مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ارجــــو المســـــاعدة **

أمــلــي فــ ربنـــا كبيــــر
04-10-2014, 02:45 AM
الاسئلة دي محيراني اوي كتاب gem مجاوبها اجابات غير منطقيه خالص بالنسبالي
we will make a move as soon as the train.........(had stopped - stopped - will stop - has stopped )>

rameses the second ......over ancient egypt for more than fifty years (was ruling - had ruled - have ruled - ruled)

الكتاب حاللهم كدا ارجو توضيح القاعدة اللي حل علي اساسها

Mr. Jan
04-10-2014, 03:06 AM
الاسئلة دي محيراني اوي كتاب gem مجاوبها اجابات غير منطقيه خالص بالنسبالي
we will make a move as soon as the train.........(had stopped - stopped - will stop - has stopped )>

rameses the second ......over ancient egypt for more than fifty years (was ruling - had ruled - have ruled - ruled)

الكتاب حاللهم كدا ارجو توضيح القاعدة اللي حل علي اساسها

The first one has an explanation
future tense + as soon as + present simple or present perfect
The second talks about Ramses who, we know, died long time ago so we deal with it as past simple tense

أمــلــي فــ ربنـــا كبيــــر
04-10-2014, 03:48 AM
The first one has an explanation[/LEFT]
future tense + as soon as + present simple or present perfect
The second talks about Ramses who, we know, died long time ago so we deal with it as past simple tense

thanks alot Mr. Jan