مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : جمل غامضة

ابو بيشو
10-06-2016, 07:30 PM
Even More Meanings:Ambiguity
I saw a man on a hill with a telescope.
It seems like a simple statement, until you begin to unpack the many alternate meanings:
• There’s a man on a hill, and I’m watching him with my telescope.
• There’s a man on a hill, who I’m seeing, and he has a telescope.
• There’s a man, and he’s on a hill that also has a telescope on it.
• I’m on a hill, and I saw a man using a telescope.
• There’s a man on a hill, and I’m sawing him with a telescope.
See how many meanings your students can catch!
More Examples
Here are some other ambiguous sentences (more at this wikipedia page):
We saw her duck.
1. We looked at a duck that belonged to her.
2. We looked at her quickly squat down to avoid something.
3. We use a saw to cut her duck.
He fed her cat food.
1. He fed a woman’s cat some food.
2. He fed a woman some food that was intended for cats.
3. He somehow encouraged some cat food to eat something.
Look at the dog with one eye.
1. Look at the dog using only one of your eyes.
2. Look at the dog that only has one eye.
I could definitely see these as a daily challenge to uncover as many meanings as possible. And illustrations would be wonderful!

الاستاذ خالد زلط
12-06-2016, 05:53 PM
Even More Meanings:Ambiguity
I saw a man on a hill with a telescope.
It seems like a simple statement, until you begin to unpack the many alternate meanings:
• There’s a man on a hill, and I’m watching him with my telescope.
• There’s a man on a hill, who I’m seeing, and he has a telescope.
• There’s a man, and he’s on a hill that also has a telescope on it.
• I’m on a hill, and I saw a man using a telescope.
• There’s a man on a hill, and I’m sawing him with a telescope.
See how many meanings your students can catch!
More Examples
Here are some other ambiguous sentences (more at this wikipedia page):
We saw her duck.
1. We looked at a duck that belonged to her.
2. We looked at her quickly squat down to avoid something.
3. We use a saw to cut her duck.
He fed her cat food.
1. He fed a woman’s cat some food.
2. He fed a woman some food that was intended for cats.
3. He somehow encouraged some cat food to eat something.
Look at the dog with one eye.
1. Look at the dog using only one of your eyes.
2. Look at the dog that only has one eye.
I could definitely see these as a daily challenge to uncover as many meanings as possible. And illustrations would be wonderful!
شكرا جزيلا علي افادتنا يا مستر ولكن اود ان انوه عن وجود خطا وهو sawing والتي يفترض ان تكون watching او seeing ولا يوجد مانع لان الرؤية هنا لا تتم بالعين المجردة فقط.

ابو بيشو
13-06-2016, 12:34 AM
شكرا جدا عزيزى على المشاركة الجميلة وشكرا لحضرتك على الاخلاق الجميلة التى تتحلى بها وشكرا لحضرتك على الذوق العالى فى الرد واشكر حضرتك على حسن المتابعة
بالنسبة لكلمة saw
see saw seen يرى
saw sawed sawed /sawn ينشر
وكذلك هذا الفعل له معانى اخرى كثيرة منها ان تضرب شخص ما على احد اجزاء جسمة وكانك تقطعه الى نصفين وعنوان الموضوع جمل غامضة
I saw a man saw with a saw .
رايت رجلا ينشر بمنشار
وهناك افعال كثيرة غريبة منها
fall fell fallen يقع /يسقط
fell felled felled يقطع /يسقط شجرة
find found found يجد
found founded foundedيؤسس

ابو بيشو
13-06-2016, 12:37 AM
I'm sawing wood with a saw now.

الاستاذ خالد زلط
13-06-2016, 01:02 AM
مشكور استاذي الفاضل علي ردك المحترم والذي ينُم عن شخصكم الكريم
في الجملة التي سبق ونوهت عنها الفعل saw ليس في سياق اي معني له كفعل مضارع اي ليس مستخدما بمعني "ينشر خشبا " وغيرها وفي هذه الجملة There’s a man on a hill, and I’m sawing him with a telescope. الفعل يحتمل معني الرؤية فقط لذا ينبغي تغييره الي الفعل watch/see كما ذكرت
واذا كان لك رايا آخر فاني مرحب به استاذ يالفاضل
دمت بصحة وعافيه وتقبل ردِّي

ابو بيشو
13-06-2016, 01:50 AM
هناك جمل حضرتك وجدتها فى بعض المواقع ولكنها تخدش الحياء لتبين معنى هذه الجملة وانا اسف ان اضع هذه الجمل

Where you move your arm back and forth in a sawing manner in a persons crotch, trying as if you were to saw them in half up their body. They experience a very painful sensation as their genitals are "sawed".
Dude, i was sawing him so bad that one of his balls got lodged in his stomach.
#sawing #gobble #jackhammer #painful #saw #sawed

When a person moves their arm back and forth in a sawing motion on a person's genitals which can end up being very painful.
Girl 1: How long was he sawing you for?
Girl 2: Idk..10 minutes maybe.
Girl 1: WHAT!?!?!?! That sounds terrible!
Girl 2: It was and it hurt like b**ch.
The term "death by sawing" indicates the act of sawing a living person in half, either sagitally (usually midsagitally), or transversely. Thus, decapitation by sawing or dismemberment by sawing are tangential sub-themes, though some ambiguous cases might be included. Death by sawing was a method of execution reportedly used in different parts of the world. Some of the reviewed examples are clearly legendary, and at least one source states that the method was probably never used.[2]

الاستاذ خالد زلط
13-06-2016, 07:11 PM
هناك جمل حضرتك وجدتها فى بعض المواقع ولكنها تخدش الحياء لتبين معنى هذه الجملة وانا اسف ان اضع هذه الجمل

Where you move your arm back and forth in a sawing manner in a persons crotch, trying as if you were to saw them in half up their body. They experience a very painful sensation as their genitals are "sawed".
Dude, i was sawing him so bad that one of his balls got lodged in his stomach.
#sawing #gobble #jackhammer #painful #saw #sawed

When a person moves their arm back and forth in a sawing motion on a person's genitals which can end up being very painful.
Girl 1: How long was he sawing you for?
Girl 2: Idk..10 minutes maybe.
Girl 1: WHAT!?!?!?! That sounds terrible!
Girl 2: It was and it hurt like b**ch.
The term "death by sawing" indicates the act of sawing a living person in half, either sagitally (usually midsagitally), or transversely. Thus, decapitation by sawing or dismemberment by sawing are tangential sub-themes, though some ambiguous cases might be included. Death by sawing was a method of execution reportedly used in different parts of the world. Some of the reviewed examples are clearly legendary, and at least one source states that the method was probably never used.[2]

انها جمل خادشة للحياء فعلا ولكن استاذي الفاضل في هذه الجمل الفعل saw هو كفعل مضارع بمعني ينشر اي يستخدم منشارا ليقطع شيء وايضا معانِِ اخري لكن في الجملة هذه There’s a man on a hill, and I’m sawing him with a telescope الفعل saw ليس بمعني ينشر مطلقا لذا يجب تغييره الي watching/seeing لان السياق يتطلب فعل رؤية او مشاهدة
...هذا ما اردت توضيحه اخي الكريم وجزاك الله خيرا علي ما تقدمه من مناقشات مفيدة ونافعة
دمت بخير وسلامة اخي الفاضل