مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اسأل و استشر

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
23-10-2013, 06:24 AM
اسأل و استشر
ضع سؤالك فى كل ما يخص المنهج و نحن سنجيب عليه ان شاء الله
فكرت أن اقدم هذه الخدمة لأبناءنا الطلاب لاستمع لأسألتهم عبر هذا المنتدى لعلى استطيع ان أضيف جديدا لمعلوماتهم لذا أرجوا ان يكتب الطالب ما يراه من أسأله و بعون الله سأقوم يوميا بالرد على هذه الاسئله بمعاونة زملائى من مدرسى و مشرفى المنتدى

24-10-2013, 12:17 AM
Find the mistake
the tv set has been the marvel in the last hundreds years

بسمة فجر
26-10-2013, 01:48 AM
ارجو الاجابه على هه الاسئله ضرورى
choose the correct answer
.........you should send the car to the mechanic to
have it repaired -repair it -have repaired it - be repairing it
I remember............a bicycle by my father when i was a child
buying- being bought- to buy - was bought
the suffix"......"changes the word "simple"into a verb
en - ize - ify - ate
the bottles......... to be broken by the careless servant
are seemed - seems - are seeming - seem
waterwheels are used to.............water
lift - being lift - be lift - lifting

بسمة فجر
26-10-2013, 01:55 AM
find the mistake

my sister is resembled afamous actress
the man was seen hit the police officer
the post has been arrived at last
after rescuing from the river. the boys went to hospital
who was this portrait painted?

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
26-10-2013, 03:24 PM
Find the mistake
the tv set has been the marvel in the last hundreds years
الاجابة الصحيحة هى
the tv set has been the marvel of the last hundred years

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
26-10-2013, 03:28 PM
ارجو الاجابه على هه الاسئله ضرورى
choose the correct answer
.........you should send the car to the mechanic to
have it repaired -repair it -have repaired it - be repairing it
i remember............a bicycle by my father when i was a child
buying- being bought- to buy - was bought
the suffix"......"changes the word "simple"into a verb
en - ize - ify - ate
the bottles......... To be broken by the careless servant
are seemed - seems - are seeming - seem
waterwheels are used to.............water
lift - being lift - be lift - lifting

و شكرا على الاسئلة

Ahmed Elqasry
28-10-2013, 07:19 PM
ممكن بس استوضح امر هى الاسئله الى الاخوه حاطينها من كتاب ايه ؟؟؟
ارجو انكم تردوا عليا عشان انا حاسس انها اسئله صعبها اوى

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
30-10-2013, 04:17 AM
find the mistake

my sister resembles afamous actress
the man was seen hit by the police officer
the post has arrived / arrived at last
after being rescued from the river. the boys went to hospital
who was this portrait painted by ?

شكرا على الاسئلة

31-10-2013, 02:42 AM
ايهما اصح
soha is going to get up at seven tomorrow
soha is getting up at seven tomorrow
دا كان سوال اختيار

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
06-11-2013, 12:58 PM
ايهما اصح
soha is going to get up at seven tomorrow
soha is getting up at seven tomorrow
دا كان سوال اختيار
الجملتين ممكن لانه قد يكون رتب لذلك بضبط المنبه مثلا او مجرد نية لم يرتب لها لكن الاصح انه رتب اى الجمله الثانية

09-11-2013, 10:26 AM
لو سمحت يا مستر كان عندى بعض الاسئلة فى القصة عايز حضرتك تجاوبلى عليها وهى مش من فصل معين

1- Both Rassendyll and Duke Michael are good actors . discuss

2- The secret of Rassendyll was nearly discovered by princess Flavia.show how

3-While Fritz is rash colonel sapt is quiet and cunning .explain

4- ? How did Rassendyll increase Duke Michael anger in the palace of Flavia

5-? How Could Rassendyll perform his duties as king

6-?Why does Rassendyll agree to go back for the second time to pretend the character of the real king

7-? What did Michael men do while Rassendyll , Sapt and Fritz were at the coronation

8-? Sapt has a strong influence on Rassendyll actions .Show how

9-? Men appear in dangerous missions .Discuss

10-? Sapt,Rassendyll and Fritz actions are driven by hope .Discuss

11-? What would happen if Rassendyll and Sapt stay at zenda and did not go back to strelsau

12-? Why was Sapt satisfied and pleased after their fight with Michael men

13-Rassendyll was able to play the role of the real king so perfectly that even some of the closest people to
? the king were deceived.Discuss

14- ? How Rassendyll behave when Flavia told him that Michael had been waiting outside for a long time

15-? According to Rudolf Rassendyll .What should a good king do to have the support of his people

09-11-2013, 10:20 PM
my sons have been ..... ever since they read about the importance of exercise
the government needs to ....... the value of investing in renewable energy

روز روز
11-11-2013, 08:06 AM
ارجو الرد علي هذا السؤال مع التوضيح
Aswan is.................from Cairo than Tanta is.
further-much far-furthest-the furthest.

http://www.thanwya.com/vb/style12/buttons/edit.gif (http://www.thanwya.com/vb/editpost.php?do=editpost&p=5586342)

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
14-11-2013, 06:25 AM
ارجو الرد علي هذا السؤال مع التوضيح
Aswan is.................from Cairo than Tanta is.
further-much far-furthest-the furthest.

http://www.thanwya.com/vb/style12/buttons/edit.gif (http://www.thanwya.com/vb/editpost.php?do=editpost&p=5586342)
لأن صفة التفضيل من far هى further أو farther

روز روز
14-11-2013, 10:25 AM
اشكرك جدا يا استاذ مصطفي.
ولكن في كتاب السينيور مكتوب الفرق بينهم وده اللي حيرني
further اكثر من ذلك
farther ابعد للمسافات
فعفوا ارجو التوضيح

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
17-11-2013, 06:41 AM
اشكرك جدا يا استاذ مصطفي.
ولكن في كتاب السينيور مكتوب الفرق بينهم وده اللي حيرني
further اكثر من ذلك
farther ابعد للمسافات
فعفوا ارجو التوضيح
further ابعد فى الزمن أو المسافه أو الخيال لكن farther ابعد فى المسافه فقط لذلك further هى الاقوى

روز روز
17-11-2013, 09:03 AM
الف شكر لحضرتك
ربنا يبارك ليك في اولادك ومالك وعلمك

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
18-11-2013, 04:55 AM
الف شكر لحضرتك
ربنا يبارك ليك في اولادك ومالك وعلمك
ألف شكر هدفنا خدمة الناس و اكتساب دعواتهم

في الجنة أحلامي
28-11-2013, 04:37 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

كنت عايزة اسأل عن جزئيتين في ال function
1. في محكمة
swear to tell the truth

2. في الشارع
taxi ! taxi!

هما ليهم باقي بس انا محتاجة اعرف للجملتين دول
جزاكم الله كل خير

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
03-12-2013, 06:13 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

كنت عايزة اسأل عن جزئيتين في ال function
1. في محكمة
swear to tell the truth

2. في الشارع
taxi ! taxi!

هما ليهم باقي بس انا محتاجة اعرف للجملتين دول
جزاكم الله كل خير
الاولى منها فيها تنفع يعنى swearing او promise
الثانية ممكن تكون request او asking for help

03-12-2013, 10:28 PM
find the mistake

Mr Ahmed is such a kind person that he does a lot of charities
Don't tell any one about this mission as it needs alot of secrets
Adel's every day routine is to read for some time before sleep
My friend Saad is the eldest of two brothers

المشتاق للجنة .
05-12-2013, 10:18 AM
ممكن حل لاسئلة قاعدة if في كتاب سنيور
ارجو الاجابة

روز روز
07-12-2013, 08:46 PM
Mr Ahmed is such a kind person that he does a lot of charitable
Don't tell any one about this mission as it needs a lot of secrecy
Adel's every day routine is to read for some time before sleeping
My friend Saad is the older of two brothers http://www.thanwya.com/vb/style12/buttons/quote.gif (http://www.thanwya.com/vb/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=5615987)

روز روز
07-12-2013, 08:47 PM
والله اعلم

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
09-12-2013, 10:34 AM
Mr Ahmed is such a kind person that he does a lot of charitable
Don't tell any one about this mission as it needs a lot of secrecy
Adel's every day routine is to read for some time before sleeping
My friend Saad is the older of two brothers http://www.thanwya.com/vb/style12/buttons/quote.gif (http://www.thanwya.com/vb/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=5615987)
Right answers

روز روز
10-12-2013, 12:09 AM
ارجو مساعدتي في هذة الجملة من فضلكم
find the mistake
A coming car hit her because she didn't look where she was going.
سينيور p.132

المشتاق للجنة .
10-12-2013, 08:35 PM
هو كتاب سنيور اللي مع حضرتك 2014
انا معايا 2013 مش موجود فيه الجملة دي

روز روز
11-12-2013, 12:37 AM
كانت موجوده في كتاب 2013 بشكل مختلف
she was run over because she didn't look
where she was going

Ahmed Elsayed Elfares
11-12-2013, 11:16 AM
A coming car had hit her because she didn't look where she was going.

روز روز
15-12-2013, 08:04 AM
الحمد لله وصلت للاجابة الصحيحة

A coming car had hit her because she weren't looking where she was going

روز روز
15-12-2013, 08:05 AM
ارجو توضيح الفرق بينArab-Arabic-Arabian

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
16-12-2013, 06:50 AM
ارجو توضيح الفرق بينArab-Arabic-Arabian
ِArab عربى ال***ية او الثقافة (العادات و التقاليد ...ألخ)
Arabic عربى ( خاص باللغة العربية )
Arabian عربى ( سعودى) خاص بالمملكة العربية السعودية

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
16-12-2013, 06:53 AM
الحمد لله وصلت للاجابة الصحيحة

A coming car had hit her because she weren't looking where she was going
بدون had هى الصحيحة

روز روز
18-12-2013, 09:27 AM
A coming car hit her because she weren't looking where she was going
حضرتك عندك حق لاني نقلتها خطأ وهو ده الصح
وربنا يبارك ليك في كل اعمالك ويجعلها في ميزان حسناتك فتلك هي الصدقة الجارية

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
18-12-2013, 11:38 AM
A coming car hit her because she weren't looking where she was going
حضرتك عندك حق لاني نقلتها خطأ وهو ده الصح
وربنا يبارك ليك في كل اعمالك ويجعلها في ميزان حسناتك فتلك هي الصدقة الجارية

و يبارك لكى

روز روز
02-01-2014, 07:37 PM
Rainforests ............a bout seven percent of the earth's surface.
covers-uncovers-recovers-build up
senior p.191
اجابته ايه وليه
وجزاكم الله كل خير

03-01-2014, 01:34 PM
what's produced by a plant's leaves ?
الجملة دى مكتوبة فى كتاب المدرسة الوحدة العاشرة
ممكن اعرف ازاى ال a جت قبل leaves
مش المفروض ان leaves جمع ماتاخدش ال a ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

Mr Hamada Hashish
07-01-2014, 11:03 PM
what's produced by a plant's leaves ?
الجملة دى مكتوبة فى كتاب المدرسة الوحدة العاشرة
ممكن اعرف ازاى ال a جت قبل leaves
مش المفروض ان leaves جمع ماتاخدش ال a ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

الـــــ a جاية عشان كلمة plant
a plant's leaves ورق النبات
plants' leaves اوراق النباتات

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
30-01-2014, 07:19 AM
أولا مبروك اختياركم عضو متميز ، ثانيا : نأسف للتأخير ، لكن صندوق الرسائل بتاع حضرتك عايز يتفرغ لأنه لا يقبل رسائل جديدة

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
31-01-2014, 10:03 AM
أولا مبروك اختياركم عضو متميز ، ثانيا : نأسف للتأخير ، لكن صندوق الرسائل بتاع حضرتك عايز يتفرغ لأنه لا يقبل رسائل جديدة
شكرا أخى الكريم

Ayman M.Ebrahim
04-02-2014, 11:19 PM
بارك الله فيك مستر مصطفى على المجهود الرائع
و مبروووك على التميز
و من تقدم الى تقدم ان شاء الله

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
05-02-2014, 05:02 PM
بارك الله فيك مستر مصطفى على المجهود الرائع
و مبروووك على التميز
و من تقدم الى تقدم ان شاء الله
ربنا يكرمك أخى أيمن

11-05-2014, 08:29 AM
ضرورى اجابة هذه الاسئلة

Choose the corret word or phrase
1-the arrival of flight 51 is scheduled ---------8 p.m
1- on
3- for
4- in
2-jal flight 1 will arrive --------8.50
1- in
2- on
3- at
4- for
3- mr .johnson--------- been to AL several times in the last year
1- had
2- has
3- have
4-was having

4-police officer are inquiring as to --------------dog bit that little boy
3- whose
5- if you are coming to the US.please get in --------- with me
1- place
2- time
3- particular
4- touch

6- when you check in at an airlines .representative of your -------- for the smoking or non smoking
1- preference
3- preferably
4- preferential
7- Mr Williams asked his secretary to --------- the letter
3- overview
4- retire
8- Mr Johnson changed the tire------------ because on one else was there to help her
9- Both my parents encouraged me --------------a college education
1- getting
2- got
3- to
4- have got
10- there are ---------employees in my company who can speak French
3- small
11-there are ---------empolyees in company who can speak
1- little
12-by nine o,clock ,everyone -----------his –her
3-had been
4-has been eating
13-our lunch time is ---------
1-from noon to 1-00
2-from the noon to 1-00
3-between noon to 1-00
4-from noon before 1-00
14-tom told me to finish the report tonight but I told him that I had done it………………
15-he finally admitted to ………to finish his work on time .
2-have failed
16- if you finish the contracted work ……the contract period a bonus of 5% will be paid.
2- by
17-i cannot afford to buy a new car……I get a loan.
18-if jack had known that the trip to Africa would be so expensive ,he …..his trip until next year.
1-will postpone
3-would have postponed
4-had postponed
19-in addition to the beer hall,…..a bar in the basement.
1-there is
2-there are
3-they are
4-it is
20-if we want to succeed in this difficult plan, we have to be ready to help………..
1-each other
3-the other
21- we three executive have to help……to overcome the difficulties of the company.
1-each other
2-one other
3-with each other
4-with one another
22-you are required to…..all cigarettes before you leave this room.
1-burn out
2-turn off
3-put out
4-cut down
23-the attitude….. teachers is that preparation for entrance examinations is the most important function of a school education.
24-please read this booklet….very carefully.
1-from cover to cover
2-the cover to the cover
1-the bank is….here.
2-near to
3-near from
2-when I woke up , everything was ….snow.
2-covered by
3-covered with
3-do earthquakes….often in the united states?
2-break out
3-happen to
4-we had better,……soon.
3-to leave
4-to leaving
5-alarge crowd…..in front of the station.
2-to gather
3-had gathered
4-had gathering
6-in the winter, accidents occur quite…..in the mountains.
4-a few
7- do you want to …… to the united states ?
8-most people have a feeling ……
3-of responsibility
4-to be responsible
9-this movie theatre can hold……
1-much audience
2-a large audience
3-much audiences
4-many audiences
10-when the forests …..,there can be forest fires
1-becom dry
2-becoming dry
3-becom drying
4- drying
11-what kind of work are you doing here ?
"I am ………as an accountant
4- employed
12- i done not want to buy anything in this store. Do you
"yes. I would like to buy……"
2-much pencils
3-any pencil
4-some pencils
13-the rainy season is over and the whether is nice. We can …..sports.
4- enjoy
14- it is the height of the tourist season now…..the rooms in the hotels are reserved.
2-almost of
3-almost all of
4-most off all
15-"where did you work before?
"worked only ten yards ------------railroad track"
2-from the
4- away
16- "I don't think it will rain today,do you?
"no ,I ------------so "
1-think no t
2-not think
3-don,t think
4- do think not
17-we have only five mintues. Ithink we------
1- hurry
2-be hurry
3-to hurry
4-should hurry
18- many people showed up at the stadium . thery are ----the championship game
1-anxious seeing
2- anxious to see
3-to anxious see
4-to see anxiously
19- "who did you meet at the party?"
1- grandly
4- promment
20- " I tom was not sure that the meeting would be held today" "but I--------------"
2- certainly
3-am certain
4-am certainly
21- my brother likes to wath baseball, I--------football.
1-prefer to watch
2- To prefer watching
3- Watch preferring
4- Preferring to watch

12-05-2014, 12:03 AM
Find the mistake
The farmer built a fence to stop the wolves' attacks on the farm.

13-05-2014, 08:40 AM
find the mistake
Her job demands a high degree of spill
2- Eccentricity is attention that some one or something gets from TV and newspaper
3-The whole situation has just stung out of control
4-This little country has made great logical advances
5-A sting is the inner part of the wheel
6-There is another good publish on the benefits o reading

18-05-2014, 10:56 AM
على اى اساس اخترنا (both of) فى امتحان مصر 2011
samir has tow sisters. ......of them are older than him
لأنى فتحت long man dictionary ولقيت none of ممكن الفعل بعدها يتصرف للجمع
وشكرااااااااااا جزيلا

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki
18-05-2014, 12:04 PM
على اى اساس اخترنا (both of) فى امتحان مصر 2011
samir has tow sisters. ......of them are older than him
لأنى فتحت long man dictionary ولقيت none of ممكن الفعل بعدها يتصرف للجمع
وشكرااااااااااا جزيلا

كلامك صحيح بس دا فى حالة التحدث عن مجموعه من 3 او اكثر

لكن فى حالة الحديث عن 2 فقط
نستخدم neither of

او نستخدم Both of

كما يلى
Use none
to talk about a group of three or more things or people •
None of my friends came.
To talk about two things or people, use neither •
Neither of my parents wanted me to marry him.

1 used to talk about two people, things etc together, and emphasize that each is included
Hold it in both hands.
Both Helen's parents are doctors.
both of
Both of my grandfathers are farmers.

هذا ما اعلم والله اعلى واعلم

18-05-2014, 03:02 PM
شكراااا جزيلا وربنا يبارك لحضرتك
بس استفسار كمان معلش
هى neither of و either of الفعل يتصرف معاها جمع ولا مفرد
وكمان السؤ ال ده عايز افهم الحل
He is a friend of my .....(father--father's--fathers')
وشكراااااااااا جزيلا

19-05-2014, 11:35 AM
correct i wish you remember the date of the meeting ,please try

اية شريف
30-05-2014, 08:29 AM
find the mistake
most girls i know like music مع التوضيح وشكرا جزيلا

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
30-05-2014, 09:18 AM
find the mistake
most of girls i know like music مع التوضيح وشكرا جزيلا
لأن Most of تستخدم للتخصيص أما Most للتعميم و لذلك هناك حل آخر للجملة السابقة Most girls like music

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
30-05-2014, 09:20 AM
i wish you could remember the date of the meeting ,please try
دى الاجابه و اى خدمه

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
30-05-2014, 09:23 AM
شكراااا جزيلا وربنا يبارك لحضرتك
بس استفسار كمان معلش
هى neither of و either of الفعل يتصرف معاها جمع ولا مفرد
وكمان السؤ ال ده عايز افهم الحل
He is a friend of my .....(father--father's--fathers')
وشكراااااااااا جزيلا
بالنسبة ل either or أو neither nor الفعل يتبع الفاعل الثانى
أما بالنسبه للجمله حلها father's

على خلف
30-05-2014, 04:05 PM
مالفرق بين traditional و counvintional وياريت ماحدش يقولى تقليدي و عادى لان فى جمل بجد مش عارفه الفرق بين العادى و التقليدى
وما الفرق ايضا بين position و place و situation
وم الفرق ايضا بين carer و profession و occupation و job و business و work
ومتى تكون education تعد ولا تعد
while عندا ياتى بعدها فعل تو بى ماذا يكون الطرف الثانى
متى تكون after ماضى بسيط . ماضى بسيط


fatma habiba
01-06-2014, 12:02 PM
ممكن ترجمة الجملةاللى بين القوسين :
there are new incurable diseases which come to existence. Recently,( the potentially deadly) novel Corona virus has appeared in Egypt

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
06-06-2014, 06:28 PM
ممكن ترجمة الجملةاللى بين القوسين :
There are new incurable diseases which come to existence. Recently,( the potentially deadly) novel corona virus has appeared in egypt
هناك أمراض مستعصية جديدة تظهر للوجود . فمؤخرا فيرس كورونا الجديد ( المحتمل أن يكون قاتل) ظهر فى مصر

محمد احمد محسن
17-08-2014, 10:42 AM
لو سمحتم عايزين نموذج اجابة امتحان 2011 دور اول وتاني

محمد احمد محسن
17-08-2014, 10:44 AM
]لو سمحتم عايزين نموذج اجابة امتحان 2011 دور اول وتاني

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
24-02-2015, 11:19 AM
مالفرق بين traditional و counvintional وياريت ماحدش يقولى تقليدي و عادى لان فى جمل بجد مش عارفه الفرق بين العادى و التقليدى
وما الفرق ايضا بين position و place و situation
وم الفرق ايضا بين carer و profession و occupation و job و business و work
ومتى تكون education تعد ولا تعد
while عندا ياتى بعدها فعل تو بى ماذا يكون الطرف الثانى
متى تكون after ماضى بسيط . ماضى بسيط

هرد على الجزء الخاص ب conventional و traditional و هو أن الأولى تعنى تقليد متعارف عليه عالميا أما الثانية مقصود بها تقليد فى جزء من العالم

04-03-2015, 09:10 PM
Choose the correct answer
1. He lives in ( a – an – the - no article ) London.
2. For this job you need ( a – an – the - no article) experience with computer.
3. It's (a – an - the - no article ) most expensive car I've ever seen .
4. Did you come by ( a – an – the – no article ) air ?
5. I had a cup of tea and some coffee ( a – an – the - no article ) tea was hot .
6. I couldn't hear because of (a – an – the - no article ) noise of the train .
7. The Earth moves round ( a – an – the - no article) Sun .
8. I asked ( a – an – the - no article ) professor Ahmed about his childhood .
9. She gave me ( a – an – the - no article ) encouraging reply.
10- ( A – An - The – No article ) Sun went down ( a – an – the - no article ) horizon.
11- Sara went to ( a – an – the - no article ) library to borrow ( a – an – the - no article ) book.
12- His father was not ( a – an – the - no article ) educated man.
13- ( A – An - The – No article ) man band entertained the crowed.
14- Fear is ( a – an – the - no article ) universal weakness.
15. I dislike ( the – a – no article ) towns , but I love ( a – the – an ) countryside .
16. Where is ( a – an – the ) hat that I bought yesterday .
17. Nagi , ( a – the – an ) man you met yesterday is ( a – an – the ) honest man .
18. He crossed ( a – the – an ) Atlantic in ( a – an – the ) record time .
19. It's ( an – a – the ) shame ! There won't be another train for at least ( an – a – the ) hour .
20. Take ( a – an – no article ) little tea . It will do you ( an – a – the ) lot of good .
21. What ( a – an – no article ) nonsense !
22. There was ( an – a – the ) knock at ( an – a – the ) door , I opened it and found
23. There was ( an – a – the ) knock at ( an – a – the ) door , I opened it and found
24. (an – a – the) small dark man in (an – a – the) check overcoat and (an – a – the) soft hat .

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
12-03-2015, 12:01 AM
choose the correct answer
1. He lives in ( a – an – the - no article ) london.
2. For this job you need ( a – an – the - no article) experience with computer.
3. It's (a – an - the - no article ) most expensive car i've ever seen .
4. Did you come by ( a – an – the – no article ) air ?
5. I had a cup of tea and some coffee ( a – an – the - no article ) tea was hot .
6. I couldn't hear because of (a – an – the - no article ) noise of the train .
7. The earth moves round ( a – an – the - no article) sun .
8. I asked ( a – an – the - no article ) professor ahmed about his childhood .
9. She gave me ( a – an – the - no article ) encouraging reply.
10- ( a – an - the – no article ) sun went down ( a – an – the - no article ) horizon.
11- sara went to ( a – an – the - no article ) library to borrow ( a – an – the - no article ) book.
12- his father was not ( a – an – the - no article ) educated man.
13- ( a – an - the – no article ) man band entertained the crowed.
14- fear is ( a – an – the - no article ) universal weakness.
15. I dislike ( the – a – no article ) towns , but i love ( a – the – an ) countryside .
16. Where is ( a – an – the ) hat that i bought yesterday .
17. Nagi , ( a – the – an ) man you met yesterday is ( a – an – the ) honest man .
18. He crossed ( a – the – an ) atlantic in ( a – an – the ) record time .
19. It's ( an – a – the ) shame ! There won't be another train for at least ( an – a – the ) hour .
20. Take ( a – an – no article ) little tea . It will do you ( an – a – the ) lot of good .
21. What ( a – an – no article ) nonsense !
22. There was ( an – a – the ) knock at ( an – a – the ) door , i opened it and found
24. (an – a – the) small dark man in (an – a – the) check overcoat and (an – a – the) soft hat .
اى خدمة و آسف على التأخير