مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ما معنى

ابو بيشو
05-07-2016, 08:51 PM
ما معنى :hold your horses ?

الاستاذ خالد زلط
07-07-2016, 05:38 PM
هو تعبير امريكي شائع جدا .تعالوا ناخد نظرة شاملة عليه :
يستخدم بشكل غير رسمي وترجمته الحرفيه "احجم احصنتك/امسك عليك احصنتك " والمعني المجازي :" علي رُسلِك/تمَهَّل قليلا/اصبر قليلا/لا تعجَل" او بالمعني العامي المصري "امسك اعصابك/اعصابك بَسْ/طول بالك/استني بس/صَبْرَك بالله/حيلك حيلك " ويُرادف الفعلين wait/hold on ويقال لشخص منفعل او متوتر او شخص عَجُول (علي عجالة بطبعه/مستعجل يعني) في قراراته مثلا .

ابو بيشو
08-07-2016, 09:16 AM
اليك منى كل احترام وتقدير
ما معنى :hold your horses ?
wait and be patient

ابو بيشو
08-07-2016, 09:18 AM
used to tell someone to stop and consider carefully their decision or opinion about something:
Just hold your horses, Bill! Let's think about this for a moment.

ابو بيشو
08-07-2016, 09:19 AM
Hold your horses", sometimes said as "Hold the horses", is a common idiom to mean "hold on" or wait. The phrase is historically related to horse riding, or driving a horse-drawn vehicle. A number of explanations, all unverified, have been offered for the origins of the phrase, dating back to usage in Ancient Greece.
The saying is typically used when someone is rushing into something. It is often combined with linked idioms such as cool your jets or look before you leap. However it also has a more literal meaning and in certain circumstances is the preferred idiom to use. "Hold your horses" literally means to keep your horse (or horses) still, which would be used when horse riding or driving a horse-drawn vehicle. Thus it is very easy for someone without previously hearing the expression to understand its meaning. Someone is to slow down when going too fast,[1] or to wait a moment, or to be more careful,[2] or to be patient before acting.[3]
It is usually followed up with an explanation to demonstrate why you should wait.[4] For example, "Hold your horses, you haven't thought about this yet" or "Hold your horses, you might find a better one for the same price in another store"[5] or "Hold your horses. We're almost there."[2]