مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : طلب توضيح شي في قاعدة since

25-01-2016, 07:02 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

انا قرات شئ بيقول ان لو الحدث اللي بعد since مازال موجودا يأتي بعدها مضارع تام بدلا من ماضي بسيط.. ياريت حد يوضحها لي وجزاكم الباري كل خير.

25-01-2016, 08:06 PM
Up up ⬆ ;)

Mr. Bayoumy Ghreeb
25-01-2016, 09:03 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

المعتاد في الكتب الخارجية ان يأتي بعد since اما نقطة زمنية او ماضي بسيط كالاتي:

They've known each other since 1980

We haven't seen Jamie since Christmas

We haven't seen Jamie since we were in Luxor

و لكن في اللغة عموما الامثلة الاتية صحيحة تماما

I've known her since we were at school together
هنا : نحن لم نعد في المدرسة

I've known her since I've lived in this street
هنا : ما زلت اعيش في هذا الشارع

تقبل تحياتي

25-01-2016, 11:13 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

المعتاد في الكتب الخارجية ان يأتي بعد since اما نقطة زمنية او ماضي بسيط كالاتي:

They've known each other since 1980

We haven't seen Jamie since Christmas

We haven't seen Jamie since we were in Luxor

و لكن في اللغة عموما الامثلة الاتية صحيحة تماما

I've known her since we were at school together
هنا : نحن لم نعد في المدرسة

I've known her since I've lived in this street
هنا : ما زلت اعيش في هذا الشارع

تقبل تحياتي

ربنا يكرم اصلك ويجزيك خير.

طب ممكن تساعدني في حل الجمل دي

I have known maya since she....... here. Unfortunately she will move soon

الاختيارات (lived or has lived)

I haven't heard from Martin since he....... To Australia a year ago

الاختيارات (has journeyed or journeyed)

Silvia has been busy since she...... This project

الاختيارات (has started or started)

Williams hasn't come here since he...... The accident

الاختيارات (has had or had)

Mrs Smith has been desperate since her husband...... Away

الاختيارات ( has passed or passed)

وشكرا عايز حلهم علشان مرجع ليا :)

25-01-2016, 11:24 PM
has lived


25-01-2016, 11:44 PM
has lived


اشكرك علي اهتمامك.

Mr. Bayoumy Ghreeb
26-01-2016, 12:25 AM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

I have known Maya since she....... here. Unfortunately she will move soon

(lived or has lived)

I haven't heard from Martin since he....... To Australia a year ago

(has journeyed or journeyed)

Silvia has been busy since she...... This project

(has started or started)

Williams hasn't come here since he...... The accident

(has had or had)

Mrs Smith has been desperate since her husband...... Away

( has passed or passed)

تقبل تحياتي

26-01-2016, 09:34 AM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

i have known maya since she....... Here. Unfortunately she will move soon

(lived or has lived)

i haven't heard from martin since he....... To australia a year ago

(has journeyed or journeyed)

silvia has been busy since she...... This project

(has started or started)

williams hasn't come here since he...... The accident

(has had or had)

mrs smith has been desperate since her husband...... Away

( has passed or passed)

تقبل تحياتي

ربنا يبارك فيك ويحفظك