omar eed
24-06-2012, 06:17 AM
ÇÑÌæ Çí ãÐßÑÉ ãÑÇÌÚÉ ãÓÊæí æÇÓÆáå Úáí Çá rewrite

reem abdou
28-06-2012, 11:34 AM
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning
1- Their father's death affected them greatly. (effect)
1. Their father's death had a great effect on them.
2- She didn't buy the car because the money she had was not enough. (If)
2. If the money she had had been enough, she would have bought the car.
3- He is a famous man. (of)
3. He is a man of fame.
4- They blamed him for the theft. (on)
4. They blamed the theft on him.
5- After he had finished studying his lessons, he had a walk. (only when)
5. It was only when he had finished studying his lessons that he had a walk.
6- On watching the programme on TV, she went to bed . (until)
6. She didn't go to bed until she had watched the programme on TV.
7- I didn't enjoy the meal due to my sickness. (if only)
7. If only I hadn't been sick, I would have enjoyed the meal
or If only I had been healthy, I would have enjoyed the meal.
8- On holiday, I read English novels and watch TV Oscar films. (spend)
8. I spend my holiday reading English novels and watching Oscar films.
9- University graduates find difficulty getting governmental jobs. (it is)
9. It is difficult for university graduates to get governmental jobs.
10- I expected him to fail the exam but he passed. (expectation)
10. My expectation of his failure turned out to be wrong.
11- He says to me, "I always win the race." (tells)
11. He tells me (that) he always wins the race.
12- She said to him, "I love you more than my tongue can tell". (told)
12. She told him that she loved him more than her tongue could tell.
13- By whom was this untrue story told? (who)
13. Who told this untrue story?
14- This mountain is terrifically high. (height)
14. This mountain has a terrific height.
15- To my surprise, I found several letters on the mat. (expected)
15. Several letters were not expected to be found on the mat.
16- The students spent more time studying unit five which was not included in the exam. (needn't)
16. The students needn't have spent more time studying unit five.
17- I said I was extremely sorry for what had happened. (expressed)
17. I expressed my extreme sorrow for what had happened.
18- The Egyptian approach towards the Gulf crisis was friendly. (the Egyptians)
18. The Egyptians approached the Gulf crisis in a friendly way.
19- I haven't seen such a beautiful girl in my life. (Never)
19. Never have I seen such a beautiful girl in my life.
20- In the journey to Suez, we drove from 6:00 am to 8:30 am. (It took)
20. It took us two hours and a half to drive to Suez.
21 - They are building him a villa. (having)
21. He is having a villa built.
22- With the help of modern technology we can improve the agricultural production. (enable)
22. Modern technology enables us to improve agricultural production.
23- There has been a lot of research into cancer in the last fifty years. (doing)
23. Scientists have been doing a lot of research into cancer in the last fifty years.
24- It was a great honour for our factory when the president visited it. (honoured)
24. The president's visit honoured our factory.
25- We are proud of our son. He has just got his master degree. (pride)
25. Our son's master degree gives us pride.
26- We were passive but we took a positive attitude from the time our father blamed us. (since)
26. We were passive but we have taken a positive attitude since our father blamed us.
27- I respect him regardless of his mistakes. (Whatever)
27. Whatever his mistakes are, I respect him.
28- Switch off the machine. (it)
28. Switch it off.
29- He is efficient in this field. (efficiency)
29. He has efficiency in this field.
30- The cow was fed a short time ago. (already)
30. The cow has already been fed.
31- The mechanic is going to mend our car. (we are)
31. We are going to have our car mended.
32- He justified his absence by a false story. (made up)
32. He justified his absence by a made-up story.
33- They hardly go to the theatre , ..........? (question tag)
33. They hardly go to the theatre, do they?
34- These books on grammar are not easy to find. (rare)
34. These books on grammar are rare.
35- He only objected to traveling by ship. (objection)
35. His only objection was travelling by ship.
36- If you buy a product at a high price, it will be more reliable. (The higher)
36. The higher the price of the product is, the more reliable it is.
37- Open that bag , .............you? (complete)
37. Open that bag, will you?
38- I hardly ever go there. (never)
38. I almost never go there.
39- He nearly drowned. (about)
39. He was about to drown.
40- He hurried so that he wouldn't miss the train. (in case)
40. He hurried in case he should miss the train.
41- Nobody tells the truth , .........? (question tag)
41. Nobody tells the truth, do they?
42- She was seen by the dead man. (saw)
42. Someone saw her by the dead man.
43- They got married last week. (marriage)
43. Their marriage took place last week.
44- I think that the accident took place because of the driver's carelessness. (It)
44. It is thought that the accident took place because of the driver's carelessness.
45- She didn't buy more sugar as there is enough at home. (have)
45. You shouldn't have parked in this place.
46- He was poor that is why he couldn't buy the flat. (If it)
46. Let's have a swim, shall we?
47- You deserve a fine since you parked in this place . (should)
47. She didn't have to buy more sugar as there is enough at home.
48- Let's have a swim. (we)
48. If it hadn't been for his poverty, he could have bought the flat.
49- They fell ill because the water they drank was polluted. (the pollution)
49. The pollution in the water they drank made them fall ill.
50- I believe that Shakespeare is the most outstanding playwright in English literature. (be)
50. Shakespeare is believed to be the most outstanding playwright in English literature.
Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) between brackets without changing
1- The angry woman accusingly looked at him. (an accusing look)
1. The angry woman gave him an accusing look.
2- The watchman made absolutely sure that there was a fire. He couldn't do anything about it
himself. He rang the fire brigade.ÝÑÞÉ ÇØÝÇÁ (it wasn't until)
2. It wasn't until the watchman made absolutely sure that there was a fire and he couldn't do anything about it himself that he rang the fire brigade.
3- You can make popcorn ÝÔÇÑwithout having a popcorn machine. (even if)
3. You can make popcorn even if you don't have a popcorn machine.
4- Children often make noise when they play. (very noisy)
4. Children are often very noisy when they play.
5- Unless they leave the party at exactly 9:00 am, they will be late for work. (otherwise)
5. They must leave the party at exactly 9:00 am, otherwise they will be late for work.
6- Not only is your answer wrong but mine is. (neither... nor)
6. Neither your answer nor mine is right.
7- He didn't leave without taking the money. (No sooner)
7. No sooner had he taken the money than he left.
8- All Egyptians are responsible for defending Egypt. (responsibility)
8. Defending Egypt is the responsibility of all Egyptians.
Or It is the responsibility of all Egyptians to defend Egypt.
9- The government has released a number of prisoners. (a number of prisoners)
9. A number of prisoners have been released.
10- His success greatly pleased his parents. (pleasure)
10. His parents received (the news of) his success with great pleasure.
Or His success filled his parents with great pleasure.
11- Temperature rose sharply yesterday. (There was)
11. There was a sharp rise in temperature yesterday.
12- I have no idea what happened to him, and I don't care, either. (neither)
12. I have no idea what happened to him and neither do I care.
13- The surgeon had to cut out her appendix ÇáÒÇÆÏÉ ÇáÏæÏíÉas it wasn't necessary any longer.(no longer)
13. The surgeon had to cut out her appendix as it was no longer necessary.
14- The damage caused by the first earthquake was greater than the second one. (not as)
14. The damage caused by the second earthquake was not as great as the first one.
15- Our neighbours had such a fierce dog that no one dared to go near their house.
(Our neighbours' dog)
15. Our neighbours' dog was so fierce that no one dared to go near their house.
16- The bad weather delayed the flight to London. (got)
16. The flight to London got delayed due to the bad weather.
17- We expect a slight rise in temperature tomorrow. (slightly)
17. Temperature is expected to rise slightly tomorrow.
18- We should encourage our students to be independent learners. (discourage)
18. We should discourage our students from being dependent learners.
19- The plane took off. It returned to the airport. (No sooner)
19. No sooner had the plane taken off than it returned to the airport.
20- The boy in blue jeans, is my nephew. (whose)
20. The boy, whose jeans are blue, is my nephew.
21- He didn't go to school because of his illness. (therefore)
21. He was ill therefore he didn't go to school.
22- I can't send him a letter because his address is unknown. (were)
22. Were I to know his address, I would send him a letter.
Or Were his address known. I would send him a letter.
23- Were I in your place, I would not buy this car. (had better)
23. You had better not buy this car.
24- He said, "I didn't take the camera." (denied)
24. He denied taking the camera.
25- The thief escaped when he saw the police. (seeing)
25. Seeing the police, the thief escaped.
26- After we had encouraged him, he achieved much more progress. (Encouraged)
26. Encouraged by us, he achieved much more progress.
27- Water boils at 100 °C. (if)
27. if we heat water to 100 °C, it boils.
28- Production in this factory declined because of the carelessness of its worker (unless)
28. Unless the factory workers have been careless, production wouldn't have declined.
29- This flat is not completely decorated. (still)
29. This flat still needs to be decorated, or decorating or decoration.
30- He helped me that's why I passed the exam. (without)
30. Without his help, I wouldn't have passed the exam.
31 - She was extremely beautiful. Everybody admired her. (But for)
31. But for her extreme beauty, nobody would have admired her.
32- With the microscope, scientists can see tiny objects. (enables)
32. The microscope enables scientists to see tiny objects.
33- We rarely see this variety of butterflies any more. (Rarely)
33. Rarely do we see this variety of butterflies any more.
34- You will understand what true responsibility is only when you become a parent. (Only when)
34. Only when do you become a parent, you will understand what true responsibility is.
35- We never saw such a good film. (Never)
35. Never did we see such a good film.
36- No one should go near this man . He is dangerous. (On no account)
36. On no account should any one go near this man.
37- You shouldn't leave this house on any condition. (In no circumstances)
37. In no circumstances should you leave this house
38- They seldom think that one day their son would be a famous musician. (Little)
38. Little do they think that-one day their son would be a famous musician.
39- Romeo and Juliet were two lovers. Their parents hated each others, (whose)
39. Romeo and Juliet, whose parents hated each others, were two lovers.
40- The governor is likely to attend the meeting of the Green Party. (doubtful)
40. It's doubtful that the governor will attend the meeting of the Green Party.
41- Unless the driver had used the brakes, the child would have been hit. (But for)
41. But for the brakes, the driver had used, the child would have been hit.
But for using the brakes, the driver would have hit the child.
42- The International SymposiumãÄÊãÑ was held at the UNESCO Center in Beijing.
(The UNESCO Center)
42. The UNESCO Center in Beijing is the place where the International Symposium was held .
43- He as well as we is interested in the current events. (We)
43. We as well as he are interested in the current events.
44- They realized, only then, the critical situation they put themselves in. (Only then)
44. Only then did they realize the critical situation they put themselves in.
45- Though my uncle knew nothing of music, he encouraged me. (knowledge)
45. Though my uncle had no knowledge of music, he encouraged me.
46- It's unwise to bathe immediately after a meal, (afterwards)
46. It's wise to bathe, afterwards, you can have a meal, or It is unwise of you to have a meal and bathe afterwards.
47- They have just arrived. (now)
47. They arrived just now.
48- Yara will finish her exams, then she will go to Alexandria. (After Yara)
48. After Yara has finished her exams, she will go to Alexandria.
49- I really regret behaving badly. (supposed)
49. I wasn't supposed to behave badly.
50- I wish I were with you. (should)
50. I should be with you now.

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Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning
1. It was impossible to resist accepting such an attractive offer. (We can't)
1- We can't resist accepting such an attractive offer.
2. You will find the prices of our goods in our published price list. (be)
2-The prices of our goods will be found in our published price list.
3. Two priceless paintings were stolen from the art gallery because a security system
wasn't fitted. (Had)
3- Had a security system been fitted, two priceless paintings wouldn't have been stolen.
4. She didn't mean to hurt you and deeply regrets what she said. (She deeply)
4- She deeply regrets what she said as she didn't mean to hurt you.
Or She deeply regrets hurting you by what she said.
5. It's years since he took any photographs. ( for)
5- He hasn't taken any photographs for years.
6. The boy was punished by being sent to bed without any supper. (The boy's mother)
6- The boy's mother punished him by sending him to bed without any supper.
7. I'm keen on learning English. (keen to)
7- I'm keen to learn English.
8. Water is the main problem that stops reclaiming the desert. (stumbling block)
8- Water is the main stumbling block to reclaiming the desert.
9. Why didn't you tell me the truth? (was)
9- Why wasn't I told you the truth?
10. Safe disposal ÊÎáÕ of nuclear waste is the problem which worries many physicists. (What)
10- What worries physicists is safe disposal of nuclear waste.
11. Without the rapid growth of population, there would be fewer housing problems. ( He blamed)
11- He blamed the housing problems on the rapid growth of population.
12. Both salting and smoking are long processes to preserve meat. (either)
12- Meat is preserved by a long process known as either salting or smoking.
13. Must you go now? (Have)
13- Have you got to go , now?
14. She always shopped in another supermarket so that she wouldn't meet her neighbours. (avoid)
14-She always shopped in another supermarket to avoid meeting her neighbours.
15. He loves parties, he is the first to come and the last to leave. (who)
15- As he loves parties, he is the first who comes and the last to leave.
16. He didn't leave the cat to itself so it scratched him. (if)
16- If he had left the cat to itself, it wouldn't have scratched him.
17. Has he gathered all the documents? (Have)
17- Have all the documents been gathered?
18. My brothers are not going to the summer camp and neither am I . (Neither)
18- Neither my brothers nor I am going to the summer camp.
19. I remember my father taking me to the fun fair. (being)
19- I remember being taken to the fun fair by my father.
20. Without the firemen 's efforts, many people would have died. (If it)
20- If it hadn't been for the firemen's efforts, many people would have died.
21. I'm looking forward to seeing my old friends, (long)
21- I long for seeing my old friends.
22. My father goes on holiday. He takes it in July. (when)
22- July is the month when my father goes on holiday.
23. The student answered fast. Certainly he wasn't absent-minded. (He can't)
23- The student answered fast. He can't have been absent-minded.
24. It's five years since that house was lived in. (That house)
24- That house hasn't been lived in for five years.
25. He took my shoes so that I couldn't leave the house. (prevent)
25- He took my shoes so as to prevent me from leaving the house.
26. The actor put on a face mask to avoid being recognized. (so that)
26- The actor put on a face mask so that he couldn't be recognized.
27. It's a situation we can no more ignore. (any)
27- This situation can't be ignored any more.
28. A world controlled by computers is a development which many people are afraid of. (What)
28- What many people are afraid of is a developed world controlled by computers.
29. You need not send this e-mail. (This e-mail)
29- This e-mail needn't be sent.
30. It was in vain that I asked her for her family name. (no good)
30- It was no good asking her for her family name.
31. He spoke for such a long time that people began to think he would never stop. (His speech)
31- His speech was so long that people began to think he would never stop.
32. Having been bitten twice. The postman refused to deliver our letters. We chained our dog up.
32- The postman refused to deliver the letters because the dog bit him twice, so we chained it.
33. "Need I finish my ice-cream?" asked the small boy. (The small boy)
33- The small boy asked if he had to finish his ice cream.
34. He rode away. He whistled as he went. (whistling)
34- He rode away whistling.
35. He survived the crash but died in the desert. (only)
35- It was only when he survived the crash that he died in the desert.
36. The policeman was dressed in farmer's clothes. He pretended to be a farmer. (as if)
36- The policeman was dressed in farmer's clothes as if he had been a farmer.
37. The police went through the rooms, being careful to touch nothing. (The police were careful)
37- The police were careful to touch nothing as they went through the rooms.
38. Did you use to help your mother on Fridays? (helping)
38- Were you in the habit of helping your mother on Fridays?
39. I was sorry for being unable to help my friend overcome his hardships. (I wish)
39- I wish I had helped my friend overcome his hardships.
40. Most poets and scientists are men. Most footballers are also men. ( and so)
40- Most poets and scientists are men and so are most footballers.
41. The sugar I had was not enough to make five cups of tea, so I made only two cups. (much)
41- I didn't have much sugar to make five cups of tea, so I made only two.
42. How heavy is your luggage? (What)
42-What weight is your luggage?
43. I always dream of travelling abroad. (Travelling)
43- Travelling abroad is always my dream.
44. There has been a gradual improvement in his case over the last week. (improved)
44- His case has improved gradually over the last week. .
45. The president himself helped the poor. (It was)
45- It was the president who helped the poor.
46. I hardly ever visit London. (never)
46- I almost never visit London.
47. He left early so that he wouldn't miss the last train . (in case)
47- He left early in case he would catch the last train.
48. God exists. No one must invent him. (If)
48- If God didn't exist, someone would have to invent him.
49. I liked the way of cooking the fish. (as)
49- The fish was cooked as I liked it.
50. I'm busy, so I'm leaving. ( as a result of)
50.I'm leaving as a result of being busy.
1-His bad behaviour made his father punish him. (so…that)
2-Heba didn’t say “yes” until Ahmad promised her to be there. (It was)
3-We all like Mr. Adel because of his fatherly treatment. ( treats)
4-His father advised him twice to solve the problem. ( advice )
5-My friend and I enjoy ourselves at the club. ( does )
6-After bleaching, the wet fibers were fed into the paper-making machine. (before)
7-I'm quite sure that he didn't commit this serious crime on purpose. (committed)
8-He is an accountant and he works for himself. (self)
9-Being poor, he couldn’t buy the suit. [Had]
10-All of them shared the meal except me. (I was)
11- The care a patient receives after an operation is essential. [ post ]
12-You should keep your promises. ( go back )
13-Nobody can deny that he is wise. (That he)
14-The story is so interesting that I read it twice. (interested)
15-He tried to climb the mountain but in vain. ( Vainly )
16- Ahmed had a holiday for two weeks. (week )
17-We had a swim for three hours. (hour)
18- I’m not interested in this kind of sport. ( cold )
19-Hurry up or you will be late for school. [skates]
20-He made friends everywhere. (wherever)
21-Everyone of my friends with the exception of Samir liked the idea. (apart)
22-Did they bring the homework? [ Was -----]
23- Cancer leaves behind many fatal diseases.
24- Sorry, this brand is not available now. [is]
25- Your membership will never last forever. [is]
26-Renewable energy lasts forever. [not]
27- Our supplies did not run out. [We]
28. New rooms are decorated with wall paper. ( Newly )
29-Don't speak loudly. (I' d rather)
30-I haven't heard from him since his sudden departure . (depart)
31- She didn't look after her children so her husband blamed her . (for)
32- Hany was the last one to arrive at the party. ( Everyone )
38. Nothing can prepare you for your first sight of the Earth. (unpredictable ....)
39-He stole my wallet. [of]
40-They blamed me for the accident. [The accident]
1-His behavior [I]was so bad that his father punished him.
2-It wasn’t until Ahmad had promised Heba to be there that she said yes.
3-We all like Mr. Adel because he treats us in a fatherly way.
4-His father gave him two pieces of advice to …
5-I enjoy myself at the club so does my friend.
6- The wet fibers had been bleached before they were fed into the paper-making machine.
7- He can’t have committed this serious crime …
8-He is a self-employed accountant.
9- Had he been rich, he would have bought the suit. = Had he had enough money…
10-I was the only one who didn’t share the meal..
11-It is essential to give the patient post operation care.
12-You shouldn’t go back on your promises.
13-That he is wise can’t be denied.
14- I was so interested in the story that I read it twice.
15- Vainly he tried to climb the mountain.
16- Ahmed had a two-week holiday.
17-We had a three- hour swim.
18- This kind of sport leaves me cold.
19- Put your skates on or you will be late for school.
20-He made friends wherever he went.
21-Everyone of my friends liked the idea apart from Samir.
22-Was the homework brought?
23- It’s cancer that leaves behind many fatal diseases.
24- Sorry, this brand is out of stock now.
25- Your membership is non-renewable.
26-Renewable energy doesn’t run out.
27- We didn’t run out of our supplies.
28. Newly-built rooms are decorated with wall paper.
29- I’d rather you didn’t speak loudly.
30-I haven't heard from him since he departed suddenly.
31- Her husband blamed her for not looking after her children.
32- Everyone arrived at the party before Hany.
38. It’s unpredictable to see the Earth for the first time.
39-He robbed me of my wallet.
40- The accident was blamed on me.

Re-write the following sentences without changing the meaning :
1. Don't take this medicine unless it has been shaken first. (Only)
2. This is a photograph of our friends. We went on holiday with them. (with whom)
3. Motorists have to pay a fine for parking in" No parking place. (obliged)
4. Maximum speed limit 50 k/p/h. (mustn't)
5. A fall in death rate followed the improvements in public health services. (After)
6. He fell asleep the moment he lay in bed. (No sooner)
7. There wasn't a teacher but complained about that boy's rudeness. (All)
8. Although he is miser, we all love him. (difference)
9. Busy retouching the photographs Ahmed forgot everything else. (Ahmed forgot)
10. I'm very sorry. I didn't go. (I really)
11. Thanks to your advice, matters went smoothly. (But for)
12. I had a good time in San Francisco. Like Alexandria. It lies on the sea. (which)
13. I want to meet the visitors at the air port. (met)
14. I don't like people telling me lies.(being)
15. He said to me, " If I were you, I'd do my best to get the prize." (advised)
16. Study this lesson carefully (careful)
17. The detective gave an accurate interpretation of what was seen. (accurately)
18. That food has a good taste. (tastes)
19. They have been praying for twenty minutes now. (ago)
20. There has been a gradual improvement in the weather over the last week. (improved)
1- Only if this medicine has been shaken first can you take it.
2- This is a photograph of our friends with whom we went on holiday.
3- Motorists are obliged to pay a fine for parking In " No parking " place
4- You mustn't exceed 50 k/p/h.
5- After public health services had been improved death rate fell. Mr.Abdou
6- No sooner had he lain in bed than he fell asleep.
7- All the teachers complained about that boy's rudeness.
8- Being a miser makes no difference in loving him.
9- Ahmed forgot everything except retouching the photographs.
10- I really apologize for not going.
11- But for your advice, matters wouldn't have gone smoothly.
12- I had a good time in San Francisco which lies on the sea like Alexandria.
13- I want to be met at the airport.
14- I don't like being told lies.
15- He advised me to do my best to get the prize.
16- Make a careful study on this lesson.
17- The detective interpreted what was seen accurately.
18- That food tastes good.
19- They started praying 20 minutes ago.
20- The weather has improved gradually over the last week.