مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الخطا فين:After a week we're going to Italy.

ابو بيشو
22-06-2016, 09:02 AM
الخطا فين:After a week we're going to Italy.

الاستاذ خالد زلط
26-06-2016, 05:26 PM
In a week('s time )we're going to Italy

ابو بيشو
06-07-2016, 08:33 AM
اليك منى كل احترام وتقدير
In a week's time we're going to Italy.'
When you mention a time in the future that IS measured from 'now' (the
moment of speaking), use in a month's time, in three weeks' time, etc
(or just in a month, in three weeks): 'She'll be back again In a couple of
weeks' time.'
Note the alternatives: 'A week (from) today we're going to Italy.' 'I hope
that I'll still be healthy ten years from now.