مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : يا ترى الخطا فين:The view of all the blood on the ground made her feel ill.

ابو بيشو
22-06-2016, 08:37 AM
يا ترى الخطا فين:The view of all the blood on the ground made her feel ill.

الاستاذ خالد زلط
26-06-2016, 06:15 PM
sightبمعني رؤية (حدث الرؤية نفسه) اما view بمعني منظر يمكن ان تراه من مكان معين او موضع معين وغالبا ما يكون شيئا خلابا.هذا مجرد راي وقد تكون هناك حلول اخري والله اعلم.

ابو بيشو
27-06-2016, 06:27 AM
اليك منى كل احترام وتقدير
The sight of all the blood on the ground made her feel ill.
View refers to the whole area that you can see from somewhere,
especially when you can see a long way into the distance: 'His studio
has a spectacular view over Sydney Harbour Bridge.' 'I've booked a
room with a view of the sea.'
When you are talking about the act of seeing something, use the slght
of: 'The sight of so many people dying from disease and hunger is
something I will never forget.'