مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ركن الاسؤال و الجواب اولى ثانوى 2016-2017

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
13-09-2016, 04:09 PM
خدمة منا و رد لجميل البوابة علينا جميعا و بمشاركة الاخوة المشرفين سنقوم و بمشيئة الله بالرد على جميع استفسارات و اسئلة الاعضاء و الزملاء الكرام و سنلبي لهم كل الطلبات الممكن تلبيتها ان شاء الله .
و رجاء من كل الاخوة المشرفين و المعلمين مشاركتنا في الاجابات لنصل سويا لافضل خدمة لابنائنا الطلاب

Dr Lee Sampy
23-09-2016, 03:58 PM
السلام عليكم ممكن حل هذا السؤال:
He couldn`t answer the questions correctly because he hadn`t studied hard. ( Had)

Dr Lee Sampy
23-09-2016, 03:59 PM
المطلوب البدء بكلمة )Had(

24-09-2016, 01:53 AM
Had he studied hard he would have answered the questions

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
26-09-2016, 12:00 AM
had he studied hard he would have answered the questions
اجابة موفقة بارك الله في من قام بها

Mr. Mohamed Kamal Kamel
26-09-2016, 06:53 PM
Some of these cities are popular with companies who want to open new offices near Cairo and want their workers to live in comfortable conditions.
هذه الجملة موجودة فى ٌReview B (Reading text)
فهل وجود who فى هذه الجملة صحيح و لماذا

28-09-2016, 10:39 PM

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
29-09-2016, 12:10 PM
Some of these cities are popular with companies who want to open new offices near Cairo and want their workers to live in comfortable conditions.
هذه الجملة موجودة فى ٌReview B (Reading text)
فهل وجود who فى هذه الجملة صحيح و لماذا

الجملة صحيحة 100% لان كلمة company تعريفها كالتالى:
Company : a group of people who work together professionally or for a common purpose
و تاتى أيضا بمعنى موسسة ايضا و لكن اعتقد لان الفعل بعد who هو want فاعتبرت عاقل بالمعنى الاول للكلمة

02-11-2016, 12:41 AM
مشكور جدا ياغالي

03-11-2016, 06:25 PM
هل with تاتى مع مكان
Samir: That’s right! I went there with my university.

05-11-2016, 01:07 AM
سؤال من revision a
When did you travel to Alexandria? (ago)

هل المطلوب إعادة صياغة السؤال أم الاجابة ؟

I traveled to Alexandria three weeks ago

05-11-2016, 10:35 PM
سؤال من revision a
When did you travel to Alexandria? (ago)

هل المطلوب إعادة صياغة السؤال أم الاجابة ؟

I traveled to Alexandria three weeks ago

الاجابة المطلوبة صيغة سوال
لان when =how long ago

how long ago did you travel to Alexandria?

Mr. Mohamed Kamal Kamel
06-11-2016, 06:21 AM
And first in the hundred metres race
أليس من المفترض أن تكون metre لأنها صفة مركبة
هذه الجملة فى نص الإستماع بدليل المعلم صفحة 142
a very popular place for tourists to visit from all over a world
.أليس من المفترض أن تكون with
هذه الجملة فى workbook صفحة 42 ( Ex 2)


10-11-2016, 08:10 PM
She didn't watch TV until she had put the children to bed (it was only )

10-11-2016, 09:51 PM
She didn't watch TV until she had put the children to bed (it was only )

it was only when she had put the children to the bed that she watched tv

11-11-2016, 01:51 PM
جزاكم الله خيرا
الف شكر

اسلام عمر 1
12-11-2016, 07:14 PM
I`m not very hungry .Ithink I ..... asalad
( am going to have - will have - am not going to have - have )
السؤال الثاني
الفرق بين Another و other و Others بصورة واضحة

بنتي في الصف الثاني الاعدادي وعايزة تتأكد من الإجابة

12-11-2016, 08:08 PM
I`m not very hungry .Ithink I ..... asalad
( am going to have - will have - am not going to have - have )
السؤال الثاني
الفرق بين Another و other و Others بصورة واضحة

بنتي في الصف الثاني الاعدادي وعايزة تتأكد من الإجابة

الصفات الثابتة للانسان ليس دليلا على حدوث فعل فناخذ will

- I'm not hungry. I think will have a salad.

ودى امثلة اخرى
Messi is a clever player. I think he will score a goal the next match.
Hamdi is very fast. I think he will be in the Olympic Games one day


Others – other – another

(* another + اسم مفرد ) اخر او اضافىصفـة يتبعهـا اسـم مفـرد
Ex: I bought a book , I will buy another one next week
* other + جمع اخرون
Ex: some people like football .Other people like tennis
* others بدون اسم الاخرون
Ex : Some boys play in the playground , others are in the library .

اسلام عمر 1
12-11-2016, 09:54 PM
الصفات الثابتة للانسان ليس دليلا على حدوث فعل فناخذ will

- I'm not hungry. I think will have a salad.

ودى امثلة اخرى
Messi is a clever player. I think he will score a goal the next match.
Hamdi is very fast. I think he will be in the Olympic Games one day


Others – other – another

(* another + اسم مفرد ) اخر او اضافىصفـة يتبعهـا اسـم مفـرد
Ex: I bought a book , I will buy another one next week
* other + جمع اخرون
Ex: some people like football .Other people like tennis
* others بدون اسم الاخرون
Ex : Some boys play in the playground , others are in the library .

بارك الله لك مستر لك مني جزيل الشكر
ملحوظة أخيرة هل The other one = another one

13-11-2016, 08:12 PM
بارك الله لك مستر لك مني جزيل الشكر
ملحوظة أخيرة هل The other one = another one

يوجد اختلاف بينهما

Another one" means "one more of the same."

the other one" means "a different one."

WAITRESS: Do you two students want more pie? We have two flavors.
STUDENT A: Yes. I already had one slice of apple pie, and now I would like another one.
STUDENT B: Yes, but I already had a slice of apple, so now I would like to try the other one.

18-11-2016, 02:24 AM
I do not know the reason for his angry (find the mistake)

Mr. Mohamed Kamal Kamel
18-11-2016, 06:20 AM
I do not know the reason for his angry (find the mistake)

19-11-2016, 11:08 PM
Had he studied hard, he could have answered the questions

اسلام عمر 1
20-11-2016, 08:28 AM
يوجد اختلاف بينهما

another one" means "one more of the same."

the other one" means "a different one."

waitress: Do you two students want more pie? We have two flavors.
Student a: Yes. I already had one slice of apple pie, and now i would like another one.
Student b: Yes, but i already had a slice of apple, so now i would like to try the other one.

جزاك الله خير يا مستر وبارك الله لك

اسلام عمر 1
20-11-2016, 08:35 AM
سؤال ضروري لمستر محمد فوزي
Qasr al-Nil Bridge has two....................................... statues at each end
( Lions' - lion's - Lion - lions )

20-11-2016, 01:41 PM
Qasr al-Nil Bridge has two....................................... statues at each end
( Lions' - lion's - Lion - lions ]

اسلام عمر 1
20-11-2016, 04:05 PM
بارك الله لك مستر محمد

23-11-2016, 01:01 PM
She didn't remember to do the shopping

23-11-2016, 01:42 PM
She didn't remember to do the shopping

She forgot to do the shopping

25-11-2016, 10:11 PM
Had he studied hard, he could have answered ........

روز روز
10-01-2017, 01:38 AM
عندي سؤال ارجو الرد عليه.
shakespear............37 plays.
wrote- has written
ذكر عدد المرات بيكون p.p
اسم احد مشاهير الماضي بيكون past s.

اسلام عمر 1
12-01-2017, 10:29 PM
أرجو الرد أي الاختيارات صحيحة في المثالين التالين
I'm Late .perhaps I.... .................. take a taxi
( am going to --- Will )
I'm Late .I think .... .................. take a taxi
( am going to --- Will )

Mohamad Salah
27-10-2017, 10:43 PM
Had he studied hard, he could have answered the questions

هاني جمال فهمي
07-12-2018, 09:45 PM
please find the mistake : Since her marriage five months she hadn't visited her parents.

09-12-2018, 12:15 AM
1- Dr Zewail won ........for his great research in chemistry (reward -award)
2-You should try (drinking -to drink )alot of water every day.
3-The rich should help ...........poor people . (the - no article)
4-My neighbours (moved -have moved )since 2 years ago

أبو فكرى
13-12-2018, 06:19 PM
How long ago تساوى when بمعنى متى

28-12-2018, 02:39 PM
the teacher asked each student to write.......name

mazen 2011
02-01-2019, 06:50 PM
1- Dr Zewail won ........for his great research in chemistry (reward -award)
2-You should try (drinking -to drink )alot of water every day.
3-The rich should help ...........poor people . (the - no article)
4-My neighbours (moved -have moved )since 2 years ago
no article
have moved

mazen 2011
02-01-2019, 06:52 PM
the teacher asked each student to write.......name

he teacher asked each student to write.......name

mazen 2011
02-01-2019, 06:52 PM
Since her marriage five months she hadn't visited her parents.


mazen 2011
02-01-2019, 06:53 PM
أرجو الرد أي الاختيارات صحيحة في المثالين التالين
I'm Late .perhaps I.... .................. take a taxi
( am going to --- Will )
I'm Late .I think .... .................. take a taxi
( am going to --- Will )

the two sentences
will take
quick decision

mazen 2011
02-01-2019, 06:55 PM
عندي سؤال ارجو الرد عليه.
shakespear............37 plays.
wrote- has written
ذكر عدد المرات بيكون p.p
اسم احد مشاهير الماضي بيكون past s.

حد مشاهير الماضي بيكون past s.
لو شخص غير معروف has+pp

03-01-2019, 09:00 PM
هل سوف يمتحن طلاب الصف الأول الثانوي في القصة أم هي للاطلاع فقط؟
أفيدونا بالله عليكم

mazen 2011
04-01-2019, 03:37 PM
اخر كلام للمستشاره ان القصه for enjoyment الامتحان بنفس المواصفات الخاصه بالامتحان الاسترشادى مع الفرق فعدد النقط وربنا يستر لو حد عنده معلومات غير كده ياريت يفيدنا

19-05-2019, 11:45 AM
الاجابة المطلوبة صيغة سوال
لان when =how long ago

how long ago did you travel to Alexandria?

how long ago did you travel to alx