مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ممكن حل هذة الاسئلة

28-12-2014, 06:08 PM
find the mistake
1-this designer always comes up with new ideas he is very imaginary
2-he was driving with one hand and waving with the another
3-she was the last student arrives at school
4-he could not decide which one he liked good
5-the information in this report is based on a spray completed by 2000student
6-winning the olympic gold medal was the realize of his life"s dream

Mr. Haitham Hafez
28-12-2014, 07:25 PM
1- imaginary ----- imaginative
2- another ----- other
3- arrives ----- to arrive
4- good ----- best
5- spray ----- Survey
6- realize ----- achievement

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
01-01-2015, 02:54 PM
find the mistake
1-this designer always comes up with new ideas he is very imaginary

1- imaginary ----- imaginative

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
01-01-2015, 02:54 PM
find the mistake
2-he was driving with one hand and waving with the another

2- another ----- other

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
01-01-2015, 02:55 PM
find the mistake
3-she was the last student arrives at school

3- arrives ----- to arrive

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
01-01-2015, 02:56 PM
find the mistake
4-he could not decide which one he liked good
4- good ----- best

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
01-01-2015, 02:56 PM
find the mistake
5-the information in this report is based on a spray completed by 2000student

5- spray ----- Survey

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا
01-01-2015, 02:57 PM
find the mistake
6-winning the Olympic gold medal was the realize of his life's dream
6- realize ----- achievement

aymaan noor
01-01-2015, 03:03 PM
خالص الشكر والتقدير للأساتذة الأفاضل

Mr. Haitham Hafez

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا


Mr. Haitham Hafez
02-01-2015, 01:17 AM
خالص الشكر والتقدير للأساتذة الأفاضل

mr. Haitham hafez

مستر محمد ديوشي عطا


شكرا لحضرتك على التشجيع

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