مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اليكم امتحان الشهادة الإعدادية لمحافظة المنيا - الترم الثاني 2013

محسن لبيب حنين
20-05-2013, 06:14 AM
اليكم امتحان الشهادة الإعدادية لمحافظة المنيا - الترم الثاني 2013

بس هل يا ترى لما الممتحن يجيب للطالب نقطة كانت عليه في سنة تانية ويهمل نقاط رئيسية في قواعد المنهج - هل هذا صح وبراعة في وضع الامتحانات؟ - زي ما جاء في امتحان المنيا في تصحيح خطأ خاص بصفات التفضيل

وهل معنى أن الممتحن علشان يحط نقطة للطالب المتميز يجيبها من برة اللي علمناه للطالب؟ زي مدرس في امتحان النقل الاعدادي لما اراد ان يضع نقطة للطالب المتميز راح جابلهم what رغم انهم مطالبين بضمائر الوصل who - which - where - that فقط

الرابط - ملف PDF


واليكم ملف به صور الامتحان ومستند وورد 2010 لمن يحب


Adel is meeting a visitor for a holiday to Luxor . Adel : Hello ! Welcome to Luxor .

Visitor : Hello ! Thank you . I'm happy to be here .
Adel ............?
Visitor : My name is Sara William .
Adel : .........^.(2)..............................?
Visitor : I'm from England.
Adel : How long will you stay here ?
Visitor : ..............( 3 )...............................
Adel : Nice to see you.
Visitor : Me too.
2- Write what you would sav in each of the following situations :

1 - You apologize to your teacher for not bringing your book .
2- You advise your classmate to study harder .
3- You want to borrow your friend's camera .

Read and match :




He went to the bookshop "C^

. a

nor write .


Smoke from cars 0


that we put on the floor.


She can neither read C--


to buy a book about maths *


A carpet is something &


you should do sports .


-. -•- ' -k-'
In order to keep fit


causes pollution .

.... .:?._.


to borrow a book .

4- Read the following , then answer the questions:- (5 Marks)
I'm Waheed . I have got two brothers and two sisters . My father is an old farmer .My mother is a housewife .She spends all her time cooking and cleaning the house .My father and mother work day and night to help us lead a happy life .They bring us up to love each other .We live in a nice house on the farm .My father grows a lot of vegetables .He also keeps some animals and birds .At school , I have got a lot of friends .My school day begins at eight o'clock in the morning .After school., I usually help my father . I like to study farming because I want to grow the main crops on our farm .
A - Answer the following questions :
1-How many brothers has Waheed got ?
2- What does the underlined word " They " refer to ? . v
3- Why does Waheed like to study fanning ?
P.T.O. TO page 3

B-Choose the correct answer from a ,b, c or d ;-
4- Waheed and his family lead a .... life, a) sad b) stressful c) happy d) troubling
5- Waheed's school begins at........o'clock .
a) eight b) nine c) seven d) six
I C-Usage and Writing | (13 Marks)

5- Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d : /,», , „ —————————————————————— — — — — (3 Marks)
1- Samer and Adel enjoyed .......at the party .
a) yourself b) yourselves c) ourselves d) themselves
2- The book ..... she bought yesterday is exciting .
a) which b) whose c) who d) where
3- You ....... never make noise in class .
a) mustn't b) must c) needn't d) shouldn't
4-We should increase our .......to other countries .
a) streets b) imports c)^ese^a_ d) exports "'****
5- We don't like ....... people .
a) successful b) calm c) impatient d) clever
6- Sandra is my uncle's daughter . She is my ..........
a) grandson b) nephew c) niece d) cousin
6- Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning: (2 Marks)
1-1 was walking to school when I met Ali . ( While)
2- How much tea do you drink ? ( cups )
3-She got up early .She wanted to catch the train . ( in order to )
4- Hani said to Ali, " Don't smoke here " . ( Hani told ........)
P.T.O. TO page 4

7- Read and correct the underlined words :
( 3 Marks )
1 - We buy bread at the greengrocer's .
2 - This is the cheaper mobile I've ever seen .
3 - Butter and cheese are diary products .. ^, ,# ,
8- letter writing : •——— -- (5 Marks)
Write a letter to your English friend Tom inviting him to visit
Egypt to see the monuments in Cairo ,Luxor,Giza and
Aswan .Tell him that Egypt also has many wonderful beaches.
Your name is Hamza and you live at 10 Nahda street, Dokki,Giza.

D - The Reader
(5 Marks )

3 Marks )
9- A) Answer the following questions :
1-What did Axel find in the sand? '•-- . .y-^.
2- How did Hans make a raft ?
3- Why was the compass going crazy ? s 'v.--
B) Complete the following to make meaningful sentences : (2 Marks)
4- To calculate the distance between him and Axel , the professor .................
5-Hans and Axel used gunpowder to ..................

20-05-2013, 03:09 PM
شكرا جزيلا يا أستاذنا ما زال واضع الامتحان بيتفلسف فرغم ان المنهج به الكثير من النقاط الرئيسية التى تستحق أن تراعى فى الامتحان ولكنه اهملها تماما ولكن ماذا نقول هو ده الانجليزى زى ما عودنا لما يحب يتميز يشطح زى جملة rewrite الثانية رغم تفاهتها الا ان الطالب لم يدر الجمع باستخدام ادوات التجزئة فى المنهج وقام واضع الامتحان بنقلها من امتحان مطروح العام الماضى ولكن اجمالا الامتحان سهلا جدا

اسلام العماوي
21-05-2013, 08:33 AM
اكثرررررررررررررررررر الله من امثالك

non non
22-05-2013, 11:51 PM

23-05-2013, 12:26 AM
Thanks a lot sir

23-05-2013, 12:06 PM