مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اليكم التعديل في مواصفات الورقة الامتحانية للصف الأول الاعدادي 2017

محسن لبيب حنين
24-07-2016, 06:29 AM
اليكم التعديل في مواصفات الورقة الامتحانية للصف الأول الاعدادي 2017
لاحظ التعديل في سؤال القطعة (توزيع الدرجات)
وسؤال القصة (تم نقله للسؤال الخامس)
وسؤال التصحيح (2 قواعد و 1 كلمات)
وسؤال البراجراف (عنوان فقط بدون كلمات)

Specifications for First Year Preparatory (1st Term) Examination 2016 - 2017

A. Listening (6 marks)

1. Listen and choose the correct answer from a, b or c: (6 marks)
Students listen to a text of not more than 25 words. Topics should be from the Set Books. Students listen and answer four (4) multiple choice questions with three (3) options each. (1½ marks each)

B. Language Functions (8 marks)

2. Complete the following dialogue: (4 marks)
A dialogue of six (6) exchanges with four (4) deletions is provided. The students are asked to complete the deletions. The first sentence is given in full. (1 mark each)
3. Supply the missing parts in the following two mini-dialogues : (4 marks)
Two (2) mini-dialogues are provided. In the first one, the response is deleted. In the second one, the stimulus is deleted. The students are required to supply the correct language form in each mini-dialogue. (2 marks each)

C. Reading Comprehension (8 marks)

4. Read the following , then answer the questions : (8 marks)
A text of about Eighty (80) words is provided. This can be a short story, a factual text, a timetable or a letter. Most lexical items and all structures in the text should be from the Set Books. The students are required to answer Three (3) open-ended questions (2 marks each) and Two (2) multiple-choice questions with FOUR (4) options each.(1 mark each)
These questions should test the following reading comprehension skills:
* extracting information.
* giving the main idea.
* understanding reference.
* guessing the meaning of vocabulary in context.
* answering a critical thinking question.

D. The Reader (8 marks)

5. a. Choose the correct answer from a, b , c or d : (4 marks)
Two (2) multiple choice questions from the set Reader are provided. The students are asked to choose the correct answer from Four (4) options given. (Two marks each)
b. Answer the following questions: (4 marks)
Two (2) open-ended questions from the set Reader are provided. The first question should test students' knowledge of the events in the story. The second question should test students' critical thinking. (Two marks each)

E. Vocabulary & Structure (14 marks)

6. Choose the correct answer from a, b , c or d : (8 marks)
Eight (8) multiple-choice items (4 vocabulary & 4 structure) based on the Set Books are provided. The students are asked to choose the correct answer from the four (4) options given. (One mark each)
7. Read and correct the underlined words : (6 marks)
Three (3) sentences, with an underlined error in each, are provided. The students are required to correct the error in each sentence (2 Structures & 1 Vocabulary). (Two marks each)

F. Writing (6 marks)

8. Write a paragraph of SIX (6) sentences on : (6 marks)
Students are asked to write Six (6) complete sentences on a specific topic related to the Set Books. Capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks will be taken into consideration when marking (grading) the paragraph.(One mark each)

(Total: 50 marks)

(50 Marks for each term + 20 Marks mid-term + 30 Marks activities = 100 Marks for each term)

24-07-2016, 05:23 PM
شكرا جزيييييييييييييييييييييييلا

عز الدين مرعى
31-07-2016, 07:12 AM
الف شكرررررررر

02-08-2016, 10:43 AM
رائع وفقك الله

02-09-2016, 12:47 PM
شكرااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا اا

05-09-2016, 02:18 AM
thank you very much

06-09-2016, 05:23 PM
Thanks a lot Mr Mohsen. May God bless you