مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : امتحان مدرسة ابومندور الثانوية

16-03-2015, 10:05 PM
Name/ class1/…..
1-Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- You are asked about the theme of of Robinson Crusoe
2- you are asked about the habitat of sand cat .
3- You are asked about the qualifications needed for the engineer's job .
4- you are asked what do you think of Orangutan .
2-Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1-Britain is a large ……………… in the north of Europe.
a) island b) place c) town d) sea
2-We …………..violate traffic lights
a) must b) don’t have to c) mustn’t d) have to
3-Crusoe became ………..because of the successful business he started years ago
a) affluent b) fluent c) affirmative d) affordable
4- Every man and woman ……..the right to vote .
a) had to b) must c) has d) have
5- …......................put their babies in their pouch.
a- Mammals b- Reptiles c – Birds d – Marsupials
3-Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- She is taller than her sister (Her ……….)
2- ,We must travel next week, said Ali (indirect )
3- He blamed his niece for coming late (He said that )
4- Must I phone the doctor? (Do……..)
5-you have disobeyed ,you will be punished ( because of )
4-Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
Yesterday morning, Mr. Said Amer had to leave his office and go to a short meeting with one of his colleagues. He was only out of the ….... for about five minutes, but when he got back, everything looked......................... The light had been...................... on and his computer had been turned off. His coffee........................ was clean, and his.............. ........ had been tidied. Someone had...................... his office for him
5- The Novel

A) Answer the following questions:
1- How cunning and opportunist was Fagin?
2- Show that Monks was wicked and devil person
3- Nancy was a neat person illustrate
4- Oliver was loyal person unlike Noah mention tow examples
B ) Read the following quotation and answer the questions:
“bring the person to this address,”
1-Who Said this? To whom?
2-What did the person refer to ?
3- why did the speaker need that person ?
C) find the mistake
1-Oliver sent a letter to Dr Losberne to see Rose.
2-GIles and Harry ran after Fagin and Monks to catch them but in brief
6- Translation

10- A) Translate into Arabic:
1-The financial crisis has had a serious effect on the global economy.

B) Translate into English:
العفيف هو صاحب النفس التي انتصرت على رغباتها وغلبت حبها للملذات

16-03-2015, 10:27 PM
ايه رايكم فى الامتحان

الاستاذ خالد زلط
30-04-2015, 06:49 PM
امتحان فوق الرائع
بارك الله فيك وجزاك خيرا

09-05-2015, 01:22 PM
هو ده أمتحان؟ هههههههههههه

عصام عبد العظيم غنيمى
15-05-2015, 01:36 PM
بارك الله فيكم