مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اختبار ابريل 2015

جواد عوض
21-04-2015, 07:05 AM
Rashid Educational Directorate
Edfina sec.school for girls
April Test 2015 / ( Second year )
الاسم:- .................................................. ....... الفصل 2 /
I- Respond to each of the following situations: (4 marks)
1.You are asked to suggest a solution to global warming.
2. A friend uses the word antidisestablishmentarianism . You don't understand the word .
3. You recommend a hotel to your pen friend. What do you say?
4. You tell your friend how you spent the Sham Elnessim Day .
2- Choose the correct answer: (6 marks)
1) Ali wasn't feeling well yesterday. He (had been studying-studied-had studied-was studying) hard all weekend.
2) Ice is a good (insulate-insulated-insulating-insulation) material.
3) Your garden is bigger than (we-us-our-ours).
4) British Airways regret (announce-announcing-announced -
to announce) that Flight BA205 to Madrid has been cancelled.
5) If he (left-have left-would leave-had left) on time, he wouldn't have missed the bus.
6) There is growing (support-agreement-consent-opposition) in Europe to factories that make a lot of pollution.
7) A number of students in our class( is - are –have -has) good.
8) The Siwa Oasis (situates-situated-are situated-is situated) in the Western Desert.
9) Ghada (has to-must-needs-needn’t) study physics at school next year.
10) Things ought to (make-made-be made-be making) clear to them.
11) By the age of five, I (can-can’t-could-couldn't) swim 100 metres.
12) (Interruption-Independence-Interference-Reference) means getting involved in a situation when you are not wanted.
3- Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly: (6 marks)
1) A psychologist studies prehistoric forms of life.
2) Agriculture is the beliefs, behaviour, art and ideas of a society.
3) Most of the old part of the town has being abandoned.
4) A string is a place where water comes naturally from the ground.
5) If you heat water, it changed into steam.
6) A cautious tale is a story that warns people of something.
4- The Reader " Gulliver's' Travels"
Answer the following questions: (4 marks)
1-How did Gulliver escape from Brobdingnag ?
2-Name two or three things that Gulliver showed the captain to prove his story was true.
3- How was Brobdingnag different from Gulliver's country ?
4- What is the moral lesson of " Gulliver's Travels "?
5- A) Translate into Arabic:(3 Ms)
The Egyptian youth can take the lead and make miracles. Egypt has the potential to become a model for other Arab and Middle Eastern countries. We hope to see young people with their IT skills succeeding in what older generations have failed.
B) Translate into English: (2 Ms )
بلادي لكي حبي وفؤادي ، فعيشي حرة واسلمي رغم الأعادي
Best of luck
MrGawad Elshafey (https://www.facebook.com/gawad.elshafey)


https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-1/p32x32/10153271_1513755362217562_3509929697820683001_n.jp g?oh=5d30c06c34fc5f0a0473581de8435efc&oe=559C2F01&__gda__=1440965438_fc887643bce253c3d90b72c5d59db03 4

Omar Omraka
21-04-2015, 03:56 PM
Had been studying
To announce
Had left
Is situated
Be made
Changes or turns
صح كده؟؟
يا ريت لو فيه غلط حضرتك تقولى و ياريت كمان اجابة الترجمة من عربى لانجليزى

جواد عوض
21-04-2015, 09:29 PM
بلادي لكي حبي وفؤادي ، فعيشي حرة واسلمي رغم الأعادي
My country,get my love and my heart ,live freely and safely,despite enemies

Omar Omraka
22-04-2015, 09:32 AM
شكرا حضرتك بس هى insulating صح ؟؟ اصل مش متاكد منها

جواد عوض
22-04-2015, 07:47 PM
had been studying

to announce
had left
is situated
has to
be made

Omar Omraka
23-04-2015, 09:36 PM
9) Ghada (has to-must-needs-needn’t) study physics at school next year
Next year تدل على مستقبل يبقى لو هنستخدم have to هتبقى will have to مش has to على ده مستقبل
يبقى نختار must علشان تدل على الزام مضارع و مستقبل
صح كلامى حضرتك ولا غلط؟؟

احمدعلى المصرى
24-04-2015, 08:01 PM
9) Ghada (has to-must-needs-needn’t) study physics at school next year
Next year تدل على مستقبل يبقى لو هنستخدم have to هتبقى will have to مش has to على ده مستقبل
يبقى نختار must علشان تدل على الزام مضارع و مستقبل
صح كلامى حضرتك ولا غلط؟؟

لا has to صح
لانها حقيقه

Omar Omraka
25-04-2015, 12:26 AM
اممممم شكرا
اصل مش كويس اووى فى الدرس ده :d

26-02-2016, 10:14 AM
نشكركم على المجهود