مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : يا ترى :الخطا فين:Television is a very powerful media.

ابو بيشو
22-06-2016, 07:16 AM
.يا ترى :الخطا فين:Television is a very powerful media.

الاستاذ خالد زلط
26-06-2016, 07:47 PM
medium لان media اسم جمع

ابو بيشو
27-06-2016, 07:34 AM
اليك منى كل احترام وتقدير
Television is a very powerful medium.
The media, such as radio and television, tell us what is
happening in the world.
When you are talking about television, radio and newspapers, use
medium for singular reference: 'Children learn as much through the
medium of television as they do by going to school.'
Use media (WITHOUT -s) for plural and group reference: 'the mass
media', 'the news media'.