مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ركن السؤال و الأجابة 2

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مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
14-10-2013, 04:11 PM
هذه الصفحة خاصة باستفسارات السادة الزملاء و أبنائنا الطلاب ، وسيقوم أساتذة المنتدي بالرد عليها ان شاء الله ، برجاء وضع الأسئلة الخاصة باللغة الانجليزية كمادة و الابتعاد عن الاسئلة الادارية

14-10-2013, 04:27 PM
thanks for your efforts
لو سمحت انا عاوز اساال لو انا شطبت كلمه فى الامتحان هينقصونى عليها ؟!

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
14-10-2013, 05:52 PM
أكيد لأ طبعا

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
14-10-2013, 09:56 PM
1. A relationship wants to know why you like your school.
2. A strong economy depends on a healthy manufacturing basic.
3. Ali has a part -time job in a bank working eight hours a day.
4. As soon as seeing the accident, I called the police.
5. Both parties wish to avoid being looked in discussion which will resolve nothing.

18-10-2013, 04:00 PM
متشكرين جدا على مجهود حضرتك .. دى اجابتى عن بعض الأسئلة

1. A relationship wants to know why you like your school.
2. A strong economy depends on a healthy manufacturing basic.
3. Ali has a part -time job in a bank working eight hours a day.
4. As soon as seeing the accident, I called the police.
5. Both parties wish to avoid being looked in discussion which will resolve nothing.

2- basic --> base
3- part-time --> full-time
4- As soon as --> On/After
5- looked --> locked


و لو سمحت دى شوية أسئلة مستوى رفيع أرجو إن حضرتك تجوابهم

The government's action to control interest rate has been very prompt

(You are standing on my foot. -Sorry (Beg

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
19-10-2013, 12:05 AM
:078111rg3: شكرا لأهتمام حضرتك يا أستاذنا ، اجابات رائعة:
1. A relative wants to know why you like your school.
2. A strong economy depends on a healthy manufacturing base.

3. Ali has a full-time job in a bank working eight hours a day.
4. On / After / Just on seeing the accident, I called the police.
5. Both parties wish to avoid being locked in discussion which will resolve nothing
أما فيما يتعلق بأسئلة حضرتك:

The government's reaction / attempt to control interest rate has been very prompt
.Sorry, but you are standing on my foot -

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
19-10-2013, 12:14 AM
1. Hassan is a football enthusiastic, he plays and watches football all the time.
2. He's a carpenter .He's been doing this job since he left the school six years ago.
3. People should cooperate with simple jobs as well as hard ones.
4. Has every one received his copy book ?
5. Little they realize they have limited abilities .

21-10-2013, 10:33 AM
1. Hassan is a football enthusiastic, he plays and watches football all the time.
2. He's a carpenter .He's been doing this job since he left the school six years ago.
3. People should cooperate with simple jobs as well as hard ones.
4. Has every one received his copy book ?
5. Little they realize they have limited abilities .

شكرا على إجابات و أسئلة حضرتك .. دى اجاباتى عن بعض الأسئلة

1. enthusistic --> enthusiast

3. with --> in

5. they realize --> realize they

دى شوية أسئلة أرجو إجابات حضرتك عليهم


1- What do you do when you grow up ?

[Is this answer right: What are you going to do when you grow up ? OR do-->will ]

2- He wears the same uniform like my father's when he goes to work


3- we have planned to join a summer camp in Matrouh. We ... next Sunday

( are going to depart - are departing )

4- ? ... Would you like to eat

( chicken - a chicken )

* يا ريت تفسير حضرتك للإجابة فى رقم 3

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
21-10-2013, 10:26 PM
1- What do you do when you grow up ?
What are you going to do when you grow up ?

What will you do when you grow up ?
الأجابة الأولي أفضل لأن المفترض أننا نسأل عن نية أو خطة ، غير أن موقع Longman ذكر في قسم السؤال و الأجابة أن هذه النوعية من الأسئلة يفترض ألا تأتي في أسئلة multiple choice لأن: they are interchangeable حسب تعبير الموقع

2- He wears the same uniform as my father's when he goes to work
3- We have planned to join a summer camp in Matrouh. We ... next Sunday

( are going to depart - are departing )

الأجابة الأولي going to لأننا نتحدث عن خطة لم يتم اتخاذ اي ترتيبات، غير أنني أكررأن موقع Longman ذكر في قسم السؤال و الأجابة أن هذه النوعية من الأسئلة يفترض ألا تأتي في أسئلة multiple choice لأن: they are interchangeable حسب تعبير الموقع

( chicken - a chicken )
وفي انتظار اجابة باقي الأسئلة

yahya gamal
22-10-2013, 12:30 AM
ما معنى N or M فى وحدة 5

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
22-10-2013, 02:11 PM
The (N or M) title is taken from a catechism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catechism) in the Book of Common Prayer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Common_Prayer) which asks, "What is your Christian name? Answer N. or M.

23-10-2013, 07:43 PM
جزاك الله خيرا على الاجابات ..

1. Hassan is a football enthusiastic, he plays and watches football all the time.
2. He's a carpenter .He's been doing this job since he left the school six years ago.
3. People should cooperate with simple jobs as well as hard ones.
4. Has every one received his copy book ?
5. Little they realize they have limited abilities .

دى جميع اجاباتى اللى أعرفها عن أسئلة حضرتك حتى الآن .. و ياريت تقولى اذا كانوا صح أم لا .

1. enthusistic --> enthusiast

2. left --> has left

3. with --> in

4. every one --> everyone

5. they realize --> realize they


دى شوية أسئلة ، من فضلك عايز حلهم

Protective clothing ... useful

( is - are )


... accident I saw on the street this morning was terrible

( The - No Article )


The course is designed to help students ... their speaking skills

( develope - grow )


Her older brother, who is ... twenty-five , got married last week

( aged - aging - ageless - age )

احمد محمد سيد هانى
23-10-2013, 10:20 PM
find the mistake
I will run round the park for half an hour everyday next summer

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
23-10-2013, 11:59 PM
I am going to run round the park for half an hour every day next summer
وذلك اذا اعتبرنا أن الجملة تعبر عن نية أو خطة لدي قائلها ، غير أن هناك خطأ آخر و هو every day

24-10-2013, 12:01 AM
amount - quantity ما الفرق بينهما وما الكلمات التي نستخدمها مع كلا منهما

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
24-10-2013, 12:17 AM
1. Hassan is a football enthusiast, he plays and watches football all the time.
2. He's a carpenter .He's been doing this job since he left school six years ago.
3. People should cooperate on / in simple jobs as well as hard ones.
4. Has everyone received his copy book ?
5. Little who / that realize they have limited abilities
أجابات أسئلة حضرتك
Protective clothing is useful
The accident I saw on the street this morning was terrible
The course is designed to help students develop their speaking skills
Her older brother, who is aged twenty-five , got married last week

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
24-10-2013, 11:59 PM
1. Every day Ola has to do the house jobs and look after five children,which is too many for her.
2. Forests make out about 7% of the earth's surface.
3. The slow you drive, the less accidents you have.
4. I'd like to work as a translator as soon as being graduated.
5. Who is knowing to fix this car?

samir Meabed
25-10-2013, 05:33 AM

28-10-2013, 03:47 PM
1. Every day Ola has to do the house jobs and look after five children,which is too many for her.
2. Forests make out about 7% of the earth's surface.
3. The slow you drive, the less accidents you have.
4. I'd like to work as a translator as soon as being graduated.
5. Who is knowing to fix this car?

many --> much .1

2. make out about --> make about

3. slow --> slower

4. as soon as --> On / After / Just on

5. knowing --> knows


متشكر على إجابات حضرتك

دى شوية أسئلة أرجو إجابات حضرتك عليهم



A: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to go to the cinema.
B: Go along this street, then turn right

? :A
? :B

A: I'm afraid you have to pay a fine, sir
? B: What for
A: Exceeding speed limit
B: I'm awfully sorry.I'll be carful about that

? Is A: Traffic officer
? IS Function: Telling someon bad news politely

هل العناصر التالية صحيحة ، فى مكان " مكتب البريد "

Post office official


..... A sat-nav system help drivers find the best

( route - road )

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
28-10-2013, 05:38 PM

A: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to go to the cinema
B: Go along this street, then turn right
P. street A: stranger B: passerby
F: Asking about and giving directions

A: I'm afraid you have to pay a fine, sir. ? B: What for
A: Exceeding speed limit
B: I'm awfully sorry.I'll be careful about that
P. street A: traffic officer B: driver
Function: polite instructions - asking about and giving reason - apologizing
العناصر التالية صحيحة ، فى " مكتب البريد "
Clerk - Client
A sat-nav system help drivers find the best route

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
28-10-2013, 05:47 PM
1. A: How do you want it ? B: Just a trim.
A: Would you like it washed? B: No, just leave it as it is.
Place: ……..………… A: ……….……………… B:… ………………… Function: ………........………………...
2. A: I am sorry, sir but this is a prescription medicine. B: Oh! I see. Thank you very much.
Place: ……..………… A: ……….……………… B:… ………………… Function: ………........………………...
3. A: Please I want my mattress soft, no springs and two pillows. B: OK sir.
Place: ……..………… A: ……….……………… B:… ………………… Function: ………........………………...

زياد المغربى
28-10-2013, 10:30 PM
the past few months have witnessed a price .............between leading supermarkets
list- war- liquidation -sale
she has written two novels .......of which have been made into TV series
every -all-both-even
the ring .......while she was washing the dishes
was lost- lost- is lost

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
28-10-2013, 11:01 PM
The past few months have witnessed a price war between leading supermarkets
She has written two novels both of which have been made into TV series
The ring was lost while she was washing the dishes

29-10-2013, 01:30 PM
1. A: How do you want it ? B: Just a trim.
A: Would you like it washed? B: No, just leave it as it is.
Place: ……..………… A: ……….……………… B:… ………………… Function: ………........………………...
2. A: I am sorry, sir but this is a prescription medicine. B: Oh! I see. Thank you very much.
Place: ……..………… A: ……….……………… B:… ………………… Function: ………........………………...
3. A: Please I want my mattress soft, no springs and two pillows. B: OK sir.
Place: ……..………… A: ……….……………… B:… ………………… Function: ………........………………...


Place: Barber's
A: Barber
B: Customer
Function: Asking and answering questions - Giving instructions


Place: Pharmacy
A: pharmacist
B: customer
Function: Apologizing with giving reasons


Place: ?
A: Customer
B: ?
Function: making a polite request


شكر جزيلا على تعب حضرتك معانا ..

معلش دى شوية أسئلة مش عارفهم بردو

ِA: Yes, I'd like another cup of tea
B: And here's a piece of cake
A: I say, this cake is really delicious
B: I'm gald you like it. It's my own recipe
A: Is it ? You must be a goo cook

? Is the function: Replying to an offer politely - Expressing liking

I'll make a phone call while I .... for

( will be wating - wait )

و اذا كانت الإجابة الصحيحة هى wait يا ريت حضرتك توضح ليه التانية متنفعش


Be careful ! You ... yourself with that knife

are going to hurt - will hurt

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
30-10-2013, 12:32 AM
ِA: Yes, I'd like another cup of tea
B: And here's a piece of cake
A: I say, this cake is really delicious
B: I'm glad you like it. It's my own recipe
A: Is it ? You must be a goo cook
P. Home A: Guest B: Host / Hostess
Function: polite request - Offering - Replying to an offer politely - Expressing liking
I'll make a phone call while I wait for
الإجابة الصحيحة هى wait لأن المضارع البسيط بعد الروابط الزمنية هو ما يدل علي المستقبل

Be careful ! You will hurt yourself with that knife

لأن هذا تحذير ، مع العلم بأن موقع Longman ذكر ان هذا النوع من الأسئلة يعد خاطيء لأن الامر يحتاج الي مزيد من الايضاح للموقف

زياد المغربى
30-10-2013, 08:28 AM
The past few months have witnessed a price war between leading supermarkets
معناها ايه الجملة دى يا مستر

زياد المغربى
30-10-2013, 08:31 AM
ممكن تليفون حضرتك فى رسالة

30-10-2013, 11:53 AM
متشكر جدا .. و بعذ إذنك يا ريت إجابة دول


Mr Amir will move to the city center on Friday 10th July

? IS ( will move --> is moving ) correct


Respond to that situation

Somone gives you an expensive gift, but you don't like it and have no use for it. What do you say


1. A: Please I want my mattress soft, no springs and two pillows. B: OK sir.
Place: ……..………… A: ……….……………… B:… ………………… Function: ………........………………...


A: I wish you enjoyed your vist to Egypt
B: Sure, I'll do my best to come once more to take part in another excavation programme

? Place
? A
B: Toursit
? IS Function: wishing someone good time

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
30-10-2013, 02:56 PM
Mr Amir is moving to the city center on Friday 10th July

Thank you for your gift, but I have no use for it


1. A: Please I want my mattress soft, no springs and two pillows. B: OK sir.

Place: Upholsterer's A: Customer B: Upholsterer Function: Polite request

A: I wish you enjoyed your visit to Egypt
B: Sure, I'll do my best to come once more to take part in another excavation programme

Place: Airport A: colleague B: foreign archaeologist Function: Expressing good hope - expressing liking - promising

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
30-10-2013, 02:59 PM
The past few months have witnessed a price war between leading supermarkets

معناها انه هناك منافسة شديدة عن طريق تخفيض الاسعار لجذب الزبائن

30-10-2013, 04:10 PM
شوية اسئلة برة المنهج لو سمحت
انا مستوايا كويس فى الانجليزى مش وحش ومش مدرسة لغات يعنى
بحل من سنيور وفولماركس وزابيست مراجعه نهائية
كده كافى ولا اجيب حاجة تانى ؟ علما انى لما بحل بلاقى الاسئلة عبيطة يعنى
السؤال التانى والاهم
نفسى اجيب 6\6 فى البراجراف ياريت تقولى الخطوات اللى اعملها .وانا يوميا بكتب موضوع براجراف بس ده مش حل
انا عايز احفظ 123 اعملهم وامشى عليهم فى البراجراف علشان اضمن انى اجيب النهائية
اكتب مقدمة وخاتمة ولا لا
اكتب صفحة ولا اتنين؟
اتكلم كتير كانه تعبير ولا حسب المطلوب فقط
الخط بيتحسب عليه ولا لا
ايه اللمسات اللى تخلى المصحح يتهبل على موضوعى؟؟
يارييت حضرتك ترد عليا بالتفصيل الممل وشكرا جزيلا لحضرتك
اانا اسف ان دى اسئلة برة المنهج بس ان شاء الله هغرق الصفحة دى اسئلة فى المنهج

زياد المغربى
30-10-2013, 09:46 PM
i ................ with the progress you have made in English
satisfied -have satisfied-am satisfied-
تجاهل تعليمات المرور وعدم ربط احزمة الامان هى اهم اسباب حوادث الطرق
يجب علينا ترشيد استخدام الطاقة لتجنب النقص فى الموارد المائية مستقبلا

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
30-10-2013, 11:45 PM
أولا أهتم بالسؤال السهل قبل الصعب ، لأن أخطاء المتفوقين غالبا في النقاط التي يستتفهونها ، واذا كنت تبحث عن اسئلة صعبة فان شاء الله سوف ارفع مذكرة لمراجعة المتفوقين في قسم المراجعة خلال اسبوع
لكي تحصل علي 6\6 فى البراجراف ، من المهم أن تأخذ في الأعتبار ما يلي :
1 - قراءة السؤال جيدا حتي تعرف عما ستكتب بالتحديد
2- أن تترك مسافة تعادل خمسة احرف في السطر الاول فقط من الموضوع.
3- ان تبدأ كل جملة بحرف Capital كبير وواضح.
4- أن تضع (.) واضحة في نهاية كل جملة .

5- ابدأ الموضع بـ topic sentence أي جملة رئيسية نحتوي في مجملها علي فكرة الموضوع.

6- أن تراعي الترابط والتنسيق العام بين أفكار الموضوع .
7- ان تستخدم الزمن الصحيح والمناسب لنوعية الموضوع الذي تكتبه فقد يكون في المضارع وقد يكون في الماضي أو المستقبل أو خليط بينهم.
8- تجنب استخدام الجمل المعقدة والتي تحتوي علي مفردات وتركيبات صعبة قد توقعك في أخطاء أنت في غني عنها وعليك باستخدام الجمل البسيطة والسهلة في المعني.
9- خصص صفحة كاملة أو صفحتين للموضوع في ورقة الامتحان ويفضل دائما أن تترك سطر عند كتابة الموضوع.
10- اجتهد في تحسين خطك وذلك بترك مسافة بين كل كلمة واخري فهذا يعطي انطبعا طيبا للمصحح
11 - لا تستخدم جمل مقدمة وخاتمة محفوظة ، فهذه للطالب الذي يريد النجاح وليست لمن يريد الحصول علي مجموع عال
12 - لا تكتب اكثر من المطلوب حتي لا تقع في الخطأ

I am satisfied with the progress you have made in English

تجاهل تعليمات المرور وعدم ربط احزمة الامان هى اهم اسباب حوادث الطرق
Ignoring traffic rules (instructions) and not fastening seat belts are the most important causes of road accidents

يجب علينا ترشيد استخدام الطاقة لتجنب النقص فى الموارد المائية مستقبلا (لست أفهم معني الجملة)
We must rationalize the use of energy to avoid the shortage of water resources in the future

31-10-2013, 08:26 AM
أولا أهتم بالسؤال السهل قبل الصعب ، لأن أخطاء المتفوقين غالبا في النقاط التي يستتفهونها ، واذا كنت تبحث عن اسئلة صعبة فان شاء الله سوف ارفع مذكرة لمراجعة المتفوقين في قسم المراجعة خلال اسبوع
لكي تحصل علي 6\6 فى البراجراف ، من المهم أن تأخذ في الأعتبار ما يلي :
1 - قراءة السؤال جيدا حتي تعرف عما ستكتب بالتحديد
2- أن تترك مسافة تعادل خمسة احرف في السطر الاول فقط من الموضوع.
3- ان تبدأ كل جملة بحرف capital كبير وواضح.
4- أن تضع (.) واضحة في نهاية كل جملة .

5- ابدأ الموضع بـ topic sentence أي جملة رئيسية نحتوي في مجملها علي فكرة الموضوع.

6- أن تراعي الترابط والتنسيق العام بين أفكار الموضوع .
7- ان تستخدم الزمن الصحيح والمناسب لنوعية الموضوع الذي تكتبه فقد يكون في المضارع وقد يكون في الماضي أو المستقبل أو خليط بينهم.
8- تجنب استخدام الجمل المعقدة والتي تحتوي علي مفردات وتركيبات صعبة قد توقعك في أخطاء أنت في غني عنها وعليك باستخدام الجمل البسيطة والسهلة في المعني.
9- خصص صفحة كاملة أو صفحتين للموضوع في ورقة الامتحان ويفضل دائما أن تترك سطر عند كتابة الموضوع.
10- اجتهد في تحسين خطك وذلك بترك مسافة بين كل كلمة واخري فهذا يعطي انطبعا طيبا للمصحح
11 - لا تستخدم جمل مقدمة وخاتمة محفوظة ، فهذه للطالب الذي يريد النجاح وليست لمن يريد الحصول علي مجموع عال
12 - لا تكتب اكثر من المطلوب حتي لا تقع في الخطأ

i am satisfied with the progress you have made in english

تجاهل تعليمات المرور وعدم ربط احزمة الامان هى اهم اسباب حوادث الطرق
ignoring traffic rules (instructions) and not fastening seat belts are the most important causes of road accidents

يجب علينا ترشيد استخدام الطاقة لتجنب النقص فى الموارد المائية مستقبلا (لست أفهم معني الجملة)
we must rationalize the use of energy to avoid the shortage of water resources in the future

شكرا لحضرتك على الرد
لو عملت الكلام ده بدقة شديدة اجيب النهائية؟؟

31-10-2013, 10:09 AM
السلام عليكم

متشكر جدا لحضرتك .. هل المكان هنا صح ؟

? A: What job are you interested in
B: The job if receptionist
A: You know that proficiency in English is a must

Place: Interviewer's office
A: Interviewer
B: Applicant
Function: Asking and asnwering interview questions


If he don't get eight hours sleep every night, he .... really tired the next day

will feel - feel

* فى دليل المعلم مكتوب الإجابة feel ، لماذا لم تطبق قاعدة If الأولى هنا ؟


" I heard that you rode through the old town
alone,” she continued. “That surprised me. The people there must really
have appreciated what you did.”

? Why did the people appreciate this action

Is this correct

As he showed them that he trusts them , and will care about their demands

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
31-10-2013, 02:17 PM
? A: What job are you interested in
B: The job if receptionist
A: You know that proficiency in English is a must

Place: Hotel / Hotel manager's office / Interviewer's office
A: Interviewer
B: Applicant
Function: Asking and answering interview questions
If he doesn't get eight hours sleep every night, he feels really tired the next day
- فى دليل المعلم مكتوب الإجابة feels ، لأن دي حقيقة علمية

I heard that you rode through the old town alone,” she continued. “That surprised me. The people there must really have appreciated what you did.”

? Why did the people appreciate this action
As he showed them that he trusts them , and will care about their demands ( excellent) a

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
31-10-2013, 02:20 PM
أ (http://www.thanwya.com/vb/member.php?u=847217)كيد ان شاء الله (http://www.thanwya.com/vb/member.php?u=847217)

31-10-2013, 09:26 PM
شكرا لحضرتك جزاك الله خيرا.ورزقك الجنة وزيارة بيت الله الحرام

اكتر حاجة بتعفرتنى هيا the
مش بعرف امتى احظها وامتى لا وسط الكلام

مثلا فى الترجمة اللى حضرتك جاوبتها
ليه قولنا traffic rules ومقلناش the traffic
وكمان seat belts محطيناش ليه the

زياد المغربى
01-11-2013, 12:41 AM
بعد اذنك يا مستر ممكن اعرف امتى استخدم الحالة الاولى والحالة الصفرية فى قاعدة if وهل فيه قاعة لذلك لان فيه جمل بتلخبط

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
01-11-2013, 01:08 PM
تستخدم الحالة الصفرية في الحقائق العامة:

If it rains, streets become wet. general fact
أما الحقائق المرتبطة بموقف محدد فنستخدم لها الحالة الاولي:

If it rains tonight, the streets will become wet. specific fact
تستخدم الحالة الصفرية أيضا للتعبير عن العادات :

If I feel tired, I go to bed
أما الحالة الاولي فنستخدم للتعبير عن المستقبل

زياد المغربى
01-11-2013, 08:16 PM
IF YOU POUR OIL IN to water ,it .
I Will never enjoyed his plays somehow all his characters are ...........
hardback-card board-paperback-cardholder
وبعد اذن حضرتك معنى الجملة التانية ايه وال شكر لحضرتك

زياد المغربى
01-11-2013, 11:16 PM
by 2 oclock on the first day abig fish had taken the bait
http://www.thanwya.com/vb/style12/buttons/edit.gif (http://www.thanwya.com/vb/editpost.php?do=editpost&p=5572690) http://www.thanwya.com/vb/style12/buttons/quote.gif (http://www.thanwya.com/vb/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=5572690) http://www.thanwya.com/vb/style12/buttons/multiquote_off.gif (http://www.thanwya.com/vb/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=5572690) http://www.thanwya.com/vb/style12/buttons/quickreply.gif (http://www.thanwya.com/vb/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=5572690)

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
01-11-2013, 11:31 PM
IF YOU POUR OIL IN to water, it floats
الجملة التانية غير صحيحة : ازاي I Will never enjoyed
I Will never enjoyed his plays somehow all his characters are ...........
hardback-card board-paperback-cardholder
By 2 o'clock on the first day, a big fish had taken the bait. until
It wasn't until 2 o'clock on the first day that a big fish took the bait
No fish had taken the bait until 2 o'clock on the first day

زياد المغربى
02-11-2013, 12:28 AM
IF YOU POUR OIL IN to water, it floats
الجملة التانية غير صحيحة : ازاي I Will never enjoyed
I Will never enjoyed his plays somehow all his characters are ...........
hardback-card board-paperback-cardholder
By 2 o'clock on the first day, a big fish had taken the bait. until
It wasn't until 2 o'clock on the first day that a big fish took the bait
No fish had taken the bait until 2 o'clock on the first day

اسف يا مستر have never
الاختيار الصح ايه

وشكرا لحضرتك

02-11-2013, 01:24 PM
شكرا جزيلا على جهد حضرتك ..

Can I have ... to eat ? I'm starving

( Anything - Something )

أنا عارف إن الإجابة something ، لكن هل معنى ده إن anything لا توضع فى الأسئلة ؟

02-11-2013, 05:13 PM
ياااااااااااااااااااااااااااريت حضرتك تقولى اجيب كاااااااااااااام من 6 فى البراجراف ده

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
02-11-2013, 05:34 PM
Can I have Something to eat ? I'm starving

الإجابة something ، لإن anything لا توضع فى الأسئلة الخاصة بالعرض و الطلب

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
02-11-2013, 05:47 PM
There are two forms of tourism, domestic tourism and foreign tourism. When people visit places in their country, this is called domestic tourism. when they visit places in another country, this is called foreign tourism. Both inside and outside tourism are so important for countries .Tourism is an important source of hard currency, so we have to encourage tourists to visit our country. Mass Medias play a vital role in encouraging tourists to visit Egypt. In Egypt there are too many places we can visit, like the pyramids, Luxor and Sharm El sheikh. Tourists visit Luxor to see old monuments and museums. A lot of tourists visit Sharm El sheikh to swim in the red sea and enjoy the sunny weather there. We have to be honest and kind with them to encourage them to visit Egypt again .Tourists like to take souvenirs with them to their country. Some sellers buy their goods to tourists at high price, but this is bad behavior. There is no doubt that every one hopes his country to be rich and a good one, so we have to unite our efforts to make Egypt better. Finally, I'd like to point out that what I have just written about this interesting topic is just like adding a drop of water to
The ocean

ان شاء الله 6 / 6 أو تقل نصف درجة لو مصحح بيدقق زيادة عن اللازم

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
02-11-2013, 05:55 PM
The Definite Article the
- تستخدم (the) في الحالات التالية:
1 – عندما يكون الاسم الذي تستخدم قبله واضحا للقاريء او السامع:
- Your mum comes to your bedroom and tells you:
- Make the bed and open the window. (You know which bed and window your mum is talking about)
2- قبل الاسم الذي سبق ذكره:
- Ali picked a flower. The flower is colourful.
3- عندما يكون هناك واحد فقط من الشيء:
- The sun / the moon / the sky / the country / the countryside / the ground….etc.
- و لاحظ ايضا:
- Cairo is the capital of Egypt. - What is the longest river in the world?
- يذهب في رحلة بحرية (بدون the) - Go to sea / be at sea = go / be on a voyage
- لكن لاحظ اننا نستخدم (the) عند الاشارة الي البحر كمكان :
- I'd like to live by the sea.
- كلمة (space) عندما تعني الفضاء الكوني لا تاخذ (the) :
- There are millions of stars in space.
- عندما نستخدم(the) قبل كلمة space)) فهي تعني مكان فارغ:
- The space in my room isn't enough for this table.
4- تستخدم (the) قبل الكلمات (theatre/ cinema/radio/office/ internet)ولا نقصد مكان او شيء محدد:
- We went to the cinema last night. –Do you go to the theatre?
- We listen to the news on the radio.
- عند استخدام كلمة (television) في سياق المشاهدة فلا تاخذ (the):
- We often watch football matches on television.
- عند استخدام كلمة (television) للدلالة علي جهاز التليفزيون تاخذ (the):
- Can you turn on the television?
5- تستخدم (the) قبل اسم مفرد يعد للدلالة علي النوع بوجه عام:
- The giraffe is the tallest animal. – The rose is my favourite flower.
- يستخدم الاسم الجمع بدون (the) بنفس الطريقة للدلالة علي النوع بوجه عام:
- Giraffes are the tallest animals. – Roses are my favourite flowers.
6- تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء الاختراعات المفردة للدلالة علي النوع بوجه عام:
- The computer is the most important invention.
7- تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء الالات الموسيقية في سياق العزف والاستماع مع أفعال مثل:
(play / practice/ learn practice / study/ appreciate / listen to ….)

- Can you play the guitar? - The piano is my favourite instrument.
- أما عند الحديث عنها علي أنها ألات اوأجهزة فلا تأخذ (the):
- I want to buy a piano. – She found an old guitar in her grandfather’s house.
8- تستخدم (the) قبل بعض الصفات التي لا يتبعها أسم لتدل علي اسم جمع دائما و تأخذ فعل جمع:
- The rich should help the poor. – He is collecting money for the blind.
9- تستخدم (the) قبل بعض صفات ال***ية التالية لتدل علي شعب ما بصفة عامة:
The British / the English / the Irish / the Welsh / the Spanish / the French / the Dutch/ the Swiss
- كما تستخدم (the) بنفس الطريقة قبل صفات ال***ية المنتهية ب(ese ) :
- The Japanese / the Chinese/ the Sudanese…….. etc.
- اما صفات ال***ية الاخري فيجب ان تجمع بعد ( the ) لتؤدي نفس المعني :
- The Egyptians / the Russians/ the Arabs/ the Scots/ the Turks…etc.
10- تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء مجموعات الجزر:
- The Bahamas / the Canaries / the British Isles
- اما اسماء الجزر المنفردة فلا تاخذ (the) :
Sicily/ Bermuda / Crete …….. etc.
11- تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء بعض الاقاليم :
- The Middle East / the Far East/ the north of Egypt / the west of Canada….etc.
- اما عند استخدام الاتجاة كصفة للمكان فلا نستخدم (the) :
- Northern Egypt / western Canada…….etc.
12- تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء السلاسل الجبلية:
- The Rocky Mountains/ the Andes / the Alps………..etc.
- اما اسماء القمم الجبلية المنفردة فعادة لا تأخذ (the) :
- Mount Everest/ Kilimanjaro……………. etc.
13- تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء المجيطات والبحار و الانهار و القنوات :
- The Atlantic/ the Pacific Ocean / the Red Sea / the Nile / the Suez C****…..etc.
14- تستخدم (the)قبل الاماكن الجغرافية واسماء الخلجان والغابات مثل
the Sahara, the Persian Gulf, the Black Forest,
15- تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء الاماكن التالية:
-hotels:theHilton / the Station Hotel
-restaurants: theBombay Restaurant / the Chinese restaurant
- theatres: the National Theatre / the Palace Theatre
- Cinemas: the Renaissance / the Metro
-museums: the Egyptian Museum / the British Museum
- اما اذا كان اي من الاماكن السابقة يسمي علي اسم شخص و ينتهي ب(s) الجمع او('s) الملكية فلا يأخذ (the) :
- McDonalds/ Barclays Bank……etc.
16- تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء الاماكن التي بها (of) :
- The Great Wall of China/ the Bank of England…….etc.
17- تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء الصحف :
- The Times/ the Washington Post ……etc.
18- تستخدم (the) قبل الاسماء التي يوجد اتفاق علي مدلولها:
- The police / the fire brigade/ the army/ the dentist/ the post office………etc.

19- تستخدم (the) قبل الاسم عندما نقصد الاشارة الي ما يدل عليه الاسم الذي بعدها بالتحديد:
- I like your garden. The flowers are beautiful. ( the flowers in your garden)
- Maha works in a primary school. Yesterday, she took the pupils on a school trip.
20- تستخدم (the) قبل صفات التفضيل القصوي :
- The lion the strongest animal. – Gold is the most expensive animals.
21- تستخدم (the) مع التعبيرات الزمنية:
- in the ( morning / afternoon / evening )
22- تستخدم (the) مع تعبيرات معينة:
-at the top of his voice -at the end of.. -in the end
23- مع العبارات الدالة علي المقارنة:
- The more you practise, the better you get. كلما تدربت أكثر كلما تحسنت .
24- قبل أسماء الكتب المقدسة : The Quran / The Bible / The Torah
25- لاحظ استخدام the (عادة) في الحالات الآتية :
- The state/ the environment / the weather
26- قبل الاسم الذي تتبعه عبارة بها ضمير وصل أو المعرف بالاضافة الي معرفة بحرف جر:
- The man who lost his son was very sad. – He opened the door of the room.
27- قبل العدد الذي يدل علي فترة عشر سنوات و قبل الاعداد الترتيبية:
- The fifties الخمسينيات /the nineties التسعينيات / the (first / second/third…….etc.)
28- قبل أسمـاء الهيئـات والمنظمـات والألقـاب والمنـاخ .
The government– the climate - the weather – the press ………
-لا تستخدم (the) في الحالات التالية:

- لا تستخدم(the) في الحالات التالية

1- لا تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء الوجبات :
- We have lunch at three o'clock. ( not :the lunch )
- لكن عند وصف الوجبة نستخدم ( the ) :
- The breakfast I ate yesterday was horrible.
2- لا تستخدم (the) قبل الاسم الجمع اذا كنا نقصد المعني العام :
- Rabbits are nice animals. ( not : the rabbits )
3- لا تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء الاماكن التالية اذا كانت تستخدم للغرض الاساسي منها :
- prison / school /university /college / church / hospital / market / court /mosque…etc.
- He went to university . He studies medicine there.
- اما اذا استخدم المكان لغرض اخر فيأخذ (the) :
- Marwa went to the hospital to visit her uncle. ( She didn't go there as a patient)
4- غالبا لا تستخدم (the) قبل الكلمات ( bed / work / home) :
- He went to bed. – She left work. – I arrived home.
5- لا تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء القارات :
- Asia / Africa / Europe / North America……………etc.
6- لا تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء الدول:
- Egypt / Britain / France / Spain / Germany / Iraq ………… etc.
- اما اذا احتوي اسم الدولة علي كلمات مثل: (Republic/union/kingdom/state/ Fedration…etc.) فهي تأخذ(the)
- The Arab Republic of Egypt / the United Kingdom /
- The United States of America/ The United Arab Emirates - The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia……….etc
- و ايضا اذا كان اسم الدولة جمعا فهو ياخذ (the ) :
the Netherlands / the Philipines
- تستخدم (the) قبل اختصارات الدول والأتحادات وكذلك الدول التى بها :
The United Nations( the UN) / The USA /The ARE
7- لا تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء المدن:
- Cairo/ New York / London / Madrid………etc.
8- لا تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء البحيرات :
- Lake Nassir / Lake Victoria / Lake Manzala………etc.
- باستثناء البحيرة المكونة من مجموعة من البحيرات مثل (the Great Lakes)
9- لا تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء الشوارع و الطرق و الميادين و ان كانت توجد استثناءات :
- Piccadilly / Red Square / Broadway ……..etc.
10- لا تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء الاماكن المركبة اذا كان الاسم الاول فيها يدل علي شخص او مكان :
- Victoria Station/ Buckingham Palace / London Zoo……..etc.
- اما اذا كان الاسم الاول فيها لا يدل علي شخص او مكان فتأخذ (the ) :
- the White House /the Royal Palace………etc.
11- لا تستخدم (the) قبل الاسماء المجردة و الاسماء الغير معدودة بمعني عام:
- sorrow / birth / death / wisdom/money/information/ water……etc.
- لكن لاحظ اننا نستخدم (the) عند الحديث عن شيء محدد:
- The birth of Malak made them very happy. – This is the information you asked for.
12 - لا تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء المواد ( الخامات ):
- wood / wool / metal / milk / iron / plastic / meat……etc.
13- لا نستخدم (the) قبل فصول السنة و اسماء الشهور و ايام الاسبوع :
- Monday / Friday / January / April/ summer……..etc.
14- لا نستخدم (the) قبل اسماء اللغات
- Arabic/ English / Chinese / Turkish……… etc.
-لاحظ أنه اذا جاءت بعد اسم اللغة كلمة language) ) نستخدم ( (the:
The English language / the French language
15- لا نستخدم (the) قبل اسماء المواد الدراسية :
- mathematics / biology / political science
file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge004.gif

16- لاحظ عدم استخدام (the ) قبل الألقاب المتبوعة باسم شخص و قبل أسماء الأعياد :
- King Ramses built a lot of temples. - President Sadat was a great politician.
- I do not go out at Christmas.
file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge005.gif
- ملحوظة هامة : ليست كل كلمة معرفة بـ الـ في اللغة العربية نستخدم قبلهاthe في الإنجليزية و لكن يجب استخدام القواعد السابقة:
- Pollution is a dangerous problem.التلوث مشكلة خطيرة
- Music can be used to cure some diseases. يمكن أن تستخدم الموسيقي لعلاج بعض الأمراض
- Peace is the dream of all nations.السلام هو حلم كل الأمـم
file:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge006.gif
2-The Indefinite Articles ( a- an )

- تستخدم (a) قبل اسم مفرد يعد يبدأ بحرف ساكن :
- a pen / a baby / a nurse / a tree / a cup / a chair / a ball…….etc.
- تستخدم (a) قبل اسم مفرد يعد يبدأ بحرف متحرك ينطق كحرف ساكن :
- a union / a university / a uniform / a European team / a ewe……etc.
- تستخدم (an) قبل اسم مفرد يعد يبدأ بحرف متحرك :
- an egg / an orange / an apple / an eagle / an elephant………etc.
- تستخدم (an) قبل اسم مفرد يعد يبدأ بحرف ساكن لا ينطق يليه حرف متحرك :
- an hour / an honest personfile:///C:\Users\M\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge007.gif
- متي تستخدم( a – an )؟

1- قبل اسم مفرد يعد يذكر لأول مرة في الحديث .
- I can see a bird flying in the sky.
2- قبل الصفة اذا سبقت الاسم :
- We have got a new car.
3- قبل صفات ال***ية و الوظائف :
- She is a French girl. – My uncle is a doctor.
4- قبل الاسم المفرد للدلالة علي النوع بوجه عام ( تذكر أن (the)تستخدم لنفس الغرض) :
- A lion is a dangerous animal. = The lion is a dangerous animal.
5- قبل بعض العبارات العددية مثل :
- a pair/ a couple / a dozen / half a dozen / a score / a lot of / a hundred/ a million…etc.
6- مع تعبيرات السرعة و الزمن و النسبة :
- once a year/ 80 kilometres an hour/ 5 pounds a kilo……etc.
7- تستخدم بمعني ( واحد من متعدد ) :
- I met a friend. – Ola bought a blouse.
- لاحظ أن ( a – an ) لا تستخدم قبل الاسماء الجمع و الاسماء الي لا تعد و الاسماء المعنوية :
- Boys are stronger than girls. – Tables are made of wood. - She is full of hope.

02-11-2013, 06:33 PM
there are two forms of tourism, domestic tourism and foreign tourism. When people visit places in their country, this is called domestic tourism. When they visit places in another country, this is called foreign tourism. Both inside and outside tourism are so important for countries .tourism is an important source of hard currency, so we have to encourage tourists to visit our country. Mass medias play a vital role in encouraging tourists to visit egypt. In egypt there are too many places we can visit, like the pyramids, luxor and sharm el sheikh. Tourists visit luxor to see old monuments and museums. A lot of tourists visit sharm el sheikh to swim in the red sea and enjoy the sunny weather there. We have to be honest and kind with them to encourage them to visit egypt again .tourists like to take souvenirs with them to their country. Some sellers buy their goods to tourists at high price, but this is bad behavior. There is no doubt that every one hopes his country to be rich and a good one, so we have to unite our efforts to make egypt better. finally, i'd like to point out that what i have just written about this interesting topic is just like adding a drop of water to
the ocean

ان شاء الله 6 / 6 أو تقل نصف درجة لو مصحح بيدقق زيادة عن اللازم
الله يخليك يا مستر وشكرا والله حضرتك عامل مجهود عظيم ان شاء الله فى ميزان حسناتك

02-11-2013, 06:35 PM
the definite article

- تستخدم (the) في الحالات التالية:
1 – عندما يكون الاسم الذي تستخدم قبله واضحا للقاريء او السامع:
- your mum comes to your bedroom and tells you:
- make the bed and open the window. (you know which bed and window your mum is talking about)
2- قبل الاسم الذي سبق ذكره:
- ali picked a flower. The flower is colourful.
3- عندما يكون هناك واحد فقط من الشيء:
- the sun / the moon / the sky / the country / the countryside / the ground….etc.
- و لاحظ ايضا:
- cairo is the capital of egypt. - what is the longest river in the world?
- يذهب في رحلة بحرية (بدون the) - go to sea / be at sea = go / be on a voyage
- لكن لاحظ اننا نستخدم (the) عند الاشارة الي البحر كمكان :
- i'd like to live by the sea.
- كلمة (space) عندما تعني الفضاء الكوني لا تاخذ (the) :
- there are millions of stars in space.
- عندما نستخدم(the) قبل كلمة space)) فهي تعني مكان فارغ:
- the space in my room isn't enough for this table.
4- تستخدم (the) قبل الكلمات (theatre/ cinema/radio/office/ internet)ولا نقصد مكان او شيء محدد:
- we went to the cinema last night. –do you go to the theatre?
- we listen to the news on the radio.
- عند استخدام كلمة (television) في سياق المشاهدة فلا تاخذ (the):
- we often watch football matches on television.
- عند استخدام كلمة (television) للدلالة علي جهاز التليفزيون تاخذ (the):
- can you turn on the television?
5- تستخدم (the) قبل اسم مفرد يعد للدلالة علي النوع بوجه عام:
- the giraffe is the tallest animal. – the rose is my favourite flower.
- يستخدم الاسم الجمع بدون (the) بنفس الطريقة للدلالة علي النوع بوجه عام:
- giraffes are the tallest animals. – roses are my favourite flowers.
6- تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء الاختراعات المفردة للدلالة علي النوع بوجه عام:
- the computer is the most important invention.
7- تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء الالات الموسيقية في سياق العزف والاستماع مع أفعال مثل:
(play / practice/ learn practice / study/ appreciate / listen to ….)

- can you play the guitar? - the piano is my favourite instrument.
- أما عند الحديث عنها علي أنها ألات اوأجهزة فلا تأخذ (the):
- i want to buy a piano. – she found an old guitar in her grandfather’s house.
8- تستخدم (the) قبل بعض الصفات التي لا يتبعها أسم لتدل علي اسم جمع دائما و تأخذ فعل جمع:
- the rich should help the poor. – he is collecting money for the blind.
9- تستخدم (the) قبل بعض صفات ال***ية التالية لتدل علي شعب ما بصفة عامة:
the british / the english / the irish / the welsh / the spanish / the french / the dutch/ the swiss
- كما تستخدم (the) بنفس الطريقة قبل صفات ال***ية المنتهية ب(ese ) :
- the japanese / the chinese/ the sudanese…….. Etc.
- اما صفات ال***ية الاخري فيجب ان تجمع بعد ( the ) لتؤدي نفس المعني :
- the egyptians / the russians/ the arabs/ the scots/ the turks…etc.
10- تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء مجموعات الجزر:
- the bahamas / the canaries / the british isles
- اما اسماء الجزر المنفردة فلا تاخذ (the) :
sicily/ bermuda / crete …….. Etc.
11- تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء بعض الاقاليم :
- the middle east / the far east/ the north of egypt / the west of canada….etc.
- اما عند استخدام الاتجاة كصفة للمكان فلا نستخدم (the) :
- northern egypt / western canada…….etc.
12- تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء السلاسل الجبلية:
- the rocky mountains/ the andes / the alps………..etc.
- اما اسماء القمم الجبلية المنفردة فعادة لا تأخذ (the) :
- mount everest/ kilimanjaro……………. Etc.
13- تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء المجيطات والبحار و الانهار و القنوات :
- the atlantic/ the pacific ocean / the red sea / the nile / the suez c****…..etc.
14- تستخدم (the)قبل الاماكن الجغرافية واسماء الخلجان والغابات مثل
the sahara, the persian gulf, the black forest,
15- تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء الاماكن التالية:
-hotels:thehilton / the station hotel
-restaurants: Thebombay restaurant / the chinese restaurant
- theatres: The national theatre / the palace theatre
- cinemas: The renaissance / the metro
-museums: The egyptian museum / the british museum
- اما اذا كان اي من الاماكن السابقة يسمي علي اسم شخص و ينتهي ب(s) الجمع او('s) الملكية فلا يأخذ (the) :
- mcdonalds/ barclays bank……etc.
16- تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء الاماكن التي بها (of) :
- the great wall of china/ the bank of england…….etc.
17- تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء الصحف :
- the times/ the washington post ……etc.
18- تستخدم (the) قبل الاسماء التي يوجد اتفاق علي مدلولها:
- the police / the fire brigade/ the army/ the dentist/ the post office………etc.

19- تستخدم (the) قبل الاسم عندما نقصد الاشارة الي ما يدل عليه الاسم الذي بعدها بالتحديد:
- i like your garden. The flowers are beautiful. ( the flowers in your garden)
- maha works in a primary school. Yesterday, she took the pupils on a school trip.
20- تستخدم (the) قبل صفات التفضيل القصوي :
- the lion the strongest animal. – gold is the most expensive animals.
21- تستخدم (the) مع التعبيرات الزمنية:
- in the ( morning / afternoon / evening )
22- تستخدم (the) مع تعبيرات معينة:
-at the top of his voice -at the end of.. -in the end
23- مع العبارات الدالة علي المقارنة:
- the more you practise, the better you get. كلما تدربت أكثر كلما تحسنت .
24- قبل أسماء الكتب المقدسة : the quran / the bible / the torah
25- لاحظ استخدام the (عادة) في الحالات الآتية :
- the state/ the environment / the weather
26- قبل الاسم الذي تتبعه عبارة بها ضمير وصل أو المعرف بالاضافة الي معرفة بحرف جر:
- the man who lost his son was very sad. – he opened the door of the room.
27- قبل العدد الذي يدل علي فترة عشر سنوات و قبل الاعداد الترتيبية:
- the fifties الخمسينيات /the nineties التسعينيات / the (first / second/third…….etc.)
28- قبل أسمـاء الهيئـات والمنظمـات والألقـاب والمنـاخ .
the government– the climate - the weather – the press ………
-لا تستخدم (the) في الحالات التالية:

- لا تستخدم(the) في الحالات التالية

1- لا تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء الوجبات :
- we have lunch at three o'clock. ( not :the lunch )
- لكن عند وصف الوجبة نستخدم ( the ) :
- the breakfast i ate yesterday was horrible.
2- لا تستخدم (the) قبل الاسم الجمع اذا كنا نقصد المعني العام :
- rabbits are nice animals. ( not : The rabbits )
3- لا تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء الاماكن التالية اذا كانت تستخدم للغرض الاساسي منها :
- prison / school /university /college / church / hospital / market / court /mosque…etc.
- he went to university . He studies medicine there.
- اما اذا استخدم المكان لغرض اخر فيأخذ (the) :
- marwa went to the hospital to visit her uncle. ( she didn't go there as a patient)
4- غالبا لا تستخدم (the) قبل الكلمات ( bed / work / home) :
- he went to bed. – she left work. – i arrived home.
5- لا تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء القارات :
- asia / africa / europe / north america……………etc.
6- لا تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء الدول:
- egypt / britain / france / spain / germany / iraq ………… etc.
- اما اذا احتوي اسم الدولة علي كلمات مثل: (republic/union/kingdom/state/ fedration…etc.) فهي تأخذ(the)
- the arab republic of egypt / the united kingdom /
- the united states of america/ the united arab emirates - the kingdom of saudi arabia……….etc
- و ايضا اذا كان اسم الدولة جمعا فهو ياخذ (the ) :
the netherlands / the philipines
- تستخدم (the) قبل اختصارات الدول والأتحادات وكذلك الدول التى بها :
the united nations( the un) / the usa /the are
7- لا تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء المدن:
- cairo/ new york / london / madrid………etc.
8- لا تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء البحيرات :
- lake nassir / lake victoria / lake manzala………etc.
- باستثناء البحيرة المكونة من مجموعة من البحيرات مثل (the great lakes)
9- لا تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء الشوارع و الطرق و الميادين و ان كانت توجد استثناءات :
- piccadilly / red square / broadway ……..etc.
10- لا تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء الاماكن المركبة اذا كان الاسم الاول فيها يدل علي شخص او مكان :
- victoria station/ buckingham palace / london zoo……..etc.
- اما اذا كان الاسم الاول فيها لا يدل علي شخص او مكان فتأخذ (the ) :
- the white house /the royal palace………etc.
11- لا تستخدم (the) قبل الاسماء المجردة و الاسماء الغير معدودة بمعني عام:
- sorrow / birth / death / wisdom/money/information/ water……etc.
- لكن لاحظ اننا نستخدم (the) عند الحديث عن شيء محدد:
- the birth of malak made them very happy. – this is the information you asked for.
12 - لا تستخدم (the) قبل اسماء المواد ( الخامات ):
- wood / wool / metal / milk / iron / plastic / meat……etc.
13- لا نستخدم (the) قبل فصول السنة و اسماء الشهور و ايام الاسبوع :
- monday / friday / january / april/ summer……..etc.
14- لا نستخدم (the) قبل اسماء اللغات
- arabic/ english / chinese / turkish……… etc.
-لاحظ أنه اذا جاءت بعد اسم اللغة كلمة language) ) نستخدم ( (the:
the english language / the french language
15- لا نستخدم (the) قبل اسماء المواد الدراسية :
- mathematics / biology / political science
file:///c:\users\m\appdata\local\temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge004.gif

16- لاحظ عدم استخدام (the ) قبل الألقاب المتبوعة باسم شخص و قبل أسماء الأعياد :
- king ramses built a lot of temples. - president sadat was a great politician.
- i do not go out at christmas.
file:///c:\users\m\appdata\local\temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge005.gif
- ملحوظة هامة : ليست كل كلمة معرفة بـ الـ في اللغة العربية نستخدم قبلهاthe في الإنجليزية و لكن يجب استخدام القواعد السابقة:
- pollution is a dangerous problem.التلوث مشكلة خطيرة
- music can be used to cure some diseases. يمكن أن تستخدم الموسيقي لعلاج بعض الأمراض
- peace is the dream of all nations.السلام هو حلم كل الأمـم
file:///c:\users\m\appdata\local\temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge006.gif
2-the indefinite articles ( a- an )

- تستخدم (a) قبل اسم مفرد يعد يبدأ بحرف ساكن :
- a pen / a baby / a nurse / a tree / a cup / a chair / a ball…….etc.
- تستخدم (a) قبل اسم مفرد يعد يبدأ بحرف متحرك ينطق كحرف ساكن :
- a union / a university / a uniform / a european team / a ewe……etc.
- تستخدم (an) قبل اسم مفرد يعد يبدأ بحرف متحرك :
- an egg / an orange / an apple / an eagle / an elephant………etc.
- تستخدم (an) قبل اسم مفرد يعد يبدأ بحرف ساكن لا ينطق يليه حرف متحرك :
- an hour / an honest personfile:///c:\users\m\appdata\local\temp\msohtml1\01\clip_ima ge007.gif
- متي تستخدم( a – an )؟

1- قبل اسم مفرد يعد يذكر لأول مرة في الحديث .
- i can see a bird flying in the sky.
2- قبل الصفة اذا سبقت الاسم :
- we have got a new car.
3- قبل صفات ال***ية و الوظائف :
- she is a french girl. – my uncle is a doctor.
4- قبل الاسم المفرد للدلالة علي النوع بوجه عام ( تذكر أن (the)تستخدم لنفس الغرض) :
- a lion is a dangerous animal. = the lion is a dangerous animal.
5- قبل بعض العبارات العددية مثل :
- a pair/ a couple / a dozen / half a dozen / a score / a lot of / a hundred/ a million…etc.
6- مع تعبيرات السرعة و الزمن و النسبة :
- once a year/ 80 kilometres an hour/ 5 pounds a kilo……etc.
7- تستخدم بمعني ( واحد من متعدد ) :
- i met a friend. – ola bought a blouse.
- لاحظ أن ( a – an ) لا تستخدم قبل الاسماء الجمع و الاسماء الي لا تعد و الاسماء المعنوية :
- boys are stronger than girls. – tables are made of wood. - she is full of hope.

ما شاء الله شرح جميل

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
02-11-2013, 10:49 PM
1. You can't catch what someone has said.
2. You do not understand why it goes dark at night. Ask someone to explain it.
3. You see a man stealing a bag from an old lady.
. You step on someone's foot.

زياد المغربى
02-11-2013, 10:49 PM
اسف يا مستر have never
الاختيار الصح ايه

وشكرا لحضرتك
ياريت حضرتك تقولى الاختيار الصحيح

زياد المغربى
02-11-2013, 10:51 PM
ترجمة يا مستر
مصر قادرة على تجاوز هذه المرحلة الصعبة من تاريخها

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
02-11-2013, 11:10 PM
I have never enjoyed his plays somehow all his characters are cardboard
بمعني شخصيلت كرتونية أو نمطية أو غير واقعية

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
02-11-2013, 11:15 PM
مصر قادرة على تجاوز هذه المرحلة الصعبة من تاريخها
Egypt is able to go through this difficult stage of its history
Egypt has the ability to overcome such a difficult stage of its history

03-11-2013, 10:36 AM
1. You can't catch what someone has said.
2. You do not understand why it goes dark at night. Ask someone to explain it.
3. You see a man stealing a bag from an old lady.
. You step on someone's foot.

1. ? Excuse me , will you say this word again

2. ? Could you explain why does it get dark at night , please

3. ! Stop. He is a thief catch him

4. I'm very sorry , I didn't see you foot

متشكر جدا .. و لو سمحت إجابة الأسئلة دى

Astronauts have to mend equipment ... Space Station

( on - over - above - below )

He is going ... into space to repair the International Space Station

( going - arriving )

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
03-11-2013, 04:25 PM
Astronauts have to mend equipment on Space Station
He is going into space to repair the International Space Station

03-11-2013, 08:28 PM
Astronauts have to mend equipment on Space Station
He is going going into space to repair the International Space Station

why did u say "going going" ?!
which grammar is this ?

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
03-11-2013, 11:39 PM
Translate into Arabic

When the going gets tough, the tough get going

04-11-2013, 06:27 AM
ارجو حل هذه الجمل
the government needs to
( examine- interest- secure- observe)
the value of investing renewable energy
find the mistake
1- i just had an idea , After we finish our lesson , we are gone for ice cream

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
04-11-2013, 03:46 PM
The government needs to examine the value of investing in renewable energy
find the mistake
1- I just had an idea. After we finish our lesson , we will go for ice cream

04-11-2013, 10:15 PM
جزاك الله خيرا يا استاذنا ...

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
05-11-2013, 02:02 PM
1. You should know how to excel on English.
2. You shouldn't have hit him under the belt.
3. You won't need to come to the airport. I'll get at a taxi.
4. I hear you have been ill. How do you do now.
5. The house house worths over a million pounds.

06-11-2013, 09:20 AM
1. You should know how to excel on English.
2. You shouldn't have hit him under the belt.
3. You won't need to come to the airport. I'll get at a taxi.
4. I hear you have been ill. How do you do now.
5. The house house worths over a million pounds.

Thanks you and please let me know if the following is wrong

1. on--> in
3. won't --> don't
4.do you do -- > are you
5. worths --> is worth

Thanks again and please answer the following


The TV set has been the marvel in the last hundred years


My mother keeps .... in the barn of our house

some chicken - chicken


Visiting Alex library is ... you shouldn't miss

an experience - some experience

لميس الحديدى رمضان
07-11-2013, 12:17 AM
what kind of side effects do you think astronouts have suffered........... space
(in _ from _into _about)
I'd go.......... with that opinion
(long _ along _a long_ longer)
After Hope's ........... school , he went to oxford
(finishing _ finished _had finished finishes)

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
07-11-2013, 12:35 AM
The TV set has been the marvel in the last hundred years
لقد كان جهاز التلفاز أعجوبة ( معجزة) المائة عام ( القرن ) الأخيرة

My mother keeps some chickens in the barn of our house
Visiting Alex library is an experience you shouldn't miss
الحلول 4 ، 5 صح ويا ريت نحاول كمان في الباقي

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
07-11-2013, 12:42 AM
what kind of side effects do you think astronauts have suffered in space
I'd go along with that opinion
After Hope's finishing school , he went to oxford

لميس الحديدى رمضان
07-11-2013, 01:54 PM
I didn't drink ....... coffee last night

find the mistake

In future there may be 50 or more snakes in each wind farm

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
07-11-2013, 02:38 PM
I didn't drink much coffee last night
Find the mistake
In future, there may be 50 or more snakes in each wave farm

لميس الحديدى رمضان
08-11-2013, 02:50 PM
شكرااااااا يا مستر على الاجابات

لميس الحديدى رمضان
08-11-2013, 02:53 PM
find the mistake
She didn't die normally she is thought to have killed
If i feel tired i.............. some rest at once
(had_have_would have_am having)

زياد المغربى
08-11-2013, 11:43 PM
ترجمة يا مستر
ارتفاع معدل البطالة سوف يؤدى بدوره الى انتشار ال*** والجريمة
علينا ان ندعم البحث العلمى فى شتى المجالات حتى تسير عجلة الانتاج

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
09-11-2013, 12:02 AM
She didn't die normally she is thought to have been killed
If I feel tired, I have some rest at once

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
09-11-2013, 12:09 AM
ارتفاع معدل البطالة سوف يؤدى بدوره الى انتشار ال*** والجريمة
The high rate of unemployment will, in turn, lead to the prevalence of violence and crime

علينا ان ندعم البحث العلمى فى شتى المجالات حتى تسير عجلة الانتاج
We must support scientific research in different fields to turn the wheel of production

زياد المغربى
09-11-2013, 02:04 AM
يا مستر ممكن ترجمة لدروس الاستماع ضرورى

09-11-2013, 04:43 PM
Noble prize winner Ahmed Zewil is seen as a .............. figure in chemistry.
a- pioneering b - pioneer
المفروض الاجابة تبقى pioneering علشان هى صفة بتوصف كلمة figure ولكن فى كتاب السنيور جايب الجملة دى من غير الاختيار بتاع pioneering ممكن اعرف السبب لو سمحتم

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
09-11-2013, 06:13 PM
Noble prize winner, Ahmed Zewail, is seen as a pioneering figure in chemistry
يمكن استخدام الاسم كصفة ، عموما يا ريت تكتب الجملة بكل اختياراتها و نناقشها

09-11-2013, 08:51 PM
متشكر جدا ..

? Do you have ... time to read comics

some - any - little

islam mnecy
09-11-2013, 10:04 PM
god save the king لماذا جاء الفعل جمع (save)

في chapter 2

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
09-11-2013, 10:32 PM
? Do you have any time to read comics

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
09-11-2013, 10:37 PM
جاء الفعل god save the king جمع لأن هذا قول مأثور يؤخذ كما هو ، يمكنك قراءة هذا المقتطف من قاموس longman

God Save the Queen
the national anthem (=the official national song) of the UK. The title of the song changes to 'God Save the King' when the monarch is a king.

محمد ابو رحمة
10-11-2013, 12:17 AM
)he disappointed me ( let

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
10-11-2013, 01:00 PM
He disappointed me. (let)n
I let myself be disappointed by him.n
He let himself disappoint me.n

زياد المغربى
10-11-2013, 11:37 PM
امتى نقول يا مستر water is boiled ,
water boils
بشوفها فى قواعد if كتير ايه الفرق ياريت توضحا يا مستر

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
11-11-2013, 12:03 AM
لا يوجد فرق الا ان احداهما معلوم
If water boils, it evaporates

والاخري مجهول أو (.be + adj)

If water is boiled, it evaporates

islam mnecy
12-11-2013, 08:47 AM
Ahmed succeed in the exam‏

الجملة صح كده بس هو الغعل ليه succeed‏

12-11-2013, 10:00 AM
السلام عليكم
أسئلة فى المستوى الرفيع

متى استخدم كل من

in all respects - in all cases - in any event

هل يوجد فرق فى الاستخدام بينهم ؟


a lot of other peope, we manged to survive the recession ....

contrary to - in contrast to - contrary - on the contrary with

.... The two models are exactly the same

in all respects - in all cases - in any event - on occasion

أرجو من حضرتك الإجابة .. و شكرا جزيلا

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
12-11-2013, 02:01 PM
أعتقد أنها جملة خاطئة أو أنها بالشكل التالي

Ahmed succeeded in the exam‏

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
12-11-2013, 02:23 PM
in all respects - in all cases - in any event

In one respect/ In some respects /

In all respects....... etc.mm

used to say that something is true in one way, in some ways / In some ways..........etc:
In many respects the new version is not as good as the old one

Mum is very stubborn, and Kim takes after her in that respect

in some/many/most / all etc cases
used to say that something is true in one case, in some cases / In some cases..........etc
In many cases standards have improved

in any/either event

also at all events: used to say that something will definitely happen or be true in spite of anything else that may happen [= in any case]
contrary to a lot of other people, we manged to survive the recession
in all respects, the two models are exactly the same

13-11-2013, 12:37 PM
متشكر جدا ..

دى بردو أسئلة فى المستوى الرفيع

... ,I've got a place at college!

so have I - and I



We should respect and obey the eldest

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
13-11-2013, 01:34 PM
I've got a place at college, so have I
We should respect and obey the elderly

14-11-2013, 12:19 PM
جزاك الله خيرا ..

.... ,You have passed the test

? Are these answers correct , so did I , so had I
... The two techniques are completely different in all

respects - cases - ways - means
If you ... with her, tell me

disagree - differ

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
14-11-2013, 12:58 PM
You have passed the test, so have I
The two techniques are completely different in all respects
If you disagree with her, tell me

15-11-2013, 12:10 AM
find the mistake

in the short run i need to see you

islam mnecy
15-11-2013, 09:13 AM
Ahmed succeed in the exam‏

الجملة صح بس فيها حذف بس مش عارف ايه هو

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
15-11-2013, 05:32 PM
Ahmed succeeds in the exam
‏Ahmed succeeded in the exam
‏Ahmed succeeds in passing the exam
‏‏Ahmed succeeded in passing the exam
‏ ‏Ahmed is a success in the exam
‏ ‏Ahmed was a success in the exam‏
‏‏ successfully ‏Ahmed passed the exam‏

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
15-11-2013, 05:37 PM
In the short run I will need to see you

16-11-2013, 01:31 PM
متشكر جدا على تعب حضرتك معانا


Do it like this way

Is these answers correct

Do it in this way
? Do it like this

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
16-11-2013, 06:25 PM
Do it this way
Do it in this way
Do it like this

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
16-11-2013, 10:54 PM
1. Guests ran for..........................as the device went off in a men's toilet.
2. Ann is in hospital.Oh really?Ididn't know . I..........................and visit her.
am going to
would go
will go
3. His novel became a great ..........................in 1940.
4. Is there a phone number where I can ..........................you?
5. My aunt's children have all been ..........................in their chosen careers.

سليمان بتاع
17-11-2013, 07:29 PM
ايه راى حضرتك فى كتاب جيم هيفيدنى ولا هيشوش عليا؟

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
17-11-2013, 11:16 PM
كتاب جيم ممتاز و ان شاء الله يفيدك جدا ، بس خد لبالك لأسئلة المتفوقين اللي فيه بعضها خلافية

mahmoud zaid
19-11-2013, 12:45 PM
if we cut down the trees ,the oxygen level is decrease
find the mistake

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
19-11-2013, 01:35 PM
If we cut down the trees ,the oxygen level will decrease
لان استخدام the قبل كلمة trees جعلنا نتكلم عن مجموعة محددة من الاشجار فلم تعد هذه حقيقة عامة ولا تستخدم معها الحالة الصفرية بل الاولي

زياد المغربى
22-11-2013, 12:21 AM
the people who climb mountains are ...............brave
incredible- incredibly
yesterday aboy ......agroup of tourists sank near luxor
carried- carrying -carries

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
22-11-2013, 12:37 AM
The people who climb mountains are incredibly brave
Yesterday, a boat carrying a group of tourists sank near Luxor

محمد السعيد عامر
22-11-2013, 05:07 AM
ياريت من فضل حضرتك/ find the mistake
no one except local reporters permitted into the city that had demonstrations

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
22-11-2013, 01:04 PM
No one except local reporters was permitted into the city that had demonstrations. 0

محمد السعيد عامر
22-11-2013, 05:42 PM
الف شكر لحضرتك بس لو انا كتبتها is permitted مش was تمشي صح
ومعلش ممكن دول كمان
Since I have known him,I have sent Ali two letters
After the earthquake,many buildings were reported ......fallen down
(to have-to have been)
What is the ......age of the university students in Egypt
She ......... them as soon as they arrive at the station
(will meet-would meet-would have meet)
If you use this skin cream,it........ you from harmful ultraviolet lights
(protect-protects-would protect)

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
22-11-2013, 08:19 PM
مينفعش is permitted لأن الجملة تتحدث عن الماضي

No one except local reporters was permitted into the city that had demonstrations. 0 Since I knew him,I have sent Ali two letters
After the earthquake,many buildings were reported to have fallen down
What is the average age of the university students in Egypt
She will meet them as soon as they arrive at the station
If you use this skin cream, it protects you from harmful ultraviolet lights
ولو انه من الأفضل في الجملة الاخيرة أن نستخدم will protect لأننا لا نتحدث عن حقيقة عامة

محمد السعيد عامر
23-11-2013, 06:10 AM
الف شكر لمساعدة حضرتك بس جملة
After the earthquake,many buildings were reported to have fallen down
مش المفروض تبقي to have been لان المباني لم تنهار من تلقاء نفسها بل بفعل الزلزال يعني مبني للمجهول ياريت التوضيح............ و جملةShe will meet them as soon as they arrive at the station
ممكن اعرف امته نستخدم مستقبل بسيط مع الروابط

Abdelbaset Dawi
23-11-2013, 08:03 PM
الي الاستاد العزيز : وجهة النظر في هذة الجملة
find the mistake
A book that;s a bestseller made its author a lot of money

Abdelbaset Dawi
23-11-2013, 08:09 PM
الي الاستاد العزيز : وجهة النظر في هذة الجملة
find the mistake
A book that;s a bestseller made its author a lot of money

Abdelbaset Dawi
23-11-2013, 08:16 PM
find the mistake
A book that's a bestseller made its author a lot of money

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
24-11-2013, 12:08 AM
The book that's a bestseller made its author a lot of money
لأن هنا نتكلم عن كتاب محدد
A book that's a bestseller makes its author a lot of money
لأن هنا نتكلم عن أي كتاب بصفة عامة

محمد السعيد عامر
24-11-2013, 04:51 AM
الف شكر لمساعدة حضرتك بس جملة
After the earthquake,many buildings were reported to have fallen down
مش المفروض تبقي to have been لان المباني لم تنهار من تلقاء نفسها بل بفعل الزلزال يعني مبني للمجهول ياريت التوضيح............ و جملة
She will meet
them as soon as they arrive at the station
ممكن اعرف امته نستخدم مستقبل بسيط مع الروابط

24-11-2013, 11:14 AM
السلام عليكم


you ask you sister about the weather in Aswasn.


? A: How long haven't we seen each other
B: For about three months
? A: What would you like to drink, tea or coffee
B: Tea, please

? Is this correct

Place: Home
A: Host
B: Guest
Function: Asking about someone's preference


This playwriter's works were shown in many theatres

? Is this correct

This --> These

أرجو من حضرتك الإجابة .. و شكرا جزيلا

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
24-11-2013, 12:54 PM

You ask your sister about the weather in Aswan.0
What is the weather like in Aswan?0
?A: How long haven't we seen each other
B: For about three months
? A: What would you like to drink, tea or coffee
B: Tea, please
Place: Home
A: Host
B: Guest
Function: Meeting somebody after a long time / Asking about someone's preference


This playwright's works were shown in many theatres

عبير الجوري
24-11-2013, 01:26 PM
بعض الأسئلة ارجو الإجابة عليها

He used to complain to pain in heart
The pills might have he him if only he had done them regularly
Your colleagues are people you cooperate with

مع توضيح الاجابة
وشكرا جزيلا على المساعدة

Abdelbaset Dawi
24-11-2013, 02:12 PM
لو سمحتم خل هذة الجملة
find the mistake
A book that's a bestseller made its author a lot of money

محمد السعيد عامر
24-11-2013, 06:13 PM
الف شكر لمساعدة حضرتك بس جملة
After the earthquake,many buildings were reported to have fallen down
مش المفروض تبقي to have been لان المباني لم تنهار من تلقاء نفسها بل بفعل الزلزال يعني مبني للمجهول ياريت التوضيح............ و جملةShe will meet them as soon as they arrive at the station
ممكن اعرف امته نستخدم مستقبل بسيط مع الروابط

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
24-11-2013, 11:25 PM
After the earthquake,many buildings were reported to have fallen down
لو بقت to have been تبقي مبني للمجهول وده خطأ لان الفعل fall لا يبني للمجهول لانه لا يأخذ مفعول
نستخدم مستقبل مع الروابط اذا جاء بعد الرابطة مضارع بسيط تكون الجملة الاخري مستقبل
She will meet them as soon as they arrive at the station

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
24-11-2013, 11:49 PM
The book that's a bestseller made its author a lot of money
لأنهنا نتكلم عن كتاب محدد
A book that's a bestseller makes its author a lot of money
لأنهنا نتكلم عن أي كتاب بصفة عامة

26-11-2013, 01:51 PM
متشكر جدا على الإجابات ة جزاك الله خيرا
The water ... had burst in hte kitchen and flooded the floor

pipe - tube

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
26-11-2013, 03:06 PM
The water pipe had burst in the kitchen and flooded the floor

28-11-2013, 12:40 PM
ربنا يكرمك على تعبك يا أستاذ


Groups of wind sails along the Red sea generate large amounts of electricity

? Is Groups -- > Blades correct

If yes, then please translate it


Furniture .... well in Demietta

sells - selling - sell

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
28-11-2013, 01:59 PM
Groups of wind farms along the Red sea generate large amounts of electricity
مزارع الرياح ( دوارات الرياح) علي امتداد ساحل البحر الاحمر تولد كميات هائلة من الكهرباء
Furniture sells well in Demietta
sell = be bought

islam mnecy
29-11-2013, 12:57 PM
Find the mistake

Can you take care of my childreen while i will be out

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
29-11-2013, 01:00 PM
Can you take care of my children while I am out

في الجنة أحلامي
30-11-2013, 05:38 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

كنت عايزة اسأل عن جزئيتين في ال function
1. في محكمة
swear to tell the truth

2. في الشارع
taxi ! taxi!

هما ليهم باقي بس انا محتاجة اعرف للجملتين دول
جزاكم الله كل خير

30-11-2013, 01:54 PM
ديه اسئلة مواقف
your friend says that space travel will be common in the near future you disagree

you don't agree that pollution will be elimintated in very few years

salma thinks that terrorism affects the country's stability you agree giving 2 reasons

A:can i help u ?
B:yes ui need to book a room

place : ...
speaker B:....
FUNCTION : ........


30-11-2013, 01:55 PM
متشكر جدا لمجهود حضرتك ..


? A: How much is the fare to Banha
B: Seven pounds
A: Here you are. Thank you
B: You are welcome, sir

? Is ( Function: Asking questions / Asking about the fare ) correct

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
30-11-2013, 06:11 PM
swear to tell the truth
Asking for legal swearing
Taxi ! Taxi
Calling for a taxi to stop

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
30-11-2013, 06:20 PM
Your friend says that space travel will be common in the near future. You disagree
-I don't think so
You don't agree that pollution will be eliminated in very few years
That is impossible
Salma thinks that terrorism affects the country's stability you agree giving 2 reasons
You are right.It affects tourism badly. It also scares citizens

A:Can I help you
B: Yes I need to book a room

place : Hotel
speaker A: Resident / guest / foreigner / tourist
speaker B: Receptionist
FUNCTION : Offering help - request

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
30-11-2013, 06:29 PM
? A: How much is the fare to Banha
B: Seven pounds
A: Here you are. Thank you
B: You are welcome, sir

place : Train /Bus / Ticket office
speaker B: traveller / passenger
speaker B: conductor / ticket clerk
FUNCTION : Asking about giving the fare / Thanking and reply

في الجنة أحلامي
01-12-2013, 07:09 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

ربنا يجزيك كل خير معلمنا الفاضل
كنت عايزة اتاكد من بعض الاسئلة انا حليتها بس عايزة تأكيد وآسفة هتعب حضرتك معايا

They are looking for aboy who ........since last week
(has been missed- was missed )
about ayear ago ,someone .........her dead by the river
( found-was found - was finding-has been found)
she ........learned to cook since the age of seven
(is-has-was-has been)
some of agatha's stories ........on her outside travels
( have based-based -are based )
the romans........petra nearly two thousand years ago
( captured - had captured - have captured - were captured )
we arrived half an hour late . the film .......... half an hour earlier
( began - was beginning- had begun )
the 2008 olympic games ........ watched by miilion of people all over the world
( have been - were )
find mistakes :
1- afamous tennis player is believed to hurt after acity centre road accident
2- we moved to this house two years ago today ,so we lived here for exactly two years
3- agatha was based some of her stories on her travels to foreign countries
4- she is told to have been seriously injured in the accident

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
01-12-2013, 01:26 PM
1. They are looking for a boy who has been missed since last week.
2. About a year ago, someone found her dead by the river.
3. She has learned to cook since the age of seven.
4. Some of Agatha's stories are based on her outside travels.
5. The Romans captured Petra nearly two thousand years ago.
6. We arrived half an hour late. The film had begun half an hour earlier.
7. The 2008 Olympic Games were watched by millions of people all over the world.
كل اجاباتك صحيحة
1- A famous tennis player is believed to be hurt after a city centre road accident.
2- We moved to this house two years ago today, so we have lived here for exactly two years.
3- Agatha based some of her stories on her travels to foreign countries.
4- She is said to have been seriously injured in the accident

01-12-2013, 01:55 PM
لو سمحت يا مستر انا مش بعرف احل جزئية ال function

وعندى سؤالين
A:how was your flight ?
A:i reserved you double room at hilton hotel
عاوز المكان و الاسبيكرز و الوظيفه

و ازاى اعبر عن الدهشه فى المواقف ؟!
يعنى لما اسمع ان حد اتجوز اقول ايه عشان اعبر عن الدهشه ؟

و لو سمحت البرجراف لو كتبت 100 كلمه بس هينقصنى ؟

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
01-12-2013, 03:47 PM
من الأفضل ان تكتب الوظائف اللغوية لكل ما يقوله المتحدثين ببساطة

A:How was your flight ?
A:I reserved you double room at Hilton hotel
place : Airport
speaker B: Agent / Representative / Host
speaker B: Passenger / businessman / tourist / Guest
FUNCTION :Inquiry and reply / Giving information

التعبير عن الدهشه فى المواقف

How amazing! / What a surprise! / Wow
البرجراف لو كتبت 100 أو حتي 95 كلمه مش هينقصك

01-12-2013, 04:06 PM
حضرتك رحت تصحيح قبل كده ؟

ده سؤال فايند
thanks for your help . we did approach it

01-12-2013, 04:11 PM

your friend thinks that space travel will be common in the near future you diagree giving reasons

your friend thinks that pollution will be eliminated in the near future you diagree giving reasons

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
01-12-2013, 11:38 PM
Thanks for your help. We did appreciate it
Your friend thinks that space travel will be common in the near future. You disagree giving reasons
I don't think so, because it is costly and dangerous
Your friend thinks that pollution will be eliminated in the near future. You disagree giving reasons
That is not likely as there is no true intention to eliminate it. Moreover,it is against the interests of big manufacturing countries

02-12-2013, 01:54 AM
سؤال مينى دايلوج

A ; Would you kindly show me where the Delta bank is ?

B : Go along this street. Turn left at the corner.it's the second building on your the right.

وتسمح استاذى الكريم تقولى ازاى اجيب الدرجة النهائية في الانجليزى

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
02-12-2013, 10:19 AM
A : Would you kindly show me where the Delta bank is
B : Go along this street. Turn left at the corner.it's the second building on your the right

Place : Street
Speaker B: Stranger / Passenger
Speaker B: Citizen/ Passerby
Function: Asking about and giving directions

ازاى تجيب الدرجة النهائية في الانجليزى:
1- الاستعانة بالله و الثقة في توفيقه و اتقان العمل
2- حفظ كلمات المنهج ( خاصة الكلمات التي لها تعريفات) و قراءة التعريفات جيدا
3- مذاكرة الملاحظات اللغوية علي المفردات و حل تدريبات كثيرة جدا عليها
4- مذاكرة القواعد جيدا و مراجعة قواعد الاعوام السابقة والاهتمام بالحالات الاستثنائية و حل كم كبير من التدريبات
5- الاهتمام بالأسئلة المهارية وحل تدريبات كثيرة جدا عليها خاصة قطع الفهم دون السؤال عن معاني الكلمات أو استعمال القاموس للتعود علي تخمين معاني الكلمات
6 - الاهتمام بالأسئلة التقديرية ( البراجراف و الترجمة ) و حل الكثير من التدريبات و مراجعتها مع مدرس و علاج الاخطاء
7- حل جميع تدريبات الكتاب المدرسي و موقع لونجمان و موقع الوزارة خاصة البراجراف
8- الاهتمام بالاخراج النهائي لورقة الاجابة من تنظيم و حسن خط ووضوح و استخدام علامات الترقيم

islam mnecy
02-12-2013, 11:29 AM

The rain was so heavy that the water wheel ........... for three days

Launched // leaked

..............Tomorrow is national holiday.All the banks

will close // are being closed // are going close // are closing

The weather forecast says it ...............snow tomorrow
is going to // will

We........... own a Fiat car

currently // never

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
02-12-2013, 12:12 PM
The rain was so heavy that the water wheel spun for three days
Tomorrow is a national holiday. All the banks will close
The weather forecast says it is going to snow tomorrow
We currently own a Fiat car

02-12-2013, 01:27 PM
A:i wish you speed recovery
b:thanks for visitng me

function !!>??

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
02-12-2013, 01:44 PM
A: I wish you speed recovery
B: Thanks for visiting me
Place : Hospital / Clinic / Home
Speaker B: Visitor/ Relative / Friend
Speaker B: Patient / Ill person
Function: Expressing a good wish - Thanking

02-12-2013, 04:09 PM
لو سمحت هو مسموحلى بحل اخر السنادى ؟ و استخدم كام حل اخر فى الامتحان كله ؟! و اكتب الحل الاخر فى اخر ورقه و لا ورا السؤال ؟

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
02-12-2013, 05:09 PM
كما تشاء ما عدا سؤال Choose

محمد السعيد عامر
02-12-2013, 07:22 PM
ممكن حضرتك تشرح لنا ليه الاختيارات دي و معني الجملة الاولي
The rain was so heavy that the water wheel spun for three days
Tomorrow is a national holiday. All the banks will close
The weather forecast says it is going to snow tomorrow

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
02-12-2013, 11:40 PM
ممكن حضرتك تشرح لنا ليه الاختيارات دي و معني الجملة الاولي
the rain was so heavy that the water wheel spun for three days
tomorrow is a national holiday. All the banks will close
the weather forecast says it is going to snow tomorrow

الجملة الاولي تعني أن الأمطار كانت غزيرة لدرجة أن الساقية ظلت تدور حول نفسها لمدة ثلاث أيام ، وهذه المعلومة يستوعبها أكثر من يعرف الساقية و طريقة عملها
أما في الجملة الثانية فهذا الاختيار يعتمد علي أن الأجازة الرسمية حقيقية مستقبلية ، و الافضل أن تكون حقيقة مطلقة و نستخدم المضارع البسيط لكنه لم يكن من بين الاختيارات
أما في الجملة الثالثة فهذا الاختيار يعتمد علي أن توقعات الارصاد تكون قائمة ضمنيا علي دليل

03-12-2013, 07:39 AM
اجيب كام فى البراجراف يا مستر

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
03-12-2013, 01:57 PM
خمسة أو اربعة ونصف علي أقل تقدير

03-12-2013, 02:51 PM
يعنى ممكن اجاوب اكتر من اجابتين حل اخر ؟!ّ!!

A:When did you graduate ?
B:last year
A:do u use computer well ?
B: YES i have worked as a programmer for a gib companyg for five years

A:look at the dinasour and here are its eggs they are huge !
B:don't touch the ehibits .plz

دول سؤالين مواقف
a japanese tourist asks you about the forms of energy used in your country

your brother asks you why renewable energry is the best form of energy

03-12-2013, 03:37 PM
سؤال فايند ذا ميستيك

I'm angry because my dad didn't deliver in his promise

03-12-2013, 03:48 PM
ايه الغباء اللى انا فيه ده جاتى نيلة
شكرا يا مستر

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
03-12-2013, 04:00 PM
A:When did you graduate ?
B:Last year
A: Can you use computer well ?
B: Yes, I have worked as a programmer for a big company for five years
Place: Company/ Office

Speaker A: Interviewer/ Manager

Speaker B: Applicant
Function: Asking and answering interview questions

A: look at the dinasour and here are its eggs they are huge !
B: Don't touch the exhibits .please

Place: Natural Life Museum

Speaker A: visitor
Speaker B: guide / Security clerk
Function: Expressing Surprise / Warning


A Japanese tourist asks you about the forms of energy used in your country
.We use fossil fuels and hydroelectric power
Your brother asks you why renewable energy is the best form of energy
Renewable energy is the best form of energy because it never comes to an end
سؤال فايند ذا ميستيك
I'm angry because my dad hasn't carried out his promise

03-12-2013, 04:09 PM
ممكن بدل natural life museum نقول fossil exhibtion?

03-12-2013, 05:46 PM
لو سمحت ازاى ارفض اعتذار حد ليا فى سؤال المواقف ؟!

03-12-2013, 09:38 PM
I asked my teacher if there were ........... mistakes in my homework

I am not taking sides with either the boy or the girl because I don't want to get involved in .....argument
"our _his_her_their"

"by who_ by whom _whom _ who" was the document written?

Geothermal energy is better for the environment than .......... traditional power stations
"that produced _which produced_ that which produced _ that producing"

The teacher didn't know the marking would take so long until he ....... the first couple of essays
'read_has read_was reading _had read"

The great .........of middle_class history is absent from the film

find the mistake
Different climates and soil support different types of forest

Do you watch films at home in TV?

All candidates presented suggestions of their own doing

The recently was built house was destroyed in the earthquake

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
04-12-2013, 12:27 AM
I asked my teacher if there were any mistakes in my homework
I am not taking sides with either the boy or the girl because I don't want to get involved in their argument
"By whom was the document written
Geothermal energy is better for the environment than that produced traditional power stations
The teacher didn't know the marking would take so long until he had read the first couple of essays
The great length of middle_class history is absent from the film
find the mistake
Different climates and soils support different types of forests
Do you watch films at home on TV
All candidates presented suggestions of their own making
The recently - built house was destroyed in the earthquake

في الجنة أحلامي
04-12-2013, 09:25 AM
فيه اكتر من مدرس في اكتر من محافظة قالوا حاجة غريبة مش متأكدة منها ومش قادرة أصدقها
قالوا ان في الامتحان ممكن الطالب يحل القطعة بكل اسئلتها مرة
وييجي مية تانية ورا ويحلها مرة تاني يعني حل آخر بالاختياري وهتتحسب ليه الصح
هل ده معقول ؟

04-12-2013, 10:53 AM
A:what's wrong with you ?
B :I have cough



your friends asks your advice about revising for teh final exams

haidy wants to know what she should do to get a good job

04-12-2013, 11:01 AM
السلام عليكم

Maha ... off her computer the moments she finishes using it

switches - will switch

* فى الإجابات مكتوب will switch ، فياريت حضرتك توضح الإجابة الصح و السبب لأنى مش عارف ليه

أرجو من حضراتكم الإجابة .. و شكرا جزيلا

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
04-12-2013, 12:33 PM
لا أستطيع أن أقول كلاما قد يضر طالب في مستقبله و أكون أنا السبب أمام الله

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
04-12-2013, 12:50 PM
2. A:what's wrong with you? B :I have cough

Place: Hospital / Clinic

Speaker A: Doctor / Physician
Speaker B: Patient
Function: Asking for and giving information

1. A:How old is this statue? B:It's about 5000 years old.

Place: Museum
Speaker A: Visitor / Tourist
Speaker B: Guide / Security clerk
Function: Asking for and giving information


Your friends asks your advice about revising for the final exams
You should have timetable
Haidy wants to know what she should do to get a good job
You should master English and be good at using a computer. You should have enough experience

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
04-12-2013, 12:57 PM
Maha ...........off her computer the moments she finishes using it

switches - will switch

أخي العزيز :

كلا الاجابتين صحيح حسب الجملة التي كتبتها. فنستخدم المضارع البسيط في الجملتين اذا كنا نقصد التعبير عن عادة متكررة:

Maha switches / will switch off her computer the moment she finishes using it
ونستخدم المستقبل البسيط في الجملتين اذا كنا نقصد التعبير عن موقف محدد في المستقبل :

Maha will switch off her computer the moment she finishes using it

سلمة بن الأكوع
04-12-2013, 01:45 PM
Trees take in carbon and give ..................oxygen
(in - up - out - off )
حليتا out بس محلولة في الاجابات off

04-12-2013, 02:00 PM
لو سمحت ازاى اقبل نصيحه و ارفض نصيحه فى المواقف ؟

وده سؤال مواقف
your friend asked you how to improve his engilsh

عاوز ال function بس عشان انا عارف الباقى

A:what can i get for you ?
B:chicken please ?

A:you should bpay a fine ?
B:WHY !!
A:as parking here is forbideen

مش لازم المكان و الاسبيكرز انا عاوز الفانكشن بس

وشكراً يا استاذ على مجهودك معانا جزاك الله خيراً

سلمة بن الأكوع
04-12-2013, 02:07 PM
ممكن هنا هتلر http://www.thanwya.com/vb/showthread.php?t=535358 منتظر

سلمة بن الأكوع
04-12-2013, 02:12 PM
اجابات surprise

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
04-12-2013, 02:17 PM
Trees take in carbon and give out / off oxygen
الأجابتين صح بدليل قاموس Longman

give off something (phrasal verb)to produce a smell, light, heat, a sound etc

The wood gave off a sweet, perfumed smell as it burned

give out something to produce something such as light, heat, or a signal [= emit]:

A gas lamp gave out a pale yellowish light.

سلمة بن الأكوع
04-12-2013, 02:23 PM
بارك الله فيك يا استاذنا وشكرا ع الجابة

سلمة بن الأكوع
04-12-2013, 02:34 PM
بس في قاموس اكسفورد give out يعني يتعطل
give off حسب القاموس هي اللي صح

سلمة بن الأكوع
04-12-2013, 04:57 PM
1- she planted rose bushes along the ...................of the garden
( depth - width - length - long )
2- ...................the tree forms a new ring which represents a year of
( growing - grow - growth - grown )
3-.......................... plastic is worse for the environment as it does not
( ripen - rotten - ripe - rot )

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
04-12-2013, 11:20 PM
Your friend asked you how to improve his English
You should take a course
A: What can I get for you? B:Chicken, please

Function: Offering help / Request

A: You should pay a fine? B:Why? A: As parking here is forbidden
Function: Informing / Asking for and giving reason

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
04-12-2013, 11:30 PM
1- She planted rose bushes along the ...................of the garden
( depth - width - length - long )
2- ...................The tree forms a new ring which represents a year of
( growing - grow - growth - grown )
3-.......................... Plastic is worse for the environment as it does not
( ripen - rotten - ripe - rot )

سلمة بن الأكوع
04-12-2013, 11:39 PM
-.......................... Plastic is worse for the environment as it does not
( ripen - rotten - ripe - rot ) __________________ممكن معنى الجملة دي
حضرتك ممكن تقولي ع طريقة احصل بها ع اجابات كتاب سنيور

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
04-12-2013, 11:56 PM
-.......................... Plastic is worse for the environment as it does not
( ripen - rotten - ripe - rot )
يعد البلاستيك اسوأ بالنسبة للبيئة حيث أنه لا يتحلل
للأسف الشديد لا عرف كيف تجد اجابات كتاب سنيور

سلمة بن الأكوع
05-12-2013, 12:00 AM
بارك الله فيك استاذنا ممكن شوية اسئلة بس هما كتير

سلمة بن الأكوع
05-12-2013, 12:15 AM
1. The………….is a large wooden musical instrument with strings inside and black and white bars that produce sounds when you press them.
a- violet
b- guitar
c- piano
d- sax
10 – The ( leaves – nuts – fruits – branches ) are the parts of the trees that
grow underground.
1. We can make a deep narrow hole by using a --------------------------
( borer – telescope – microscope – map )
Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
1- The couple which I met at the station took me to dinner.
2- The people in our street are very neighbouring. They always help each other.
3- You should not ridiculous people who have different ideas from you.
4- He was driving with one hand and waving with the another.
5- Many boxes are (made of – made in – made by – made from) cardboard.

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
05-12-2013, 09:26 AM
1. The piano is a large wooden musical instrument with strings inside and black and white bars that produce sounds when you press them.
a- violet b- guitar c- piano d- sax
2 – The ( leaves – roots – fruits – branches ) are the parts of the trees that grow underground.
3. We can make a deep narrow hole by using a borer
( borer – telescope – microscope – map )
4- Many boxes are (made of – made in – made by – made from) cardboard.
Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:
1- The couple who I met at the station took me to dinner.
2- The people in our street are very neighbourly. They always help each other.
3- You should not ridicule people who have different ideas from you.
4- He was driving with one hand and waving with the other.

المشتاق للجنة .
05-12-2013, 10:03 AM
if i save enough money i .......... buy a car

will going to

05-12-2013, 11:27 AM
السلام عليكم

جزاك الله خيرا على المجهود ..


A: Please, tell our viewers what you mean by this graffiti
B: I commemorate the anniversary or martyrs of the revoloution

Is the following correct ?

Places: Tv Studio / Tv program
A: Interviewer
B: Graffiti Artist
Function: Polite request / Asking for and giving information

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
05-12-2013, 11:36 AM
If I save enough money, I will buy a car
will - going to

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
05-12-2013, 11:41 AM
A: Please, tell our viewers what you mean by this graffiti
B: I commemorate the anniversary or martyrs of the revolution

Places: TV Studio / TV program
A: Interviewer
B: Graffiti Artist
Function: Polite request / Asking for and giving information
That's excellent, of course

05-12-2013, 07:31 PM
There is no doubt that smoking is a very bad habit.Smoking people have increased in the last few years.They smoke 3 times or more a day.Smoking causes many dangerous diseases .First it causes lung cancer and brain damage.second it leads to heart shock.third it causes sudden death.forth It wastes money and health.Government have to prevail treatments for smoking people.mass medias play a vital role in increasing people awareness about smoking.We have to unite our efforts to wipe out smoking all over the world.Last but not least We hope to see our world free from bad habits like smoking. Finally, I'd like to point out that what I have just written about this interesting topic is just like adding a drop of water to the ocean.

معلش عارف انى برخم جامد بس استحملنى لغاية شهر 6 بس :d:d

المشتاق للجنة .
05-12-2013, 07:42 PM
If I save enough money, I will buy a car
will - going to

الجملة دي موجودة في كتاب سنيور في شرح قاعدة If ومكتوبة كده
If I save enough money, I going to buy a car
مكتوب يمكن استخدامgoing to في جواب الشرط في الحلة الاولى
وفي الوحدة الاولى الروابط الزمنية بعدها مضارع بسيط ثم will
ارجو التوضيح عشان انا احترت

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
05-12-2013, 07:44 PM

There is no doubt that smoking is a very bad habit. Smoking people have increased in the last few years. They smoke 3 times or more a day. Smoking causes many dangerous diseases. First, it causes lung cancer and brain damage. Second, it leads to heart shock. Third, it causes sudden death. Forth, it wastes money and health. The government have to prevail treatments for smoking people. Mass Medias play a vital role in increasing people awareness of smoking. We have to unite our efforts to wipe out smoking all over the world. Last but not least, we hope to see our world free from bad habits like smoking. Finally, I'd like to point out that what I have just written about this interesting topic is just like adding a drop of water to the ocean.
أكثر مصحح بيتلكك مش هيقدر يديلك أقل من خمسة ونصف ان لم يكن ستة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
05-12-2013, 07:51 PM
الجملة دي موجودة في كتاب سنيور في شرح قاعدة If ومكتوبة كده
If I save enough money, I going to buy a car
مكتوب يمكن استخدامgoing to في جواب الشرط في الحلة الاولى
وفي الوحدة الاولى الروابط الزمنية بعدها مضارع بسيط ثم will

كلام حضرتك صحيح بس لازم تتوفر شروط استخدام going to اللي أنت عارفها من الوحدة الاولي ، وبعدين الجملة ناقصة الفعل المساعد(am)

المشتاق للجنة .
05-12-2013, 07:58 PM
فعلا هي فيها am يعني لو اتوفر شروطها نختارها
ممكن حضرتك تقولي يعني ايه mixed if

05-12-2013, 09:34 PM

there is no doubt that smoking is a very bad habit. smoking people have increased in the last few years. they smoke 3 times or more a day. Smoking causes many dangerous diseases. first, it causes lung cancer and brain damage. second, it leads to heart shock. third, it causes sudden death. forth, it wastes money and health. the government have to prevail treatments for smoking people. mass medias play a vital role in increasing people awareness of smoking. We have to unite our efforts to wipe out smoking all over the world. Last but not least, we hope to see our world free from bad habits like smoking. Finally, i'd like to point out that what i have just written about this interesting topic is just like adding a drop of water to the ocean.
أكثر مصحح بيتلكك مش هيقدر يديلك أقل من خمسة ونصف ان لم يكن ستة

شكرا لحضرتك
بالنسبة للكابتال والاسمول انا كنت عاملهم صح بس عملت تعديل ونسيت احطهم فى الكلمات اللى حضرتك معلم عليها
الحمد لله :)

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
05-12-2013, 11:38 PM
يمكنك من خلال الرابط التالي ان تأخذ فكرة بسيطة عن mixed if


06-12-2013, 01:36 PM
متشكر جدا ..

... The Egyptians refuse in interference in Egypt's

politics - policy

دول سؤالين مستوى رفيع


She was wearing a beautiful new dress ( have on

I can't put up with the high prices. I must ... my expenses

cut down - cut off - cut out - cut

06-12-2013, 03:46 PM
معلشى يا مستر عاوز ال function بس

what's the matter with your car ?
the engine didn't start this morning

وديه كمان

how would you pay for this dress madam ?
by credit card
shall i put it in a bag for you ?
yes plz

,دول سؤالين مواقف

your younger brotehr asked ou how to study english well

you heard that the school team lost the match . guess why

ولو سمحت يا مستر ايه الفرق بين first و firstly و first of all
وازااى استخدمهم فى البرجراف ؟؟!

islam mnecy
06-12-2013, 11:51 PM

I ........... the kids before i go to work

put off / Put on / wear /dress

The two boys have been seen...............for the beach

heading / to head / heads / headed

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
07-12-2013, 12:04 AM
The Egyptians refuse in interference in Egypt's policy
She was wearing a beautiful new dress ( have on
She was having a beautiful new dress on
I can't put up with the high prices. I must cut down my expenses

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
07-12-2013, 12:13 AM
what's the matter with your car ?
the engine didn't start this morning
function : Asking for and giving information
how would you pay for this dress madam ?
by credit card
shall i put it in a bag for you ?
yes plz
function : Asking for and giving information - Offering help - accepting

your younger brother asked ou how to study English well
You'd better try to use English in everyday life
you heard that the school team lost the match . guess why
The players might have been unfit

first و firstly و first of all
استخدمهم فى البرجراف مكان بعض دون فرق

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
07-12-2013, 12:16 AM
I dress the kids before i go to work
put off / Put on / wear /dress
The two boys have been seen heading for the beach
heading / to head / heads / headed

07-12-2013, 12:42 PM
God bless you for your efforts, sir


There is a ... traffic on road today

little - less

* أعتقد إن الإجابة هى little ، لكن عموما هل الجملة التالية صحيحة
There is less traffic on road today
Firemen arrived on time, put ... the fire and saved our souls

out - off



? Little member attended the meeting, didn't they

Little --> Few

Don't forget to put off the cat

07-12-2013, 01:04 PM
لو سمحت عاوز ال function بس

could you give me a ticket to alex
here you are

which type of holiday do u like to book . sir ?
I prefer a package holiday

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
07-12-2013, 05:47 PM
There is a little traffic on road today
أعتقد إن little هي الأصح، لكن عموما الجملة التالية صحيحة اذا اعتبرنا أننا نقارن اليوم بذي قبل

There is less traffic on road today

Firemen arrived on time, put out the fire and saved our souls
? A few members attended the meeting, didn't they
الجملة التالية تحتمل أكثر من اجابة ، أتمني وضعها في سياقها

Don't forget to put off the cat

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
07-12-2013, 05:54 PM
A: Could you give me a ticket to Alex. B: Here you are
Function : Polite Request- Giving politely
A: Which type of holiday do you like to book, sir ? B: I prefer a package holiday
Function : Inquiring - Giving information

08-12-2013, 01:29 PM
الجملة التالية تحتمل أكثر من اجابة ، أتمني وضعها في سياقها
Don't forget to put off the cat
الجملة التالية تحتمل أكثر من اجابة ، أتمني وضعها في سياقها
Don't forget to put off the cat

متشكر جدا ..

ده سؤال مستوى رفيع على " Phrasal Verbs " و ده كان شكله بالكامل .


Don't forget to put off the cat

الجملة التالية أنا مش شايف إن فيها غلط حضرتك شايف ايه - هى من أسئلة نفس الدرس
It's too late to return to the house now

08-12-2013, 02:30 PM
شكراُ يا مستر انا بدات افهم الفانكشن شويه

لو سمحت الفانكشن دول صح اللى انا كاتبهم

can u tell me how long i can keep these book?

2 days

الفانكشن هتبقى inquiring / giving information ?? !

وهنا انا مش عارف الفانكشن

i'd like to deposit 30200 ppunds into my account plz


ولو سمحت يا مستر ازاى اعمل offer و ازاى اقبل offer ? !!

08-12-2013, 03:51 PM
متشكر جدا ..

ده سؤال مستوى رفيع على " phrasal verbs " و ده كان شكله بالكامل .


don't forget to put off the cat

الجملة التالية أنا مش شايف إن فيها غلط حضرتك شايف ايه - هى من أسئلة نفس الدرس
it's too late to return to the house now

انت مأجل تبع النظام القديم ؟؟؟

زياد المغربى
08-12-2013, 09:59 PM
تمر مصر بمرحلة انتقالية تتطلب العمل الجاد من كل ابنائها وخاصة الشباب
ان زيادة الانتاج واجب وطنى لموتجهة مشكلة تزايد السكان والبطالة فى مصر

زياد المغربى
08-12-2013, 10:29 PM
a -how was your flight sir
b -excellent
a -welcome back sir
الكاتب الصادق مراة مجتمعه والقلم المعبر عن مشاكله
يهدف التعليم الى خلق جيل نافع يقود الامة الى التقدم والرقى
يجب ان تعرف ان المال وسيلة لا غاية بمعنى ان تستثمر المال فى مشروعات مفيدة

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
08-12-2013, 11:54 PM
Don't forget to put on the coat

Don't forget to keep off the cat
Don't forget to keep out the cat
It's late enough to return to the house now

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
09-12-2013, 12:08 AM
A: Can you tell me how long I can keep these book
B: Two days
:022yb4:Function : Inquiring / Giving information

A: I'd like to deposit 30200 pounds into my account plz
Function : Polite Request / Agreeing
اعمل offer بجملة مستقبل بسيط مثل :
I'll get you something cold

أو كما يلي :
Can I help you? / Would you like me to + inf. + for you?0

اقبل offer كما يلي :
That's very kind of you? / Yes, please. / I'd be thankful

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
09-12-2013, 12:21 AM
تمر مصر بمرحلة انتقالية تتطلب العمل الجاد من كل ابنائها وخاصة الشباب
Egypt is getting across a transitional period which requires hard work from all its citizens, especially young people

ان زيادة الانتاج واجب وطنى لمواجهة مشكلة تزايد السكان والبطالة فى مصر
Increasing production is a national duty to face the problems of overpopulation and unemployment in Egypt

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
09-12-2013, 12:38 AM
A: How was your flight sir? B: Excellent. A: Welcome back sir
Place : Airport A: secretary / guide B: visitor / tourist guest
Function : Inquiry / welcoming

الكاتب الصادق مراة مجتمعه والقلم المعبر عن مشاكله
A true writer is the mirror of their society and the pen which expresses his problems

يهدف التعليم الى خلق جيل نافع يقود الامة الى التقدم والرقى
Education aims at creating a beneficial generation to lead the nation towards progress and commission

يجب ان تعرف ان المال وسيلة لا غاية بمعنى ان تستثمر المال فى مشروعات مفيدة
You should know that money is a means, not an end, which means investing it in useful projects

زياد المغربى
09-12-2013, 01:45 PM
i have three sons .............has a car
every-each -non -they
my uncle doesn't enjoy ....................in big cities
driving -to drive -driven
من طلب العلا سهر الليالى
يجب ان نتحد ونقف وقفة لرجل واحد من اجل تحقيق الرخاء لمصر

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
09-12-2013, 02:05 PM
I have three sons. Each has a car
every-Each -non -they
My uncle doesn't enjoy driving in big cities
driving -to drive -driven

من طلب العلا سهر الليالى
Those who seek glory stay up late at night

يجب ان نتحد ونقف وقفة لرجل واحد من اجل تحقيق الرخاء لمصر
We must unite and stand as if we are one man to achieve welfare for Egypt

09-12-2013, 04:42 PM
لو سمحت يا مستر الفانكشن هنا

Can I see ur ticket plz ?
OK . how long does the bus take to cairo?
2 hours

هتبقى الفانكشن هنا polite request - agreeing - / asking question-answering
ينفع اكتب كل دول ؟ّ و لا اكتب انهى ؟

و فى المواقف لو قابلت سائح ضاع منه الباسبورت اقوله ايه ؟

زياد المغربى
09-12-2013, 09:52 PM
he has never driven acar
عاوز استخدم if فى اول الجملة

زياد المغربى
09-12-2013, 09:55 PM
Most girls i know like music

find the mistake plz

10-12-2013, 12:56 PM
السلام عليكم

متشكر جدا لحضرتك ..

Plants can bes used to ... fuel for cars
make - produce

A: Would you mind telling our viewers what precautions they would take to watch the eclipse
B: Well, they need to wear special glasses

Is B: Scientist / oculist ?


The cat curled up beside the sleeping children
التالى سؤال مستوى رفيع


you can't go in, " No Admission"


انت مأجل تبع النظام القديم ؟؟؟


مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
10-12-2013, 01:39 PM
A: Can I see ur ticket plz
B: OK . How long does the bus take to Cairo
2 A: 2 hours

اكتب كل دول

polite request - agreeing - / asking for and giving information
لو قابلت سائح ضاع منه الباسبورت

You have to go to Aliens Department

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
10-12-2013, 01:44 PM
Most of the girls I know like music

10-12-2013, 01:47 PM
السلام عليكم

متشكر جدا لحضرتك ..

Plants can bes used to ... fuel for cars
make - produce

A: Would you mind telling our viewers what precautions they would take to watch the eclipse
B: Well, they need to wear special glasses

Is B: Scientist / oculist ?


The cat curled up beside the sleeping children
عقصت( التوت \جلست) القطة بجانب الاطفال النائمون
التالى سؤال مستوى رفيع


you can't go in, " No Admission"
مش انجليزى

الحمد لله لقيت واحد من اهلى وعشيرتى :av4056bb7jp3:

10-12-2013, 01:49 PM
Most of th girls I know like music

بعد اذن استاذنا الكبير
الاجابة ان شاء الله most of girls

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
10-12-2013, 02:20 PM
Plants can be used to make fuel for cars
A: Would you mind telling our viewers what precautions they would take to watch the eclipse
B: Well, they need to wear special glasses
Place : TV studio
A: Presenter / interviewer
B: Scientist / oculist / Astronomer
Function : Polite request / Advising

The cat curled up beside the sleeping children
عقصت القطة نفسها بجوار الاطفال النائمين


you can't go in, " No Admittance" 0"

ibrahim magdy
11-12-2013, 12:25 PM

your dad is coughing badly .he wants you to buy him a packet of cigarette

osama bought a tv set when he returned home it didn't work advice him

عاوز speaker A بس

A :a taxi hit my car and broke it
B :what's it's number
A :210202150
ok we will try to find him :

ibrahim magdy
11-12-2013, 12:26 PM
plants can be used to make fuel for cars
a: Would you mind telling our viewers what precautions they would take to watch the eclipse
b: Well, they need to wear special glasses
place : tv studio
a: presenter / interviewer
b: scientist / oculist / astronomer
function : polite request / advising

the cat curled up beside the sleeping children
عقصت القطة نفسها بجوار الاطفال النائمين


you can't go in, " no admittance" 0"

يعنى ايه عقصت ؟

11-12-2013, 02:59 PM
متشكر جدا ، و ربنا يجعل مجهود حضرتك فى ميزان حسناتك بإذن الله

Rubbish is a .... source of fuel

non-renewable - recycled - renewable - fossil

* أنا مش شايف واحدة معناها مناسب ، ﻷعتقد إن recyled المفروض تكون recyclable ، ايه رأى حضرتك ؟



When atoms split, they produce enormous energy

? Is enormous --> huge
إذا كانت الإجابة صح ، فأرجو من حضرتك توضيح السبب ، على أساس إن الكلمتين بنفس المعنى
دول مستوى


you should go for a walk to extend your legs
The number of cigarettes you smoke daily harm your health

? Is harm --> harms

زياد المغربى
11-12-2013, 11:18 PM
if you stay before the computer ,your eyes may..................
tiring -tired -retreated
find the mistakes
Mr hyde behaved evily that he was wanted by the police
the old man remarked that he will be eighty next month
ينبغى على الاباء غرس القيم المفيدة كالصبر وقوة الاحتمال والعزيمة القوية فى ابنائهم
لقد اصبح تعلم اللغات والحاسب ضرورة هامة اليوم

زياد المغربى
11-12-2013, 11:19 PM
ارجو الرد سريعا ولسيادتكم كل الشكر والتحية

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
11-12-2013, 11:45 PM
Rubbish is a renewable source of fuel

non-renewable - recycled - renewable - fossil

حسب رد موقع Longman علي نفس سؤال حضرتك

When atoms are split, they produce enormous energy
You should go for a walk to stretch your legs
The number of cigarettes you smoke daily harms your health

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
11-12-2013, 11:57 PM
if you stay before the computer ,your eyes may tired
tiring -tired -retreated
find the mistakes
Mr Hyde's behaviour was so evil that he was wanted by the police
The old man remarked that he would be eighty the next month

ينبغى على الاباء غرس القيم المفيدة كالصبر وقوة الاحتمال والعزيمة القوية فى ابنائهم
Parents should implant useful values like patience, stamina and Strong determination in their chikdren

لقد اصبح تعلم اللغات والحاسب ضرورة هامة اليوم
Learning Languages and the computer has become a necessity nowadays

12-12-2013, 01:01 PM
لو سمحت عاوز ال place بس

may you show me some videos ?
ok which brand do u prefer ?
panasonic please

12-12-2013, 01:40 PM
أنا متشكر جدا لتعب حضرتك ، لكن بالنسبة للسؤال

When atoms split, they produce enormous energy
When atoms are split, they produce enormous energy

حسب كتاب المدرسة : Unint 3 's Reading مكتوب

" Other countries depend on nuclear power – power produced when atoms split. "

حضرتك شايف فرق فى المعنى ، عشان كده الفعل مرة مبنى للمعلوم و فى مرة تانية مبنى للمجهول ؟

مستوى رفيع

Extinguish the lights before you go to the bed
Everybody do their best to make progress

?Is do --> does

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
12-12-2013, 02:25 PM
A: May you show me some videos? B: OK. Which brand do you prefer? A: Panasonic, please
Place : Video shop / Electronics shop

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
12-12-2013, 02:43 PM
مستوى رفيع
Extinguish the lights before you go to bed
Everybody does their best to make progress

زياد المغربى
12-12-2013, 11:25 PM
find the mistakes
have you been to tahrir square/ yes i have been there last January
i invited him or his friends
عندما بسودالتعاون والتسامح المجتمع يعسش الناس فى سلام وحب
الارهاب ظاهرة عالمية والتى تتطلب تكاتف دول العالم للقضاء عليه
تعمل اختى مضيفة طيران وترتدى زيا خاصا بالشركة التى تعمل بها

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
12-12-2013, 11:52 PM
find the mistakes
Have you been to Tahrir square? - Yes, I was / went there last January
I invited him and his friends

عندما بسودالتعاون والتسامح المجتمع يعسش الناس فى سلام وحب
When cooperation and tolerance prevail in a society, everyone will live in peace and love

الارهاب ظاهرة عالمية والتى تتطلب تكاتف دول العالم للقضاء عليه
Terrorism is an international phenomenon which requires the solidarity of the world countries to be eliminated

تعمل اختى مضيفة طيران وترتدى زيا خاصا بالشركة التى تعمل بها
My sister works as an air hostess. She wears the special uniform of the company which she works for

13-12-2013, 01:45 PM
فى الترجمة

تسعى معظم الدول لاستغلال الطاقة الخضراء فى معظم نواحى الحياة

هل الفعل مضارع بسيط أم مستمر

Most countries seek to use Bio-Energy "Green Energy" in most side of life

* seek or are seeking



He is a famous man. (of

? Is " He is a man of fame " correct

They blamed him for the theft. (on


After he had finished studying his lessons, he had a walk. ( Only when

? Is " Only when he finished his studying he had a walk " correct

13-12-2013, 02:56 PM
شكراً يا مستر على تعبك معانا

A :a taxi hit my car and broke it
B :what's it's number
A :210202150
ok we will try to find him :

A:Look there .that's an african elephant
B:it's the greatest land animal today
A:I see and what does it feed on ?
B: plants

A:Can you book me a flight to dubai ?

دول سؤالين مواقف

your dad is coughing badly .he wants you to buy him a packet of cigarette

osama bought a tv set when he returned home it didn't work advice him

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
14-12-2013, 12:24 AM
تسعى معظم الدول لاستغلال الطاقة الخضراء فى معظم نواحى الحياة

Most countries seek to use bio-energy "Green Energy" in most aspects of life:022yb4:
He is a famous man. (of)
He is a man of fame.
They blamed him for the theft. (on)
They blamed the theft on him.
After he had finished studying his lessons, he had a walk. (Only when)
Only when he had finished his studying he had a walk.:022yb4:

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
14-12-2013, 12:49 AM
A :A taxi hit my car and broke it. B: What's it's number? A :210202150
B: OK. We will try to find him.
Place : Police station. A: reporter / Car owner B: Police Officer
Function: Reporting – Asking for and giving information – Assuring

A: Look there .That's an African elephant. B: It's the greatest land animal today.
A: I see. And what does it feed on? B: Plants.
Place : Zoo. A: Visitor B: guide / zookeeper
Function: Drawing attention – Asking for and giving information

A: Can you book me a flight to Dubai? B: Sure.
Place : Airline Office. A: Passenger B: Booking clerk
Function: Polite Request – Agreeing

Your dad is coughing badly. He wants you to buy him a packet of cigarette.
Smoking will make your condition worse. Please, try to give up smoking.
Osama bought a TV set when he returned home it didn't work. Advise him.
You should take it back to the shop you had bought it from.

محمد السعيد عامر
14-12-2013, 05:15 AM
من فضلك يا مستر محمد مش عند حضرتك حلول ل (مراجعة المتفوقين بعد التعديل) اللي حضرتك نزلتها هنا علي المنتدي
اصل فيها حاجات كتير صعبة و مش عارفين حلها

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
14-12-2013, 07:19 AM
الأجابة ان شاء الله هتجهز قريبا ، بس أنا لسه بعمل بعض اضافات وتعديلات اخري علي المذكرة ، و ده هياخد وقت ، تقدر حضرتك تسأل عن أي حاجة هنا وان شاء الله هرد عليك لحد ما المذكرة تجهز

14-12-2013, 01:56 PM
Thank you very much, sir

Advanced Level


On watching the T.V programme, she went to bed. (until

? Is " She didn't go to bed until she had watched the T.V programme" correct


I didn't enjoy the meal due to my sickness. ( if only

? Is " If only I wasn't sick, I would have enjoyed my meal " correct

I expected him to fail the exam but he passed. ( expectation

? Is " My expectation for him was failing the exam but he passed " correct

This mountain is terrifically high. ( height

? Is " The height of this mountain is terrific " correct

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
14-12-2013, 06:02 PM
On watching the TV programme, she went to bed. (until)0
She didn't go to bed until she had watched the TV programme:022yb4:
0 (I didn't enjoy the meal due to my sickness. ( if only
:022yb4:If only I hadn't been sick, I would have enjoyed my meal
I expected him to fail the exam but he passed. ( expectation)0
My expectation for him was to fail the exam but he passed:022yb4:
This mountain is terrifically high. ( height)0
:022yb4: The height of this mountain is terrific
This mountain is terrific in height

محمد السعيد عامر
14-12-2013, 08:34 PM
و الله يا مستر أنا مش عارف أقول لحضرتك أيه.......... بجد حضرتك مثال للمدرس الجوّاد محب العطاء وبجد ألف شكر علي مجهوداتك اللي تُحترم جداً

15-12-2013, 02:16 PM
جزاك الله خيرا على المجهود العظيم ده.

مستوى رفيع


To my surprise, I found several letters on the mat. (expected

? Is " Finding several letters on the mat wasn't expected for me " correct
The students spent more time studying unint 5 which wasn't included in the exam. ( needn't

? Is " The students needn't study unint 5, as it wasn't included int the exam " correct

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
15-12-2013, 11:43 PM
To my surprise, I found several letters on the mat. (expected)0

Finding several letters on the mat wasn't expected by me .0
I hadn't expected to find several letters on the mat. 0
The students spent more time studying unit 5 which wasn't included in the exam. ( needn't

The students needn't have studied unit 5, as it/ which wasn't included int the exam.0

16-12-2013, 01:52 PM
متشكر جدا ...
Advanced Level


I said I was very sorry for what had happened. (expressed

? Is " I expressed my apology / being very sorry for what had happened " correct

The Egyptians approach towards the Gulf crisis was friendly. (the Egyptians