d) didn't
5- Could I.......................my car here, please ?
a) sleep b) leave c) take d) send
6- Enas.....................the story in bed when the fire began .
a) read b) is reading c) reading d) was reading
7- There was an interesting film .....................TV last night.
a) in b) at c) on d) of
8- On his way home from school, Reda.............. under a tram .
a) fell b) is falling c) falling d) was falling
9- Hassan is good at playing .........................tennis .
a) floor b) table c) window d) chair
10- I'd like to go to the .........................to get my car repaired .
a) garage b) office c) clinic d) club
11- My father usually helps me to .....................the homework .
a) make b) give c) take d) do
12-1 met an old friend .................my way home from school.
a) in b) on c) at d) by
13- How about a .................of chess ?
a) game b) play - c) sport d) jump
14- Teachers stand ........................their pupils while explaining
lessons .
a) behind b) in front of c) over d) under
15-We should get up early .................catch the school bus .
a) for b) by c) to d) from
16- Td rather .................the bus to school.
a) take b)took c) to take d) taken
17- Pupils go to school to ...........................different subjects.
a) play b) sleep c) learn d) teach
18-1 can't ...........................where I have parked my car.
a) remember b) forget c) see d) understand
19- Could I have orange .............................please ?
a) soup b) liquid c) jelly d) juice
20- Passers-by must walk on the ..............................
a) road b) street c) pavement d) rails
B- Read and correct the underlined words :
1- Ali plavs football last Saturday .
2- Do you mend if I leave my car here ?
3- Samia was travelling to Alex while she had a terrible accident.
4- Is it OK when I leave early ?
C- Read the following, then answer the questions :
Bassim is now an engineer and he is married with two children. He lives in a big flat in Giza . He usually tells his children stories about his childhood . Last night he told them a story that happened to him when he went to visit his uncle in France. At that time, he was ten years old. It was winter and the weather was cold . One day, he went for a walk with his uncle . They were walking by a lake when they saw a woman who was walking on the ice on the lake . Suddenly, the ice broke and the woman fell into the water. Bassim's uncle couldn't go on the ice because he was too heavy, but Bassim ran to the woman and helped her out ofthe water. He was very brave . A- Answer the following Questions :
1- How many children did Bassim have ?
2- Why couldn't Bassim's uncle help the woman ?
3- What was the weather like at that time ?
B- Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
4- That story happened when Basim was ..................years old .
a- two b- forty c- ten d- twenty
5- Bassim was walking by a lake with ........................ .
a- two children b- his uncle c- a woman d- no one
6- The underlined words " helped her out of" mean Bassim .....................the woman .
Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
Write what you would say in each of the following
1- You ask someone to help you move a heavy thing .
2- You ask a visitor to have some food . 3- You need help from your friend with a problem.
4- You ask your teacher to help you answer some difficult
5- You have missed a week of school . Ask your friend to help you with your homework 6- You want your mother to iron your shirt
7- You want someone to lend you some money .
8- You ask your friend to help you in choosing a tie that matches your suit .
9- You want Soha to lend you her pen. 10- The bus is very hot . You ask a passenger to open the window 11- Your brother says, " Would you mind opening the window ?"
12- You are carrying a heavy bag and you need help.
13- You ask your sister to lend you some money . 14- You want somebody to lend you some money .
15- You want to know the meaning of a word in English .
16- Your friend said, "May I use your telephone?" You agree .
17- It's too hot . You ask your friend to open the window .
18- Your friend wants to use your telephone . You agree .
19- You want your friend to open the door .
20- It is too hot and you ask your friend to open the classroom window 21- It's very cold . You ask your brother to shut the window .
22- You ask your friend to help you because you have too much work to
23- You would like to use your friend's telephone .
24- You have got a difficult homework and you ask your father to help you .
25- You want your friend to lend you some money .
26- Your friend asks to borrow your camera and you agree .
27- You want someone to lend you some money .
28- You want your friend to open the door . .
29- Someone is asking for help and you reply. 30- You ask your mother to help you with your homework .
31- You want to find the way to the zoo . 32- A visitor comes to your house 33- You give a friend a glass of juice .
B- Chose the correct answer from a , b, c or d :
"Wwnw.-.'.-.-:--.'.-.-.-;--. * *
1- Rasha ..............tea when the telephone rang .
a) made b) was making c) makes d) has made
2- The baby ...................when I opened the door a) crawl b) is crawling c) was crawling d) has crawled
3- When the phone rang, I ..................a story .
a) read b) was reading c) am reading d) have read
4- While he .............his bicycle, he fell off and broke his leg.
a) rides b) is riding c) rode d) was riding
5- Many was burning rubbish when his clothes.................. fire .
a) catch b) caught c) is catching d) catches
6- When the door bell rang, she .......................the dishes .
a) washed b) washed c) was washing d) is washing
7- .......................you sleeping when the telephone rang ?
a) Have b) Were c)Are d) Did
8- Ali ....................when his flat caught fire . mi a) study b) studied c) studies d) was studying
9- It ...............................all night yesterday . y»*^ us
a) rains b) is raining c) was raining d) will rain
10-My sister ..............when mother arrived home a) sleep b) sleeping c) was sleeping d) sleeps
11-1 was watching TV when the telephone .....................
a) ring b) rang c) rings d) ringing
12-He ...................TV when they switched the electricity off.
a) watched b) am watching c) watching d) was watching
13-Hani was driving home when he ....................an accident.
a) has b) had c) was having d) have
14-1 ......................the newspaper when the telephone rang .
a) was reading b) am reading c) have been reading d) reading
15-1 .........................lunch when my friend phoned
a) was having b) have c) have had d) am having
16-My sister ..................TV when my uncle came to visit us .
a) is watching b) has watched c) will watch d) was watching
a) ring b) ringing c) rang d) rings
18-The telephone rang ......................they were watching TV.
19-The phone rang .....................I was having lunch .
a) during b) after c) while d) when
20-While I ..................in the street, I met my friend .
a) walk b) walked c) walks d) was walking
21-My mother fell asleep while she ........................the film .
a) watching b) was watching c) watched d) watches

22-Their boat sank while they ......................through the storm .
a) are sailing b) were sailing c) sailing d) sail
23-The light went out while I .....................my homework .
a) do b) did c) doing d) was doing
24-The pilot disappeared ......................he was flying over the
Pacific Ocean.
a) while b) during c) after d) before
25-The telephone rang twice ......................we were talking .
a) during b) while c) although d) since
26............... ......he was running , he fell and broke his leg .
a) After b) Before c) During d) While
27-The phone rang .........................I was having lunch .
a) during b) after c) before d) while
28-The plane disappeared .....................it was flying over the
Red Sea .
a) while b) before c) during d) after
29-Ibn Battuta's boat sank while he ................through a storm .
a) was sailing b) sail c) sailing d) had sailed
30-He came ......................we were playing a) while b) during c) after d) before
31................. I was watching TV, someone knocked at the door .
a) After b) Before c) Since d) While
32-1 was watching TV ......................the light went out . a ) while b )when c )therefore d )during
C- Rewrite the following sentences using the wordf s) in brackets to give the same meaning :
1- The telephone rang during breakfast. ( while )
2- I fell asleep during the film. ( while )
3- The plane disappeared during its flight over the Pacific Ocean.
( While )
4- I was waiting for you when it started to rain. ( while )
5- During the party, the two young women listened to music. ( While ).
Test 2
H A- Language Functions (7 marks)
1- Finish the following dialogue : (3 marks ) A tourist is speaking to a bookseller. Good morning . Do you speak English ?
Tourist Yes, I do. .....(!)....................... ?

Bookseller I want a book about the history of Egypt.
Tourist OK, here you are . ......................(2).,...,...............?

Bookseller It's ten pounds . .......................(3).......................,

Tourist You Ye welcome, sir.

2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
(4 marks)
1- You ask your friend to shut the window because you feel cold.
2- You think the lesson is difficult. You want your mother to help you .
3- You want to know the meaning of a new word in English .
4- Amr wants to use your mobile. You give him a negative reply .
B- Reading Comprehension (10 marks) 3- Read and match : (2.5 marks)
1- Do you mind if I visit AJi ?
2- Is it OK if I use your pen ?
a. Sorry. It's Samy's , he is hungry
b. Of course, you're very kind.
3- Do you mind if I play tennis? c. Not at all, I hope he'll get
d. No, sorry. Its broken .
washing up ? e. I'd rather you didn't, he is
5- May I eat this cake, please?
home late
4- Read the following, then answer the questions:(7.5 M)
Gehan is a student at a prep school . She likes English very much . She also likes sports and games . Her best sport is table tennis and she always wins prizes for that at school games. Gehan's best friend is called Sama . She goes to the same class with Gehan . She is a very good runner . The two girls often go out together in the evening .
One evening, they went out to practise their sports in the school ground . After they had finished, they went back home . They live on different streets . When Gehan reached home, she phoned Sama and told her what happened while she was going home . While Gehan was walking home along a quiet street near her house, she saw a thief come up behind a little girl and tried to pull her necklace off her neck . Gehan ran quickly and hit him hard on his head. He fell down, then he stood up and ran away. A- Answer the following questions :
1 - Where do Gehan and Sama usually practise sports ?
2 - How was Gehan a brave girl ?
3 - What's Gehan's favourite sport ?
B" Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
4- Sama is a good........................ .
a- swimmer b- runner c- player d- trainer
5- The thief tried to steal ...................necklace .
a- a girl's b- Gehan's c- Sama's d- a woman's
6- Both Gehan and Sama ^o to a .......................school .
a- secondary b- primary c- prep d- nursery C . Usage and Writing (17 marks)
5- Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : (4 M)
1- You should always say "please" to make a polite ...............
a- reader b - story c - request d - page
2-1 got a ................because I came second in the running race .
a- medal b - message c - mirror d - metal
3- The .................games have many sports in them, for example
swimming and athletics .
a - Paralympic b - parachuting c - popular d - prize
4 - I'd rather you ..............drink coffee at night.
a - wouldn't b - couldn't c - hadn't d - didn't
5 - Riham found my book when she.......................the room .
a - cleaned b - was cleaning c - cleaning d - cleans
6- The............says "No Smoking'', so you can't smoke here .
a - radio b - newspaper c - TV d - sign
7- The man uses a............as he lost his legs in a train accident.
a - chair b - wheelchair c - bicycle d - desk
8- What was Omar doing.............! saw him at the bank yesterday?
a - if b - because c - when d - so
6 - Rewrite the following using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning : (4 M)
1- Do you mind if I sit on this chair ? ( Is )
2- I'd prefer to listen to soft music . ( rather )
3- Hady was walking home when he met Radwa . ( while)
4- My father arrived while we were watching TV. ( When )
7- Read and correct the underlined words : (4 M)
1 - Do you rather drink Pepsi or Cola ?
2 - May I leaving now , please ?
3 - Hatem broke his arm while he is playing football .
4 - The brave girl saves her family from fire last night.
8- Write a paragraph of five (5) sentences on : (5 M)
"A visit to the zoo" You may use the following guiding points :
- When you went to the zoo .
- Whom you went with .
- How you went there .
- Things you took with you .
- What you saw there and your return time .
E- The Reader ( Chapter 1) (6 m)
9- A- Answer the following questions : (4 marks)
1) What is the difference between the writing of the book and the parchment?
2) How did the Professor express his anger about not reading the message?
3) Why couldn't the Professor read the runes ?
4) Why did many geologists come to Hamburg University?
B- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences
(2 marks
5) The Professor used a magnifying glass to ................................
6) Martha was worried about............................................. ...........
General Exercises
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1- Let's ..........................this computer game .
a) played b) play c) plays d) playing
2- You ..........................ill for a week. How are you feeling today ?
a) had been b) were c) will be d) have been
3-1 have written a letter to some of my friends ................. World pc
Friends Club.
a) on b) in c) of d) inside
4- Staying in bed for a week was really................ . I was very unhaprv
a) interesting b) boring c) good d) nice
5- Why don't we ......................a video ?
a) watch b) listen c) make d) write
6- I'm not very ...........................on learning Chinese .
a) interested b) happy c) pleased d) keen
7- The ship captain is worried because he doesn't know...........they are,
a) how b) when c) where d) what
8- The weather yesterday was ....................,it was windy and rainy.
a) nice b) terrible c) fine d) god
9-1 haven't paid the mechanic yet. I ...........................my money .
a) will lose b) lose c) may lose d) have lost
10-1 haven't received a reply from you ................................
a) yet b) already c) just d) ever.
11- Has Maha ......................to school yet ?
a) being b) been c) to be d) be
12- It's the cheapest book I have .................bought.
a) never b) ever c) yet d) just
13-1 thank you ............................your kind letter.
a) for b) on c) at d) in
14- Write your pen-friend's address on the ...........................
a) envelope b) stamp c) coin d) sign
15- Hassan bought a car two weeks..............................
a) already b) yet c) just d) ago
16- Egypt ..............................cotton to other countries .
a) imports b) exports c) buys d) takes
17-1 have spoken to Hatem ...........................the mobile phone .
a) in b) at c) on d) of
18- Try to do your work without .......................mistakes .
a) doing b) making c) taking d) giving
19- Nadia has been ill for a long time . She has become so .................
a) strong b) healthy c)weak d) fit
20- This supermarket is full of.................who want to buy their needs .
a) customers b) sellers
c) producers d) managers
———————————————————————————————————————————;—————— —
B) Write a letter to your friend Heba thanking her for visiting you last week when you were ill. Tell her you are feeling much better now. Tell her you will be back to school next week and you will have a small party next month and you want her to come. Your name is Seham and you live at EI-Hamad street, Tanta .
C) Write what you would say in each of the following situations :
1-You suggest having a walk in the park .
2- You disagree to your friend's suggestion to listen to music .
i- You ask Rihab if she has ever been to England .
4- You tell your teacher that you have just written the letter.
D) Read and correct the underlined words : ) 1)Why doesn't we watch the match ? (. 2) Ali has bought a car two weeks ago 3) How about go to Amir's house tonight ?
4) Have you ever visit Cairo Museum ?
-Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- Your friend suggests going to the zoo. You agree. 2- Your brother says, " Let's go to the cinema. " You don't agree.
3- Your sister suggests having dinner out, but you don't like the idea .
4- Your friend suggests going to the club and you like the idea .
5- You suggest going to the theatre with your friends at the weekend.
6- Your friend suggests going to the club, but you have a lot of work to
7- You suggest spending the weekend on your grandfather's farm.
8- Your cousin suggests watching a film, but you don't like the idea .
9- Your friend says, " Let's watch a video." You agree .. 10- Your friend suggests going to Alexandria Library. You like the idea.
11- You speak with your brother and suggest taking him and watch a film in the cinema . 12- Your friend suggests watching a film on TV and you don't agree .
13- You suggest spending the mid-year holiday in Alex.
14- You suggest going to the zoo on Friday . 15- Your friend suggests playing basketball and you agree .
16- Your friend telephoned and said, " Let's go shopping" , but you are busy17- Your friend suggests going to the cinema and you agree.
18- Your friend says, " Let's play football . " You agree. 19- You suggest your sister play a computer game .
20- You suggest having a meal at a restaurant .
21- The mid-year You suggest spending it on your uncle's farm.
22- You suggest visiting your friend Ahmed who is ill. 23- Your friends suggest playing football, and you like the idea .
24- You suggest going to the cinema .
2- Choose the correct answer from a , b c or d :
1- We ...............atschool since September. a) had been b) were c) are being d) have been
2- Have you finished your homework? - Yes, I...........it-two hours ago.
a) finished b) finishing c) finish d) have finished
3- Mother .............................the ironing yet .
a) is not finishing b) has not finished , c) will not finish d) would not finish
4- This school was built ten years .......................
a) since b) ago c) before d) yet
5- Mother has cooked ........................two hours . r •* t
a) for b) since c) ago d) until
6- I've never....... ........ ........in the canal in our village .
a) swim b) swims c) swam d) swum
7- I haven't eaten fish ............................five months . v » * t
a) since b) for c) just d) already
8~ My pen-friend sent me a letter two months ................. t . -
a) yet b) ago c) for d) since
9- I have been living in Sohag ...................1990. mi
a) for b) since c) yet d) ago
10-She hasn't finished her homework ........................ y
a) yet b) for c) ago d) since
11-Since a month , my uncle ..................ill.
a) had been b) will be c) has been d) was
12-I've been at this school .............just over two years, m
a) from b) for c) since d) ago
13-They ...................the questions yet .
a) answered b) have answered c) haven't answered d) will answer
14- We ................... eaten fish since we were jn Alexandria,
a) hasn't b) don't c) didn't d) haven't
15-Our school team has finished the match .....................two o'clock.
a) since b)for c) ago d) when
16-Have you ever .........................an accident ? * « •
a) has b) have c) had d) having
17-He hasn't gone to school since he ....................HI. x. ^
a) had been b) was c) is d) had been
18- Have you been to Cairo, Ali ? - Yes I .............there three weeks ago.
a) was b) am c) have beend) will be
19-We haven't ......................our grandmother for a week .
a) seen b) saw c) see d) sees
20-She has been here ..........................five o'clock . y . < y
a) already b) ago c) since d) for
21-We have been playing tennis here ........................four o'clock
a) since b) ago c) for d) last 22-I've been learning English .......................five years .
a) since b) ago c) for d) next
23- Have you seen Ahmed ? - Yes, I .............him two days ago .
a) have seen b) seen c) saw d) see 24-How long has Faten been ..............,..,,....„.?
a) slept b) sleep c) sleeping d) sleeps
a) team
25-How long have you ............................English ? t.*i
a) learn b) learns c) learning d) been learning
3- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning :
1-1 have lived in Cairo for three years . ( since )
2-1 have been learning English since 1996. ( for)
3- My father has been working in this factory since 1995 . ( for )
4- Hassan has been working as a doctor since 2000 . (for)
5-1 have been learning English for 5 years. since )
6- Maged has been ill since 1996. ( for )
7-1 haven't visited Luxor since 1997. ( for ) 8- We are in 2000 . We haven't seen him for three years . since )
9- 1 started learning English in 2000. since )
10- She has lived in Biala for three years .
( since )
A- Language Functions (7 marks)
1- Finish the following dialogue between Karam and Haithm: Karam Hello Haithm ! Did you have a good weekend ? Haithm Yes , ..............(l)..........but I feel tired today .
Karam Really ! ..........(2)..................................?
Haithm Well, in the morning I played football and in the
evening I helped my mother. Karam ................(3).............................,. ..........?
Haithm Yes, I did my homework . ——•——————————————————————————————————cr
2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations :
(3 marks)
1- You suggest switching the radio on to listen to the news .
2- You accept your sister's suggestion to order Shawarma.
3- You tell your mother that you have already washed the dishes .
4- Your friend suggest playing tennis . You disagree .
B- ReadL 3- Read and match :
.S E R !
.omprehension (10 marks)
(2.5 marks)
1- You write your friend's address a. about yourself and your family.
2- You put the letter
3- You should thank your friend
4- You tell him some news
5- You should ask him
b. on the envelope c. to write again soon d. inside the envelope e. to leave early, f. for writing to you .
- Read the following, then answer the questions: (7.5 marks)
My uncle went to England on business last year. His flight home left at 9 o'clock in the morning . So on the last night , he went to bed early and set his alarm clock for 6 o'clock . Unfortunately, the battery was old and the clock stopped in the middle of the night . He didn't wake up until 7 o'clock and he didn't have time for breakfast . Because he was so late, he decided not to go to the airport by bus . He called a taxi, but because he was in a hurry, he left his passport on the desk at the hotel reception . On the way to the airport, he realized that he didn't have his passport . He asked the taxi driver to go back to the hotel . When he picked up his passport, the traffic was heavy and he reached the airport too late. His flight had already left.
A) Answer the following questions :
1- Why did the alarm clock stop in the middle of the night?
2- Why didn't the man have his breakfast ?
3- Where did the man leave his passport ?
B) Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :
4- The man knew he didn't have his passport in the ......................
a) airport b) hotel c) taxi d) plane
5- The man was late because ................................
a) he went to the airport by bus
b) he went there by taxi
c) he had to go back to the hotel
d) he lost his passport
6- The underlined word " unfortunately" means ........................
a) unhappy b) unusually c) unluckily d) unwisely
C- Usage & Writing (17 marks) 5- Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : (4 marks)
1- Have you ......................been to Sharm ?
a) never b) yet c) just d) ever
2- Hassan now works for an import and ......................company ,
a) export b) science c) buying d) selling
3- Let's go swimming . OK ............................... .not ?
a) when b) what c) why d) how
4- Well watch the match .................................TV.
a) at b) for c) on d) in
5- The .........................has blown the ship to the north .
a) wind b) rain c) drivers d) sailors
6- When you are very hungry , you feel ................................
a) strong b) happy c) pleased d) weak
7- Why don't we .............................rest for some time ?
a) taken b) take c) took d) taking
8- I ................................a computer yet .
a) have not bought b) didn't buy c) hadn't bought d) won't buy
6- Rewrite the following using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning : (4 marks)
1. How about telling Nadia the bad news ? ( Let's )
2. It's my first time to visit Luxor . ( never )
3. Sara finished drawing the picture a short time ago . ( has just )
4. Why dont we play a game of chess ? ( Could )
7- Read and correct the underlined words: (4 marks)
1. Shall we went to the doctor tonight ?
2. Maher have been in bed for a week .
3. Nawal hasn't prepared her bag already .
4. Why about having a meal here ? d
8- Write a letter to your English pen-friend Jones using the information provided to tell hint about : (5 marks)
- Your nationality . - Birthplace
- Your school - Hobbies
Your name is Murad and you live at 12 Shatby street , Alexandria .
D- The Reader Chapter ( ( 6 Marks)
9- a) Answer the following questions : ( 4 marks )
1) How did Axel break the secret code?
2) What did Axel want to do with the parchment ?
3) As it was said by the Professor , what should scientists do ?
|) Why did Axel warn his uncle of going down into the centre of a* volcano?
|) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
( 2 marks)
|)The morning passed without breakfast and lunch, so Axel decided ..
)The professor cried greatly and jumped to his feet when..............

مستر محمد سلام
25-05-2012, 03:33 AM
may allah bless uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
may allah bless uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
may allah bless uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
may allah bless uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

hassanin Galal
28-12-2012, 01:43 AM