عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 14-05-2016, 05:17 AM
nagham3000 nagham3000 غير متواجد حالياً
عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2016
العمر: 47
المشاركات: 4
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
nagham3000 is on a distinguished road
New نموذج امتحان اللغة الانجليزية لدبلوم 5 سنوات تجاري

1- Complete the dialogue between the receptionist of Victoria Hotel and Mr. Baher:
* Mr. Baher: Good morning!
* The receptionist: ……………… (1) ………………..?
* Mr. Baher: Yes, I want to book a single room please
* The receptionist: ……………… (2) ………………..?
* Mr. Baher: Yes, with a bathroom.
* The receptionist: How many nights will you stay here?
* Mr. Baher: ……………….(3)…………………
* The receptionist: Right , this is the key of your room, Sir.
* Mr. Baher: Thank you
* The receptionist: ……………… (4) ………………

2- What would you say in the following situations?
1- Compliment a colleague on winning a large export order.
2- A friend asks you to describe the weight, the shape and the measurements of your TV set.
3- The waiter in a restaurant gives you the bill. There a mistake in it.
4- Write a notice telling drivers not to use mobile phones at the petro; station.
5- A friend asks you about buying goods on the internet .Explain two of the
3- Match a word of phrase from (A) with a similar phrase from ( :-

1- Chips
2- Would you like
3- Accommodation
4- Cost a fortune
5- Used to be
a- potatoes, salt, oil.
b-a coffee?
c- Was/were
d- Cost a lot of money
e- First of all.
f- a room in a hotel.
4- Rewrite the following using word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:-
1-Let,s go out for an Italian meal this evening. ( She suggested…….)
2- They advertised their products. possibly as a result, sales increased. ( If they….)
3- I think he hasn’t cleaned the swimming pool yet. ( He……….,..?)
4- Cars are taxed, but petrol is not. ( while………..)
5- Telephone this number if you want to find out more. ( To …..)

5- Fill in the spaces from a word from the list:-
Database- bug- save- payee- payable-free
1- A computer problem is called……..
2- You can copy and … pages on your hard disc.
3- An organized collection of information is called…….
4- Write the name of the ……. on the cheque.
5- Most foods, books and clothes are tax …..

6) Read the following passage then answer the questions:
There are many kinds of plastic card such as debit cards and credit cards. A debit card is issued for a particular bank account and the money is immediately deducted from that account.
A credit card is issued to any customer. The credit card company pays the retailer, and is reimbursed once a month by the card holder.
One problem with credit cards is fraud. To fight against this, smart cards are now replacing the old-style cards .The new cards have a chip with a personal identification number (PIN) without which the card cannot be used.
In the past, Egypt has always been very cash - based. It is now much less so than it was in 2003 when 97% of all transactions were cash-based. Bankers predict more changes. Cash- based countries are increasingly turning towards plastic money. Other countries in the Arab world that were once Cash- based are now plastic-users. Egypt too is becoming a fast-changing market .
A) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
1- Smart cards can reduce...................
a. fraud. b. plastic-users. c. credit cards. d. account
2-The best title for the passage is........
a. "Cash money". b. "Cash based". c. "Plastic users". d. "Plastic cards"
3- ………….. can have a credit card .
a. No one b. Anyone c. Rich only d. Poor only
4-There are ............ kinds of plastic cards mentioned in the passage.
a. one. b. six. c. two. d. four
Answer the following questions:
1- What is a debit card used for?
2- What does the underlined word" this " refer to?
3- How often does the credit card company pay the retailer?
4- How were transactions done in Egypt in the past?
7- " Tourism in Egypt"
* Why tourists number go up and down?
* Reasons why tourists visit Egypt?
* Increasing numbers visit Red Sea resorts.
* Growing numbers visit oases of Western Desert.
8- You are Beshir Mukhtar secretary. He is out of the office and need a list of his appointments. Write an email, using the following notes. Tomorrow: 10 a.m. John Brown - discuss a new project/ 2:30 p.m. port authority - want to discuss your report/ the following day: a.m. no appointments- can deal with paperwork/ 2p.m. lawyer - go through the new contract
================================================== ==========
9- Write a covering letter from Swinton Insurance,P.O.Box281,Swendon SW48HA
to MS Tracey Meadows, Flat16, 14 Western Ring Road,Upton,SW184TN.Confirm the issue of a Multi-trip worldwide insurance policy, with Baggage Cover, for 12 months from today's date , and enclose the policy. Confirm the total cost of $ 105. Enclose the invoice, and request a cheque in payment within 14 days.

10- Translate from English into Arabic
1- She warned that taxes would increase the bill
2- While they are expert accountants, they don’t charge high fees.
-3- لقد رأى كل العاملين التقرير أليس كذلك؟
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