مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Rewrite

ابو بيشو
15-06-2016, 05:49 PM
يلا نشغل المخ
Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the same meaning:
1-She won a prize when she was 20?(age)
2-(When she was young, she used to visit Aswan every year. (visiting)
3-He studies rocks.(geologist)
4-The Nobel Prize for chemistry went to Dr Zewail. (won/awarded)
5-I don’t do the shopping. (never)
6-His habit is playing in the street. (He ……..)
7- We go to the cinema from time to time. (occasionally)
8- Is it true he usually goes to school late? (Does)
8- It’s my habit that I get up early.(usually)
9-He was in the habit of running. (used to)
10-When he was 6, he played every day.(play)
11-He was born in 1973. (ago)
12-When I was on holiday, I went to the club every day.(to)
13- When did you reach Cairo? (ago)
14-Why don’t we go to the zoo? (How about)
15-What is your father’s job? (does)
16-When did this story happen?(place)
17-I take care of my children.(after)
18-He worked in a factory at the age of twenty.(when)
19- This is my car. (to)
20- I own this car. (belongs)
21- They entered the house by force. (broke)
22-He took his friend’s son into his family and became responsible for him.(adopted)
23-I went to the cinema when I had finished my homework. (didn’t)
24- After I had finished my homework, I played football. (Having)
25-Before he played football, he had finished his homework.(Having)
26-By the time he came, I had gone.(coming)
27- After he had completed the form, he handed it in.(until)
28- He had read the book before he gave it to a friend. (been)
29-First he collected the books, and then he realized it was the wrong one. (been)
30- As the minister was making his speech, he suddenly fainted.(during)
31- He was sleeping when his father came.(during)
32-He was running when I saw him.(just as)
33-During the film, I fell asleep.(watching)
34-During the film, I fell asleep.(being)
35- Before visiting Ahmed, I had read the book.(was)
With my best wishes
Mr.Mamdouh …Abu Besho

ابو بيشو
15-06-2016, 05:53 PM
يلاااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا اااااااااااااااا
يلاااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا اااااااااااااااااااااااااا

الاستاذ خالد زلط
15-06-2016, 10:16 PM
جهد مشكور اخي الكريم ولقد قمت باعداد الحلول وقد راعيت ان اجعل للسؤال الواحد اكثر من حل ان امكن عسي الله ان ينفع بها احدا
الحلول بالمرفقات كملف ورد مضغوط لان التنسيق في المنتدي صعب ومرهق جدا

ابو بيشو
17-06-2016, 08:19 AM
اجابات رائعة من معلم رائع ولكن ماذا عن رقم 5؟
20/21 belongs "s
28- He had read the book before he gave it to a friend. (been)
The book had been read (by him)before he gave it to a friend.
29-First he collected the books, and then he realized it was the wrong one. (been)
As soon as the books had been collected, he realized it was the wrong one
اليك منى كل احترام وتقدير
اليك الاجابات كما كتبتها
اهداء الى حضرتك

الاستاذ خالد زلط
18-06-2016, 03:38 AM
اجابات رائعة من معلم رائع ولكن ماذا عن رقم 5؟
20/21 belongs "s
28- He had read the book before he gave it to a friend. (been)
The book had been read (by him)before he gave it to a friend.
29-First he collected the books, and then he realized it was the wrong one. (been)
As soon as the books had been collected, he realized it was the wrong one
اليك منى كل احترام وتقدير
اليك الاجابات كما كتبتها
اهداء الى حضرتك
مشكور جدا استاذي الكريم
وبالنسبة لرقم 5 فسهوا نسيت الحل والحل بسيط جدا وهو ان نستخدم ظرف التكرار never محل الفعل المساعد المنفي don't
وبالنسبة لرقم 28 فجوابك صحيح وقد كنت اعرف الفكرة مسبقا ولكنني نسيت المطلوب الاصلي فقمت ببناء جملة الماضي البسيط للمجهول
وبالنسبة لرقم 29 اود ان اذكرك هي حالة شاذة بحيث لا ياتي الماضي التام بعد الرابط الزمني لوجود فعل مثل told/realized/discovered في جملة الماضي البسيط وفي هذه الحالة ياتي الماضي التام بعد هذه الافعال للمحافظة علي سلامة المعني وترتيب الاحداث وهذه المعلومة متداولة في كل مكان وحتي في الكتب الخارجية .وبالتالي فالحل الذي قد ذكرته مسبقا هو الحل الصائب.
دمت بخير اخي الكريم وبالطبع مشكور جدا علي الاجابات .

الاستاذ خالد زلط
18-06-2016, 03:41 AM
اجابات رائعة من معلم رائع
اليك منى كل احترام وتقدير
اليك الاجابات كما كتبتها
اهداء الى حضرتك

مشكور علي ذوق واخلاق حضرتك وجزاك الله خيرا

ابو بيشو
18-06-2016, 06:07 AM
شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك اليك منى كل احترام وتقدير ولكن بالنسبة لرقم 29
الحدث الاول ماضى تام وهو المسبوق بكلمة first
والماضى البسيط مسبوق ب then

29-First he collected the books, and then he realized it was the wrong one. (been)
As soon as the books had been collected, he realized it was the wrong one

الاستاذ خالد زلط
18-06-2016, 07:30 AM
شكرا جزيلا لحضرتك اليك منى كل احترام وتقدير ولكن بالنسبة لرقم 29
الحدث الاول ماضى تام وهو المسبوق بكلمة first
والماضى البسيط مسبوق ب then

29-first he collected the books, and then he realized it was the wrong one. (been)
as soon as the books had been collected, he realized it was the wrong one
استاذي الكريم هذه حالة شاذة ومعني الجملة يوحي بانه من البداية اصلا كان الكتاب الخاطيء حتي قبل ان يحضره

ابو بيشو
18-06-2016, 09:15 AM
Sally had agreed to wait in the pumpkin ***** with Linus before she realized that there was no such thing

as the Great Pumpkin. Both events happened in the past—agreeing to wait in the pumpkin ***** and

realizing that there was no Great Pumpkin—but the agreeing happened even before the realizing, so we

have to use the past perfect tense for the agreeing part and the regular past tense for the realizing part.

We might be tempted to say Sally agreed to wait in the pumpkin ***** with Linus before she realized that

there was no such thing as the Great Pumpkin, but we’d be wrong. Just using the regular past tense for

both parts of the sentence doesn't work because one event happened before the other event.
By the time Elysee discovered her sister, people had forgotten about the twin study.
I had always thought that I was an only child, but I recently discovered that I have a sister.

It wasn't until I saw her face that I realized how big the problem was.

So, my question is whether it is ok to use both past simple and past perfect with "It wasn't until ..."

An example:

It wasn't until I saw/had seen her face that I realized how big the problem was.

If there is a difference in meaning, it's very subtle. I suppose you could make an argument for logical sequencing that would give preference to 'had seen'; after all, it occurred before 'I realized'. Nevertheless, I'd feel very comfortable to use either. The same thing would probably hold true for 'after': 'After I saw her face, I realized how big the problem was'./ 'After I had seen her face, I realized how big the problem was.'
فعلا من المعروف انه اذا وجدنا realise/discover/remember/forget/find
ياتى بعدهما ماضى تام ولكن ماذا يعنى قولنا :had been wrong
وايهما الافضل :had been wrong /was wrong
الفعل هنا يعبر عن كون الشىء خطا وليس فعل action سبق الفعل الاخر فى حدوثة

الاستاذ خالد زلط
19-06-2016, 05:36 PM
استاذي الكريم هذه حالة شاذة وليس كل ما تجده علي النت صحيحا فهذه الجمل يكتبها متعلمين مبتدئين وليسوا غالبا بمتحدثين اهل اللغة لذا قد تكون غير صحيحة و كما سبق وذكرت معني الجملة يوحي بانه كان الكتاب الخاطيء من البداية اصلا حتي قبل ان يحضره ولا يشترط كون الحدث الاول فعل حركة لان الماضي التام يستعمل لعمل flashback لنقطة ابعد من الاحداث الاخري في الماضي
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