مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : مدرسة المصريين بالخارج

دمحمد مجاهد
01-10-2012, 03:14 PM
السلام عليكم : السادة المعلمين علي من يرغب ولديه القدرة والكفائة وسابق الخبرة في نظام التعليم عن بعد لمادة الأحياء منهج عربي ولغات بنظام الساعات بالفترة المسائية من 4-9 بتوقيت القاهرة ومن منزله .رجاء التقدم بالسيرة الذاتية بالضغط /egyschool-gate...com/registration.html
أو علي صفحة مدرسة المصريين بالخارج علي الفيس بوك
وفقنا الله وإياكم لما فيه الخير

14-06-2013, 10:53 AM
you live far away from your relatives and friends or if your dearest people have left to distant country you most probably will be searching for the best possibilities to stay in touch with them. That is why for those who parted with their dearest people the problem of making long distance calls is quite urgent. Every person realizes that telephone communication is a complicated system, and it demands certain expenses in order to work properly. That's why the price of phone connection is rather high. As far as long distance calls are concerned, the rates for calls are really expensive, and the majority of people can't afford calling their relatives and friends in distant countries regularly.Prepaid calling cards are a great opportunity for us to make cheap calls abroad. The most important benefit of making long distance calls by means of prepaid phone cards is that the prices for long distance calls are much lower than if you use regular phone communication. In addition, when you make a preliminary payment for your international call you know for sure how much money it'll cost you. In case of making an international call from your cellular phone you can easily forget about time limitations. It's almost impossible to stay in previously defined lines. That's why making calls using prepaid phone cards permits you to control your connection expenses.While selecting an international calling card you will definitely pay attention to the variety of suppliers. You should know that phone cards of the same price, but from various suppliers will have different fees for connection and as a result different call duration. The duration of each call depends also on the country you're calling. In this respect if you choose a calling card to make your international call you need to take into consideration the mentioned factors. The best idea is to obtain prepaid phone cards on-line, since each site offering prepaid calling cards has a sort of a guide in order to define which card is the most suitable for you call.