مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : عزيزى الطالب تعالى و أدخل و اسأل و افهم مع درس خصوصى

الصفحات : [1] 2

Ayman M.Ebrahim
30-08-2012, 10:28 AM
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
أبنائى الطلبة و الطالبات ( الصف الثالث الثانوى )
هذا الموضوع خاص بكم انتم و أسئلتكم مهما كانت فى اللغة الانجليزية
ليس فقط الاسئلة و لكن لو محتاجين شرح أجزاء معينة من المنهج هتلاقينا معاك
كمان ممكن تلاقى امتحانات على الوحدات تحلها و نتناقش فيها
مع درس خصوصى على منتدانا العظيم مش هتقدر تغمض عنيك

أحبابى المدرسين لمن سيدخل هنا نرجو ان يكون الدخول من أجل الطالب و ليست مناقشات بيننا و ان أحببنا ان نتناقش ننتقل الى حجرة معلمى اللغة الانجليزية

هيا أبنائى إبدأوا الاسئلة فى المنهج و سوف نرد عليها باذن الله

شكرا لكم و تقبل الله منا و منكم جميعا

30-08-2012, 06:20 PM
Okiiii Thnx Awe :)

ali farouk
04-09-2012, 09:02 PM
ياترى مين يتفضل يرد على السوال ده

He prefers that she ......personally with him.

speak - speaks - is speaking- should speak

فيه ناس بتقول speaks

وكمان ناس بتقول speak

ياترى ايه الصح نرجو الافادة

Ayman M.Ebrahim
05-09-2012, 12:13 AM
الصح speak على اساس قاعدة
Prefer - suggest that + Subject + inf

ali farouk
05-09-2012, 08:42 PM
شششششششششششششششششششششكرا جزيلا

ali farouk
05-09-2012, 08:45 PM
فيه جملة غريبة فى كتاب جم بتقول
He changes his plans every day ( yesterday )
نرجو الافادة

ahmed gomaa
09-09-2012, 12:06 AM
اوجد الخطأ

the launch of satellites into space is a great achievement in science

the soldiers' message was to attack the radio station

10-09-2012, 10:45 PM
He didn't change his plans yesterday

mazen 2011
17-09-2012, 08:31 PM
he changed his plan yesterday as usual

mazen 2011
17-09-2012, 08:35 PM
the soldiers' message was to attack the radio station

mazen 2011
17-09-2012, 08:46 PM
ou are Driving Along a busy freeway . You Notice that the back wheel of the car in front of you is nearly flat . What would you do ?
say as it is a situation
watch out your Tyre is going to be flat

نور الايمان 4
20-09-2012, 12:37 PM
ممكن لو سمحتم اجابة السؤال التالى
Find the mistake ;
--* the population of the world rises very fast .
--* It's high time the government will build a hospital.

اسماء هاشم
20-09-2012, 05:07 PM
صحح الخطا in egypt .students bring primary school at the age of:rolleyes: six

MR/Ahmed Elsawy
20-09-2012, 09:29 PM
is rising
would build

Ayman M.Ebrahim
20-09-2012, 11:52 PM
In Egypt, students attend primary school at the age of six

mazen 2011
21-09-2012, 03:38 PM
join -enroll

21-09-2012, 11:14 PM
He is clever اريد تحويل هذه الجمله الى ( passive)

21-09-2012, 11:49 PM
ما اعرف بالتوفيق

Ayman M.Ebrahim
22-09-2012, 09:43 PM
He is thought (believed - said) to be clever
هذا و الله اعلم
و فوق كل ذى علم عليم

Mr.Sayed Mansour
22-09-2012, 09:49 PM
It is said that he is clever

Marry Sam
26-09-2012, 10:04 PM
انا مش قادره افرق ..في بعض الكلمات بتاخذ فعل جمع و كمان مفرد

زي FAMILY و team
امتي بقي تكون جمع و امتي مفرد ؟!؟

Marry Sam
26-09-2012, 10:46 PM
the launch of satellites into space is a great achievement in science
the soldiers' mission was to attack the radio station

Ayman M.Ebrahim
26-09-2012, 11:56 PM
انا مش قادره افرق ..في بعض الكلمات بتاخذ فعل جمع و كمان مفرد

زي FAMILY و team
امتي بقي تكون جمع و امتي مفرد ؟!؟

بالبلدى كده
تبقى مفرد لو بنتكلم عنها كشىء واحد من ضمن مجموعة
Our family is one of the best families in our street.
و لكن اذا تحدثنا عنها كأفراد تصبح جمع
Our family are all good members in the society
و هكذا مع باقى الكلمات مثل
team - government - staff - group ........

مستر خالد غباشى
27-09-2012, 12:14 AM
انا مش قادره افرق ..في بعض الكلمات بتاخذ فعل جمع و كمان مفرد

زي FAMILY و team
امتي بقي تكون جمع و امتي مفرد ؟!؟

كلمة team اذا جاء معها فعل مفرد نستخدم which اما اذا جاء بعدها فعل جمع نستخدم who
وكذلك كلمة family لانهم collective nouns

Ayman M.Ebrahim
27-09-2012, 12:59 AM
إضافة مفيده جدا مستر خالد
شكرا لك أخى الفاضل
و تقبل الله منا و منك

Yes We Can
27-09-2012, 11:34 PM
سوال يا استاذى
انا معايا دلوقتى كتابين سنيور و جيم
و الاتنين حلوين و زى الفل
لكن مشكلتى انا عاوز اعرف ازاى امشى السنه دى
عشان اجيب 25
و هل لو حليت الورك بوك ده مهم و لا مش مهم على كل يونت
و ازاى اقدر اضمن الانجليزى و احل اى حاجه بسهوله
يعنى امشى اول السنه على اى نظـام ؟
و شكـرا لحضرتك ع الموضوع

samir Meabed
28-09-2012, 08:56 AM
موضوع كويس بس يا ريت الطلبة تسال مش المدرسين و السدادة المدرسين يجيبوا

Ayman M.Ebrahim
28-09-2012, 10:34 PM
سوال يا استاذى
انا معايا دلوقتى كتابين سنيور و جيم
و الاتنين حلوين و زى الفل
لكن مشكلتى انا عاوز اعرف ازاى امشى السنه دى
عشان اجيب 25
و هل لو حليت الورك بوك ده مهم و لا مش مهم على كل يونت
و ازاى اقدر اضمن الانجليزى و احل اى حاجه بسهوله
يعنى امشى اول السنه على اى نظـام ؟
و شكـرا لحضرتك ع الموضوع

الكتب الخارجية كلها حلوة بس اعذرنى لانى مبحبش احدد كتاب
بس اهم حاجة بالفعل الوورك بوك و حل الامتحانات السابقة و تمارين long man و هذا المنتدى فيه شغل رائع فكن من المتابعين له
امشى براحتك و لا تجهد نفسك فى البداية حتى لا تمل
و كل وحدة خلصها اول باول و اهم حاجة الحل الكتير و خصوصا البرجراف و القطعة و الترجمة و المواقف يعنى الحاجات التى لا ترتبط بمنهج
و احنا هنا كلنا فى خدمة الطلبة

مصطفي عبد الكريم
29-09-2012, 10:40 PM
اوجد الخطأ

the launch of satellites into space is a great achievement in science

the soldiers' message was to attack the radio station

in → for
message → mission

30-09-2012, 12:33 AM
ما معنى N/M فى unit5

Marry Sam
30-09-2012, 12:35 AM
بالبلدى كده
تبقى مفرد لو بنتكلم عنها كشىء واحد من ضمن مجموعة
our family is one of the best families in our street.
و لكن اذا تحدثنا عنها كأفراد تصبح جمع
our family are all good members in the society
و هكذا مع باقى الكلمات مثل
team - government - staff - group
شكرا جدا
كلمة team اذا جاء معها فعل مفرد نستخدم which اما اذا جاء بعدها فعل جمع نستخدم who
وكذلك كلمة family لانهم collective nouns

لا لا تاني كده ..
ممكن مثال عشان معلومة جديدة
و شكرا ...

Marry Sam
30-09-2012, 12:36 AM
مستر هوا ايه ..long man ده ؟؟

30-09-2012, 03:26 PM
ا يحول فعل الكينونة للمجهول الا فى جملsay think believe

(he is said to be clever it's said that he is clever

30-09-2012, 09:11 PM
شكرا جدا

لا لا تاني كده ..
ممكن مثال عشان معلومة جديدة
و شكرا ...

طيب إى collective nouns دى

Ayman M.Ebrahim
30-09-2012, 11:45 PM
شكرا جدا

لا لا تاني كده ..
ممكن مثال عشان معلومة جديدة
و شكرا ...

بمعنى اننا اذا تحدثنا عن الفريق كفرد يعامل كشىء غير عاقل
This is the team which won the match
أما اذا تحدثنا عنه كمجموعة من اللاعبين يكون جمع و من هنا يكون عاقل
The team who played well won the match

Ayman M.Ebrahim
30-09-2012, 11:47 PM
مستر هوا ايه ..long man ده ؟؟

long man هو اسم للشركة التى تقوم بنشر الكتب التعليمية (شركة نشر )

salma yousef
02-10-2012, 04:53 PM
speak ( the subjunctive case

Marry Sam
02-10-2012, 11:48 PM
اها .. انا كده فهمت الحمد لله ..جزاك الله خيراً

اممم طب هوا كتاب Long man نقدر نوصلوا منين ؟!^^

Marry Sam
02-10-2012, 11:50 PM
و آسفه ع الازعاج .....

مصطفي عبد الكريم
03-10-2012, 01:04 AM
ياترى مين يتفضل يرد على السوال ده


He prefers that she ......personally with him.

speak - speaks - is speaking- should speak

فيه ناس بتقول speaks

وكمان ناس بتقول speak

ياترى ايه الصح نرجو الافادة
prefer / suggest (that) + subject + (should) + inf
if we use should it's acceptable and if we omit should it's also OK

03-10-2012, 06:31 AM
Find the mistake and correct it :
1- He cann not speak to you just now . He has ashower .
2- Things arenot always what they are appeared to be

Ayman M.Ebrahim
03-10-2012, 10:49 PM
اها .. انا كده فهمت الحمد لله ..جزاك الله خيراً

اممم طب هوا كتاب Long man نقدر نوصلوا منين ؟!^^

ادخلى على الموقع دا لانه جميل

و كمان اليك موقع long man الخاص بوزارة التربية و التعليم

Ayman M.Ebrahim
03-10-2012, 10:52 PM
Find the mistake and correct it :
1- He cann not speak to you just now . He has ashower .
2- Things arenot always what they are appeared to be

1- He is having a shower
2- what they appear to be

محمد اسماعيل 2020
04-10-2012, 01:15 PM
He is said to be clever

Haytham Ali
05-10-2012, 01:36 AM
اها .. انا كده فهمت الحمد لله ..جزاك الله خيراً

اممم طب هوا كتاب Long man نقدر نوصلوا منين ؟!^^
كان معايا كتاب the best السنة اللى فاتت فى تانية المراجعة النهائية
وكان فى تمارين مكتوب عليها
اعتقد هي دى المقصودة ;)

samir Meabed
05-10-2012, 08:21 AM
موقع لونج مان مكتوب على غلاف الكتاب المدرسى ادخل و اختار الطالب سوف تجد تمارين هامة

Ayman M.Ebrahim
05-10-2012, 06:32 PM
شكرا لمرورك الكريم مستر سمير

نور الايمان 4
05-10-2012, 09:07 PM
the launch of satellites into space is a great achievement in science
كلمة launch فى الجملة الخطأ مكتوبة lunch وبالتالى التصحيح تبقى launch
وللتأكد الجملة دى فى كتاب surprise فى تمارين الوحدة الأولى

نور الايمان 4
05-10-2012, 09:28 PM
ممكن لو سمحتم ضرورى مساعدتى فى حل هذه الجمل "ولو تكرمتم تعليل كل اختيار "
*-Modern technology has made us very ............... .life is too fast now.
( happy - comfortable - busy - free ) i
*- your daughter ......... a very successful career
( is having - is going to have - will have - has)

*- life ........ better five years from now
(will be - is going to be - is being ) .3
*- I.......d Diseny World in the USA one day
(am visiting - visit - will visit - have visited)
*- people have always ........... their world
( explored - discovered )

"ولكم جزيل الشكر "

نجم فاقوس
06-10-2012, 09:00 AM
many thanks
may god bless you

Ayman M.Ebrahim
06-10-2012, 11:03 PM
ممكن لو سمحتم ضرورى مساعدتى فى حل هذه الجمل "ولو تكرمتم تعليل كل اختيار "
*-Modern technology has made us very ............... .life is too fast now.
( happy - comfortable - busy - free ) i
*- your daughter ......... a very successful career
( is having - is going to have - will have - has)

*- life ........ better five years from now
(will be - is going to be - is being ) .3
*- I.......d Diseny World in the USA one day
(am visiting - visit - will visit - have visited)
*- people have always ........... their world
( explored - discovered )

"ولكم جزيل الشكر "

1- comfortable
2- will have
3- will be
4- will visit
5- explored

زياد المغربى
06-10-2012, 11:09 PM
استاذ ايمن مش بترد ليه على اسئلة الصف الثانى

نور الايمان 4
07-10-2012, 12:26 PM
جزاكم الله خيراااااااااااااااااااااااا

Ayman M.Ebrahim
07-10-2012, 09:41 PM
و جزاكم مثله ان شاء الله

Taher basuny
09-10-2012, 08:47 AM
جهد مشكور وربنا يكرمك كلامك بيدخل القلب دلالة على صدقك

09-10-2012, 05:29 PM
هل كلمة riches تاخذ فعل مفرد ولا جمع ؟

Ayman M.Ebrahim
10-10-2012, 11:50 PM
riches اسم جمع

ahmed gomaa
13-10-2012, 02:48 PM
Choose the correct answer :
1- This job doesn't need ..... experience
(a lot of - an - many - much )

2- there is ....... clothing factory near our house.
(alot of-a-some-a little )

3-Friends and family ........ were devastated by the news of her suicide.

4-Would you like ......... coffe?
(a-many-nothing-a few )

5-this job needs........ experience to be done well

6-Guests ran for......... as the device went off in a men's toilet
(savoury-safety-safely-safe )

7-Ann is in hospital.Oh really?Ididn't know . I....... and visit her
(go-am going to-would go-will go )

8-His novel became a great .......... in 1940

9-Is there a phone number where I can ....... you ?

10-My aunt's children have all been ......... in their chosen careers

11-This is not a true story .You shouldn't be.........

12-......... examination paper wasn't too difficult but i couldn't answer
(no article-the-a-an)

13-Some people think that having to carry an identity card ......... alot of freedom.

Ayman M.Ebrahim
15-10-2012, 06:51 PM
choose the correct answer :
1- this job doesn't need ..... Experience
(a lot of - an - many - much )

2- there is ....... Clothing factory near our house.
(alot of-a-some-a little )

3-friends and family ........ Were devastated by the news of her suicide.

4-would you like ......... Coffe?
(a-many-nothing-a few )

5-this job needs........ Experience to be done well

6-guests ran for......... As the device went off in a men's toilet
(savoury-safety-safely-safe )

7-ann is in hospital.oh really?ididn't know . I....... And visit her
(go-am going to-would go-will go )

8-his novel became a great .......... In 1940

9-is there a phone number where i can ....... You ?

10-my aunt's children have all been ......... In their chosen careers

11-.......this is not a true story .you shouldn't be.........

12-......... ..examination paper wasn't too difficult but i couldn't answer
(no article-the-a-an)

13-some people think that having to carry an identity card ......... Alot of freedom.

تاكد من كتابة اجملة الثالثة
و الرجاء كتابة الجمل بشكل سليم

16-10-2012, 12:57 AM
He is thought (believed - said) to be clever
هذا و الله اعلم
و فوق كل ذى علم عليم

أستاذي الفاضل ممكن أضيف حل آخر بعد إذنك
It is thought that he is clever

16-10-2012, 01:03 AM
ممكن لو سمحتم ضرورى مساعدتى فى حل هذه الجمل "ولو تكرمتم تعليل كل اختيار "
*-Modern technology has made us very ............... .life is too fast now.
( happy - comfortable - busy - free ) i
*- your daughter ......... a very successful career
( is having - is going to have - will have - has)

*- life ........ better five years from now
(will be - is going to be - is being ) .3
*- I.......d Diseny World in the USA one day
(am visiting - visit - will visit - have visited)
*- people have always ........... their world
( explored - discovered )

"ولكم جزيل الشكر "

will be
will visit

Ayman M.Ebrahim
16-10-2012, 10:07 PM
أستاذي الفاضل ممكن أضيف حل آخر بعد إذنك
it is thought that he is clever

اجابة صحيحة شكرا لك

Mr Yacoub
17-10-2012, 10:40 AM
فكرة رائعة و مفيدة للتواصل

17-10-2012, 01:00 PM
بمعنى اننا اذا تحدثنا عن الفريق كفرد يعامل كشىء غير عاقل
This is the team which won the match
أما اذا تحدثنا عنه كمجموعة من اللاعبين يكون جمع و من هنا يكون عاقل
The team who played well won the match
و رأي حضرتك إن جملة who إللي انت كاتبها طبيعية ؟ طيب ممكن تقولي إيه سبب وجود that في اللغة؟ مش عشان الحالات الغريبة دي!!! ياريت حضرتك تبين لطلبتنا إن الجمل الغريبة دي غير مستخدمة عند أهل هذه اللغة أنفسهم برغم أنها ممكنة grammatically.

نور ..
24-10-2012, 09:29 PM
على الرغم انى مش بعرض اسئلة بس بجد بستفيد جدا من الاسئلة المعروضة واجابتها

ميرسى ع مجهودك ووقتك

The Octopus
25-10-2012, 02:47 AM
He used to change his plans yesterday

Ayman M.Ebrahim
25-10-2012, 07:37 AM
He used to change his plans yesterday

He changed his plans yesterday

25-10-2012, 12:30 PM
Nice TOpic Keep iT

Abdou Abdallah Abdou
28-10-2012, 04:55 AM
Students attend primary school at the age of six .

28-10-2012, 05:39 PM
ممكن تساعدني بافكار في البراجراف ده
nuclear energy advantages and disadvantages

03-11-2012, 07:08 PM
1-Find the mistake
تاتة ثانوي
1-Almost all of the products sold here locally made
2- it's regrettable that the police didn't inform immediately
3-i robbed of my wallet
4- the bank in our town was stolen last night
5- Houses were designed to keep people cool and comfortable
6-it's said that the new library in Alex built in the same place as the ancient one

MAZEN gamal
03-11-2012, 10:34 PM
-1- are locally made
2 wasn't informed
3-was robbed
4-was robbed
5-are designed
6-was built

MAZEN gamal
03-11-2012, 10:36 PM
Students attend primary school at the age of six .

Ayman M.Ebrahim
03-11-2012, 11:51 PM
-1- are locally made
2 wasn't informed
3-was robbed
4-was robbed
5-are designed
6-was built

صح تماما
و لكن الجملة الثانية weren't informed
لان police جمع
شكرا لك

the spotlight
04-11-2012, 12:25 AM
is rising


the spotlight
04-11-2012, 12:33 AM
--* the population of the world is rising very fast .
--* It's high time the government built a hospital.

06-11-2012, 12:34 PM

Marry Sam
08-11-2012, 01:40 AM
find the mistake:rolleyes:

the sea waves are eating up the sandstone hill


the cairo metro makes the areas it ...more accessible to passengers

( across - moves - travels - crossess )

و بالنسبة للترجمة : ممكن حضرتك تنصحني ازاي احفظ كلمات لانها ببتنسي بسرعة

و ف كلمات متنوعة مش عارفة اية المهم

و شكرا ..

Ayman M.Ebrahim
08-11-2012, 11:07 AM
find the mistake:rolleyes:

the sea waves are eating up the sandstone hill


the cairo metro makes the areas it ...more accessible to passengers

( across - moves - travels - crossess )

و بالنسبة للترجمة : ممكن حضرتك تنصحني ازاي احفظ كلمات لانها ببتنسي بسرعة

و ف كلمات متنوعة مش عارفة اية المهم

و شكرا ..
eating away = wear away
و فى المرفقات ملف ترجمة هدية منى
شكرا لك

Marry Sam
09-11-2012, 08:48 PM
eating away = wear away
و فى المرفقات ملف ترجمة هدية منى
شكرا لك
اها بس travels مش فاهمة لية ..
شكراااااااا جدا ..جزاك الله خير

black death
13-11-2012, 03:49 PM
could you tell me how can i guess the function in the(place & speaker) question ,please ??

Amira Amr
17-11-2012, 11:05 PM
لو سمحت ي مستــر
انا عندي مشكلة بجد ف ال passive مش جملة محددة بس مبعرفش احله كويسسسسس وانا شايفه انو الانجلش وخصوصا القواعد مينفعش تتزاكر بالورقة والقلم والكلام النظرى اللي بيبقا ف المزكرات والكتب الخارجية انا لما بقرأ الكلام دا بتلخبط اكترررررررر

18-11-2012, 02:32 PM
what did the king account for his being surperised

Ayman M.Ebrahim
18-11-2012, 11:02 PM
what did the king account for his being surperised
as Rassendyll looked exactly like him as he said he was his cousin and double

Ayman M.Ebrahim
18-11-2012, 11:11 PM
could you tell me how can i guess the function in the(place & speaker) question ,please ??
أخى الحبيب
فى هذا السؤال لابد ان تكتب المسمى للوظيفة اللغوية فى Speaker A و speaker B و انا لى رأى ان تقوم بكتابة كل الوظائف اللغوية فى المحادثة
احفظ اخى عناوين المواقف يعنى Request - giving advice - inquiry - .......... etc

احمد ثاهين
20-11-2012, 08:36 AM
where is the film

21-11-2012, 01:21 AM
لو سمحتو من فضلكم
اوجد الخطا
تالتة ثانوى
division among countries can help to solve energy problems
2- the price of oil effects people and countries greatly
3-solar pools at a power station can capture energy from the sun

21-11-2012, 09:09 PM
find the mistake
trees usually kill by insects , diseases, or people , not old age

* people grow trees in gardens for thousands of years

Ayman M.Ebrahim
21-11-2012, 11:00 PM
لو سمحتو من فضلكم
اوجد الخطا
تالتة ثانوى
division among countries can help to solve energy problems
2- the price of oil effects people and countries greatly
3-solar pools at a power station can capture energy from the sun

co operation

Ayman M.Ebrahim
21-11-2012, 11:02 PM
find the mistake
trees usually kill by insects , diseases, or people , not old age

* people grow trees in gardens for thousands of years

are usually killed
have grown

shymaa mouhamed shoman
23-11-2012, 12:23 AM
الموضوع اكثر من رائع بجد مفيد جدا ربنا يجعله فى ميزان حسناتك
انا عندى استفسار بسيط ما منعى n or m فى الوحدة الخامسة

Ayman M.Ebrahim
23-11-2012, 06:53 PM
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTKy1X7Fic23w7pkKIj7M9Jq3R4dlHaD wCtZ-9kg0E3U9tdxM9Azg

shymaa mouhamed shoman
23-11-2012, 07:33 PM
During the revolution the military leaders have been able to win ........ support
(popular-popularity-popularly- popularize)

24-11-2012, 05:29 PM
find the mistake

1-a lot of people invent their money in the stock

2- Arab scientists had a great effect in drilling the western civilization many years ago

3- A coronation of factors may be responsible for the increase of cancer in our country

4- soldiers were carved round the city in order to prevent any possible invasion

Ayman M.Ebrahim
25-11-2012, 01:11 AM
During the revolution the military leaders have been able to win ........ support
(popular-popularity-popularly- popularize)

popular support
تاييد شعبى

25-11-2012, 04:07 PM
السلام عليكم
ربنا يكرمك بصراحه هما كتير اوي

مش عارفه اقول ايه
لو الوقت يسمح مش مهم ابدا كلهم

6.i had strange experience the other day
7.could you give me farther information
8.they died of famine
9.i feel as going out for a walk
10.we will have to fall this tree

Ayman M.Ebrahim
25-11-2012, 10:32 PM
السلام عليكم
ربنا يكرمك بصراحه هما كتير اوي

مش عارفه اقول ايه
لو الوقت يسمح مش مهم ابدا كلهم

6.i had strange experience the other day
7.could you give me farther information
8.they died of famine
9.i feel as going out for a walk
10.we will have to fall this tree

a strange experience
feel like
climb - cut down

Ayman M.Ebrahim
25-11-2012, 10:38 PM
find the mistake

1-a lot of people invent their money in the stock

2- Arab scientists had a great effect in drilling the western civilization many years ago

3- A coronation of factors may be responsible for the increase of cancer in our country

4- soldiers were carved round the city in order to prevent any possible invasion


effect on
taken الى ان اتاكد منها

26-11-2012, 12:05 PM
جزاك الله خيرا

shymaa shoman
26-11-2012, 08:28 PM
اسئلة فى القصة
what made rassendyll afraid of being found out?
find the mistake
1-micael and his men knew that rassendyll was not the real king and they could kill him
2-rassendyll decided to defame michael

27-11-2012, 10:36 AM
find the mistake:
*half of the pets had gone missing before i was assign the duty to take care of them*
*ahmed's engagement was being broken off just two days before the wedding*

The MouseTrap....as a radio play in 1947
(is written-was written-has been written)

Ayman M.Ebrahim
27-11-2012, 01:45 PM
find the mistake:
*half of the pets had gone missing before i was assign the duty to take care of them*
*ahmed's engagement was being broken off just two days before the wedding*

The MouseTrap....as a radio play in 1947
(is written-was written-has been written)

before I assigned
had been broken off
was written

27-11-2012, 06:45 PM
find the mistake:
*she's always crying on her neighbours*
*our school was opened exactly 25 years ago today*
*i think of buying a new computer*
*i work in this shop for the summer holiday*
*at 3:00 tomorrow,i wait for you here*
can u wait until 6.00 because i had lessons until then?
look!i buy that beautiful dress*
*my flight tomorrow will be at 9.00*

Ayman M.Ebrahim
28-11-2012, 11:48 PM
find the mistake:
*she's always crying on her neighbours*
*our school was opened exactly 25 years ago today*
*i think of buying a new computer*
*i work in this shop for the summer holiday*
*at 3:00 tomorrow,i wait for you here*
can u wait until 6.00 because i had lessons until then?
look!i buy that beautiful dress*
*my flight tomorrow will be at 9.00*

She always cries
has been opened
I am thinking
work for
will be waiting
have lessons
I am buying
is at 9.00

30-11-2012, 06:53 AM
هل تعامل late معاملة الصفات في المقارنة

05-12-2012, 08:37 PM
1:there's a .... for you on line two
2:i wasn't able to ... an apology from her.
3:swimming is an excellent.... of exersice.
4:we can no longer have confidence in the quality of the air we ....
(take in-breathe)
5:the dry rocky ...is suitable for planting palm trees
6:when i paint,i need to use...to thin the paint
7:rubber is made from the... of rubber tree
8:there are many useful medical...found in a hospital

Ayman M.Ebrahim
05-12-2012, 11:11 PM
1:there's a .... for you on line two
2:i wasn't able to ... an apology from her.
3:swimming is an excellent.... of exersice.
4:we can no longer have confidence in the quality of the air we ....
(take in-breathe)
5:the dry rocky ...is suitable for planting palm trees
6:when i paint,i need to use...to thin the paint
7:rubber is made from the... of rubber tree
8:there are many useful medical...found in a hospital


محمد رمضان عناني
06-12-2012, 06:09 AM
شكرا جزيلا على الخدمات الرائعة لهذا المنتدى
مستر محمد رمضان - عضو جديد - مدرس انجلش

06-12-2012, 02:40 PM
اولا بحب اشكركم على الجهد الرائع جدا ده وربنا يجعلة فى ميزان حسناتكم ان شاء الله

لوسمحتوا عايز اجوبة لبعض الاسئلة جزاكم الله خيرا

find the mistake ????

1) hady cant help us . but if he could . he will do so
2) while ifinished a story . i was thinking of the next one
3) as arranged , i will have lunch with my brother tomorrow
اما فى القصة
fritz didnt want rassendyll to enter the old part alone as michael would have been killed

06-12-2012, 06:15 PM
1)iif she trains hard,she....next week's race
(wins-will win)
2)if u can't dictate your conditions,you...negotiate
4)if we plant trees,then we...cleaner air
(will have-have-will be having)
5)if i work alot in the garden,i... no energy at night.
(will have-have)
6)if a tree has many rings,it ...very old/
(is-will be)
7)amber is a semi-precious stone that's actually ...sap
8)spain is a fertile country and exports alot of its...
.i leave work,i usually go to the Gym

Ayman M.Ebrahim
06-12-2012, 10:01 PM
اولا بحب اشكركم على الجهد الرائع جدا ده وربنا يجعلة فى ميزان حسناتكم ان شاء الله

لوسمحتوا عايز اجوبة لبعض الاسئلة جزاكم الله خيرا

find the mistake ????

1) hady cant help us . but if he could . he will do so
2) while ifinished a story . i was thinking of the next one
3) as arranged , i will have lunch with my brother tomorrow
اما فى القصة
fritz didnt want rassendyll to enter the old part alone as michael would have been killed

he would do soon
I was finishing
am having
Fritz didn't want Rassendyll to enter the old part alone as Michael wouldn't like it

Ayman M.Ebrahim
06-12-2012, 10:05 PM
1)iif she trains hard,she....next week's race
(wins-will win)
2)if u can't dictate your conditions,you...negotiate
4)if we plant trees,then we...cleaner air
(will have-have-will be having)
5)if i work alot in the garden,i... no energy at night.
(will have-have)
6)if a tree has many rings,it ...very old/
(is-will be)
7)amber is a semi-precious stone that's actually ...sap
8)spain is a fertile country and exports alot of its...
.i leave work,i usually go to the Gym

will win
will have

07-12-2012, 11:02 AM
find the mistake:
1)if u shower twice a day,you uses a lot of water.
2)if you brush your teeth every morning,you had a nice smile.
3)the invade army advanced through the city.
4)seven of the suspect have been convicted.
5)travelling by plane sometimes makes me a headache.
6)help!the little boy is attacked by my dog.
7)the case was arguing successfullyby six of the lawyers.
1)the mobile phone is ... for me to use tomorrow.
2)the ... of the barkbeetle destroyed many trees.
3)we arrived half an hour late.the film ....half an hour earlier.
(began-had begun-was begining-has begun)
4)before the trees were cut down,there...a beautiful landscape.
(has been-is-were-had been)

08-12-2012, 12:59 PM
شكرا جدا جدا وبارك الله فيك وجعل مساعدتك لينا فى ميزان حسناتك وفرج الله عليك كربك كما فرجتها علينا ...........................

08-12-2012, 04:19 PM
most people benefited ......from modern technology
more many much few

A pair of shoes usually ....... less than 300 pounds
cost costs is costing are costing

find the mistake

1) ten minutes have passed . you don't have much more time

2) it's one of the books you just can't take it down

3)my car has broken down . i'll find a mechanic to make it

Read the following passage then answer the questions
Ten years ago, e-mails were considered a very sophisticated method
of communication. Nowadays, however, e-mail messaging has become a
normal way of communicating, not only between working people but also
between people at home. Text messaging and. chatting on a mobile phone
are still the most frequent methods of communication among teenagers, but
e-mails are fast becoming more and more common in this age group. This
little flying yellow envelope on the' screen changed the world of
communication. Words like stamps, post office or postman no longer belong
to a teenager's vocabulary. New words are born: e-mail, sent items, received
items, recipient, attachment and symbols too. These words have replaced the
old ones. Your pen friend, or should we say key-pal, is only a click away. Emails
are a good invention although they will probably never replace either
telephone calls or ordinary letters. As far as I am concerned, they are just
another, very efficient, means of communication.

5- E-mail writing became a very popular method of communication
......... it was introduced.
a-at once b-immediately
c- after a decade d- after a century

09-12-2012, 08:52 AM
جزاك الله خيرا

Ayman M.Ebrahim
09-12-2012, 07:48 PM
find the mistake:
1)if u shower twice a day,you uses a lot of water.
2)if you brush your teeth every morning,you had a nice smile.
3)the invade army advanced through the city.
4)seven of the suspect have been convicted.
5)travelling by plane sometimes makes me a headache.
6)help!the little boy is attacked by my dog.
7)the case was arguing successfullyby six of the lawyers.

will use
have - will have

is being attacked

1)the mobile phone is ... for me to use tomorrow.
2)the ... of the barkbeetle destroyed many trees.
3)we arrived half an hour late.the film ....half an hour earlier.
(began-had begun-was begining-has begun)
4)before the trees were cut down,there...a beautiful landscape.
(has been-is-were-had been)

had begun
had been

Ayman M.Ebrahim
09-12-2012, 07:58 PM
most people benefited ......from modern technology
more many much few

a pair of shoes usually ....... Less than 300 pounds
cost costs is costing are costing

find the mistake

1) ten minutes have passed . You don't have much more time

2) it's one of the books you just can't take it down
3)my car has broken down . I'll find a mechanic to make it
fix - repair
read the following passage then answer the questions
ten years ago, e-mails were considered a very sophisticated method
of communication. Nowadays, however, e-mail messaging has become a
normal way of communicating, not only between working people but also
between people at home. Text messaging and. Chatting on a mobile phone
are still the most frequent methods of communication among teenagers, but
e-mails are fast becoming more and more common in this age group. This
little flying yellow envelope on the' screen changed the world of
communication. Words like stamps, post office or postman no longer belong
to a teenager's vocabulary. New words are born: E-mail, sent items, received
items, recipient, attachment and symbols too. These words have replaced the
old ones. Your pen friend, or should we say key-pal, is only a click away. Emails
are a good invention although they will probably never replace either
telephone calls or ordinary letters. As far as i am concerned, they are just
another, very efficient, means of communication.

5- e-mail writing became a very popular method of communication
......... It was introduced.
A-at once b-immediately
c- after a decade d- after a century
عذرا السؤال الاول اريد ان تتاكد منه

Ayman M.Ebrahim
09-12-2012, 08:05 PM
اولا بحب اشكركم على الجهد الرائع جدا ده وربنا يجعلة فى ميزان حسناتكم ان شاء الله

لوسمحتوا عايز اجوبة لبعض الاسئلة جزاكم الله خيرا

find the mistake ????

1) hady cant help us . but if he could . he will do so
2) while ifinished a story . i was thinking of the next one
3) as arranged , i will have lunch with my brother tomorrow
اما فى القصة
fritz didnt want rassendyll to enter the old part alone as michael would have been killed

would do
I was finishing
am having
as he would have been killed

mazen 2011
10-12-2012, 06:25 PM
spain is a fertile country and exports alot of its

mazen 2011
10-12-2012, 06:35 PM
produce here is noun
محصول means
spain is a fertile country
so we choose produce

Ayman M.Ebrahim
10-12-2012, 08:51 PM
spain is a fertile country and exports alot of its

بالفعل produce بمعنى منتجات زراعية
فهنا تكون الاجابة صحيحة

fawzy. george
11-12-2012, 08:54 PM
ارجو الاجابة السريعة على هذا السؤال
change the following into passive
the Chanise ship leaves every day

Ayman M.Ebrahim
11-12-2012, 09:15 PM
ارجو الاجابة السريعة على هذا السؤال
change the following into passive
the Chanise ship leaves every day
Leaves are shipped by the Chinese every day

omar 212
13-12-2012, 11:45 AM
مجهود راااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااائع

راغب عمر
13-12-2012, 01:18 PM
:av4056bb7jp3::av4056bb7jp3::av4056bb7jp3::av4056b b7jp3::av4056bb7jp3::av4056bb7jp3::av4056bb7jp3::a v4056bb7jp3::av4056bb7jp3::av4056bb7jp3::av4056bb7 jp3::av4056bb7jp3:

Ayman M.Ebrahim
14-12-2012, 09:15 AM
مجهود راااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااائع

شكرا لك و تقبل الله منا و منك

arkam osama
21-12-2012, 03:25 AM

ali farouk
23-12-2012, 10:15 AM
مستر ارجو الافادة فى هذه الجملة

He will welcome us as soon as we [ arrived - will arrive - arriving - have arrived
نرجو الافادة وعايز اعرف ايه الا بيجى بعد as soon as

24-12-2012, 11:33 PM

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki
25-12-2012, 07:46 AM
ارجو الافادة فى هذه الجملة

He will welcome us as soon as we [ arrived - will arrive - arriving - have arrived
نرجو الافادة ] نرجو الافادة وكمان عايز اعرف ايه الا بيجى بع as soon as

افضل الاحتيارات هنا هى " المضارع التام " have arrived
اما بالنسبه ل as soon as ليها اكتر من قاعده مثل
1- ممكن يكون بعدها مضارع بسيط والفعل الاخر مستقبل أو فعل امر
2- ممكن يجى بعدها ماضى بسيط والفعل الاخر ماضى بسيط " فى حالة حدوثهما فى نفس الوقت تقريبا
وكمان مع الافعال التى تاخذ وفت قصير
3- ممكن يكون بعدها ماضى تام والفعل الاخر ماضى بسيط "
عندما يكون حدثان فى الماضى احدهما حدث اولا يكون ماضى تام ويكتب بعدها والاخر ماضى بسيط"

هذا ما اعلم والله اعلى واعلم

25-12-2012, 01:09 PM
choose: it was only when she had put the children to bed ( that she watched t.v ___that she had watched t.v ___she watched t.v ____then she had been watching t.v ) .

25-12-2012, 02:45 PM
نرجو الافاااااااااااااده

25-12-2012, 02:54 PM
يا معلمين يا مسترز حد يجاوبنى ارجوكم محتاج الاجابه بجد ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ نرجو الافاده ؟؟؟؟؟؟

Ayman M.Ebrahim
27-12-2012, 02:10 PM
مستر ارجو الافادة فى هذه الجملة

He will welcome us as soon as we [ arrived - will arrive - arriving - have arrived
نرجو الافادة وعايز اعرف ايه الا بيجى بعد as soon as

have arrived
لان قبل الرابط الزمنى مستقبل يبقى بعده مضارع بسيط او تام

Ayman M.Ebrahim
27-12-2012, 02:12 PM
choose: it was only when she had put the children to bed ( that she watched t.v ___that she had watched t.v ___she watched t.v ____then she had been watching t.v ) .

that she watched
It was only when ماضى تام that ماضى بسيط

محاسن الحلو
01-01-2013, 10:29 PM
ياترى مين يتفضل يرد على السوال ده

He prefers that she ......personally with him.

speak - speaks - is speaking- should speak

فيه ناس بتقول speaks

وكمان ناس بتقول speak

ياترى ايه الصح نرجو الافادة
الصح speak على اساس قاعدة

حسني عبد
14-01-2013, 11:28 PM

21-01-2013, 01:22 AM
find the mistake

1)if only that you'd told me about it earlier

2) if only i weren't busy , i would have gone to mona's birthday party

27-01-2013, 10:03 AM
(Thanks a lot: (begad

27-01-2013, 01:53 PM
اشكركم علي مجهوداتكم العظيمةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةة ةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةةة

27-01-2013, 08:14 PM
He changed his plans every day yesterday...when we say everyday or any habit +yesterday , we consider te whole tense as past simple tense )

28-01-2013, 01:14 AM
فيه جملة غريبة فى كتاب جم بتقول
He changes his plans every day ( yesterday )
نرجو الافادة
أنا مش بشارك كتير بس السؤال عجبنى
بص يا سيدى الاجابة هي
His plan today never like his plan yesterday.
والله أعلم

28-01-2013, 01:24 AM
In Egypt, students attend primary school at the age of six
مع احترامى ليك طبعا بس
حضرتك هيا
go to
ولا حضرتك شايف اية

28-01-2013, 01:25 AM
He changed his plans every day yesterday...when we say everyday or any habit +yesterday , we consider te whole tense as past simple tense )
His plan today never like his plan yesterday

28-01-2013, 01:30 AM
[QUOTE=ahmed gomaa;4827597]اوجد الخطأ

the launch of satellites into space is a great achievement in science

الجملة سليمة ولا يوجد بها خطا

28-01-2013, 01:37 AM
1- He is having a shower
2- what they appear to be
الجملة الاول تمام مش مختلف عليها
ممكن بقى افهم التانية ازاى
موقعها اية فى الجملة بعد they

28-01-2013, 01:46 AM
1- comfortable
2- will have
3- will be
4- will visit
5- explored
رقم 2 لية مستقبل is going to have
هذة خطة مش ترتيبات على ما اعتقد
الاخيرة اعتقد انها discovered اصح
لانها هنا بمعنى مجازى وليس معنى حقيقى
"explore" means to look for something (oil, gold), or look around (island). "Discover" means to find something - uncover it.

28-01-2013, 01:50 AM
co operation

رقم 1 أعتقد انها

28-01-2013, 01:53 AM

effect on
taken الى ان اتاكد منها

ممكن تمشى
ولا رأى حضرتك اية

28-01-2013, 02:07 AM
الموضوع اكثر من رائع بجد مفيد جدا ربنا يجعله فى ميزان حسناتك
انا عندى استفسار بسيط ما منعى n or m فى الوحدة الخامسة
they are the code names of the two Nazi spies in the novel.
هو اسم حاسوسين نازيين فى الرواية
وقد يكون هذا نوع من التورية يقصد بية التشويق والاثارة لا اكثر ولا اقل
أو انة يقصد بية امر اما من الامور الدينة حيث ان كريستى فى عصرها كان التعليم المسيحى مالوف بين الناس وكانت على علم ان قرائها سوف يفهمون ما تعنية بالتورية

28-01-2013, 03:40 PM
Medical crews ............two people from the collapsed house.
a) removed b) retreated c) reduced d) retained

Everyone knows who stole it, but …….. are all afraid to tell anyone.
a-he b-you c-she d-they

M. Elazab
29-01-2013, 02:43 AM
Medical crews ............two people from the collapsed house.
a) removed b) retreated c) reduced d) retained

Everyone knows who stole it, but …….. are all afraid to tell anyone.
a-he b-you c-she d-they

30-01-2013, 10:03 AM
Freudian.............. has had a great influence on psychology.
a) plan b)basis c) fact d) theory
-I ………………. believe in hard work as the only road to success.
a- do b– am doing c– have done d – had done
The two boys have been seen …………….. for the beach.
a-heading b – headed c– to head d- heads

30-01-2013, 10:55 AM
51- This house is ..........the same as it was 20 years ago.
a) exactness b) exact c) exactly d) exacting

30-01-2013, 12:56 PM
شغل راااااااااائع

Ayman M.Ebrahim
30-01-2013, 05:32 PM
Freudian.............. has had a great influence on psychology.
a) plan b)basis c) fact d) theory
-I ………………. believe in hard work as the only road to success.
a- do b– am doing c– have done d – had done
The two boys have been seen …………….. for the beach.
a-heading b – headed c– to head d- heads

نظرية فرويد theory
do للتأكيد

Ayman M.Ebrahim
30-01-2013, 05:37 PM
51- This house is ..........the same as it was 20 years ago.
a) exactness b) exact c) exactly d) exacting

شكرا لك

30-01-2013, 08:58 PM
1)it's ... to renew our gas and telephone lines
2)in class,amr always....the most thoughtful questions.
3)the proposed new office tower is a steel and glass ....43 storeys high
4)a column of thick black smoke could be seen ....from the town
5) many important...documents were destroyed when the library was bombed.
6)because yasser had worked hard,he was...to get the promotion
7)the statue rests on an engraved ...
8)the small statue in the museum was ... with a very fine insturment
9)moving such large monuments was an ...genius
10)for fady,moving away was a ...decision
11)he's usually late,he...missed his train as usual.
"must have-may have-might have"
12)i travelled by train,but i...by car.
"could travel-could have travelled-might have travelled-can travel"
13)what are you saying...be true.i'm sure it isn't
14)alaa is very lucky.he ....have bought that bad car.
15)ayman is very afraid of heights.he....have climbed onto the roof
16)i think you .....come to class early,the teacher is very angry
"must-must have-should-should have"
17)why don't you want any cake?you ....eaten that much at dinner.
"mustn't-can't-mustn't have-can't have"
18)climbing mount everset.....very difficult.the oxygen is very thin at the top.
"must have been-must be-mustn't be-"

31-01-2013, 10:31 AM
find the mistake
Am I ask you about your name? 1-
I have never be to Aswan
2-We always meet in Sunday
Aya looks forward to be a doctor
Yara's sister helped her doing the homework

31-01-2013, 11:22 AM
My Sister is --------- she had a good education.
a - good- educated b – well-educated c - will - educated d - well-education
He was interested in--------- and was a good speaker.
a - political b- politician c – politics d-policy

المدرب العام
01-02-2013, 06:56 PM
سؤال he studied hard last term but he .............. this term
)didnt study- doesnt study

Ayman M.Ebrahim
02-02-2013, 10:59 PM
My Sister is --------- she had a good education.
a - good- educated b – well-educated c - will - educated d - well-education
He was interested in--------- and was a good speaker.
a - political b- politician c – politics d-policy


Ayman M.Ebrahim
02-02-2013, 11:05 PM
find the mistake
Am I ask you about your name? 1-
I have never be to Aswan
2-We always meet in Sunday
Aya looks forward to be a doctor
Yara's sister helped her doing the homework

May I
do - to do

04-02-2013, 05:40 PM
--* It's high time the government will build a hospital.[/QUOTE]

04-02-2013, 09:53 PM
find the mistake
1- Mother is eating her baby
The government has performed some important decisions lately
That sounded interested
A fertile ground helps plants to grow well
The roots are the food factories in a tree.
Oxygen is relieved during the photosynthesis process
Some fatal diseases do not have a care until now

Ayman M.Ebrahim
07-02-2013, 09:45 PM
find the mistake
1- Mother is eating her baby
The government has performed some important decisions lately
That sounded interested
A fertile ground helps plants to grow well
The roots are the food factories in a tree.
Oxygen is relieved during the photosynthesis process
Some fatal diseases do not have a care until now

is feeding

have made
A fertile soil
The leaves
is released
a cure

أحمد المحترم
08-02-2013, 11:49 PM
It's time + past simple ....... now.

الزعيم محمد الملوى
13-02-2013, 12:15 PM
الاجابة الصحيحة هى speak

ahmed gomaa
16-02-2013, 01:41 AM
Choose the correct answer:

There were (fewer-few-little-less)people at the party than we had expected

My horoscope says that next year(will bring-'dbring-is bringing-is going to bring)me success and happiness

Amr is running well .He (will-would-'s going to) break a few records this afternoon

When(will you leave-are you leaving) - On Sunday

This year , we had (less-few-fewer-little) rain than last year

Wash your hands.Dinner (will be - is going to be)ready in five minutes

She gave me (some-an-a-any)advice on how to study for the exam

I picked up (some-an-a-any) interesting knowledge on that course

Ahmed is doing (a-an-any-no article) research into the practical applications of solar power

Nader studies so much , so he ('ll go-is going )to get sick

Buring waste in the ground can (benefit-keep-protect-damage)the environment

Today there's not(much-many-few-little) crime

Have you driven your car(few-a lot -a little-a few).

He's stubborn.It (will-is going to)be hard to change his mind

A)Marry's leaving now
So am I.I('ll-am going to)give her a lift home

I('ll-am going to ) give a reward to anyone who finds my wallet

What(will you do-are you going to do )about m,oney you owe?

A)There's someone in reception asking for you

Oh,that ('ll-is going to )be the reporter I agreed to talk to

Calfornia has (a-an-the-no article) good weather

Could I borrow a (little bit-little bits-many bits-much bits) of chalk?


Find The mistake:

When I get home ,I'm watching the news onTV

Yesterday I went to the head quarter of the Musicians' Union

Come on ! Get on your pyjama on!It's time to go to bed

I am turning on the heating.It's cold in here

What time does the train leave ? I think it has left at 2 o'clock

Tomorrow ,according to my diary ,the sun is rising at 5:09

A lot of household wasteful can be recycled and reused

One dat , there will be a terrible accident on that road .It's too busy

Your room Is in a terrible mess .When will you tidy it up ?

To use this computer,you need a permission from the boss

This packet is containing 500 grams of coffee


Ayman M.Ebrahim
17-02-2013, 01:05 AM
choose the correct answer:

there were (fewer-few-little-less)people at the party than we had expected

my horoscope says that next year(will bring-'dbring-is bringing-is going to bring)me success and happiness

amr is running well .he (will-would-'s going to) break a few records this afternoon

when(will you leave-are you leaving) - on sunday

this year , we had (less-few-fewer-little) rain than last year

wash your hands.dinner (will be - is going to be)ready in five minutes

she gave me (some-an-a-any)advice on how to study for the exam

i picked up (some-an-a-any) interesting knowledge on that course

ahmed is doing (a-an-any-no article) research into the practical applications of solar power

nader studies so much , so he ('ll go-is going )to get sick

buring waste in the ground can (benefit-keep-protect-damage)the environment

today there's not(much-many-few-little) crime

have you driven your car(few-a lot -a little-a few).

he's stubborn.it (will-is going to)be hard to change his mind

a)marry's leaving now
so am i.i('ll-am going to)give her a lift home

i('ll-am going to ) give a reward to anyone who finds my wallet

what(will you do-are you going to do )about m,oney you owe?

a)there's someone in reception asking for you

oh,that ('ll-is going to )be the reporter i agreed to talk to

calfornia has (a-an-the-no article) good weather

could i borrow a (little bit-little bits-many bits-much bits) of chalk?


find the mistake:

when i get home ,i'm watching the news ontv
will watch
yesterday i went to the head quarter of the musicians' union
come on ! Get on your pyjama on!it's time to go to bed
put on
i am turning on the heating.it's cold in here
will turn
what time does the train leave ? I think it has left at 2 o'clock
tomorrow ,according to my diary ,the sun is rising at 5:09
a lot of household wasteful can be recycled and reused
one dat , there will be a terrible accident on that road .it's too busy
is going to be
your room is in a terrible mess .when will you tidy it up ?
are you going to
to use this computer,you need a permission from the boss
a permit
this packet is containing 500 grams of coffee

شكرا لك
و فوق كل ذى علم عليم

ahmed gomaa
17-02-2013, 10:09 PM
شكرا لك على سرعة الاستجابة استاذى الفاضل ولكن لى استفسار ما المعيار فى الحكم على الشىء ان كان هناك تنبؤ مع دليل او عدم وجود دليل ؟؟؟
مثلا فى الجمله هذه:

he's stubborn.it (will-is going to)be hard to change his mind

حضرتك اخترت توقع دون وجود دليل مع انه يصف بأنه شخصية عنيدة و عنده ليس دليل كافى على انه من الصعب تغيير رأيه ؟؟

وفى جملة اخرى مثل :

amr is running well .he (will-would-'s going to) break a few records this afternoon
فهنا الدليل ايضاموجود وهو انه يجرى جيدا

الرجاء القضاء على هذا اللبس فى هذه النقطه لانها مشكلة تؤرقنى تماما
فأرجو من حضرتك توضحلى امتى يبقى فيه دليل وامتى ميبقاش فيه دليل ودمتم

Ayman M.Ebrahim
17-02-2013, 11:47 PM
شكرا لك على سرعة الاستجابة استاذى الفاضل ولكن لى استفسار ما المعيار فى الحكم على الشىء ان كان هناك تنبؤ مع دليل او عدم وجود دليل ؟؟؟
مثلا فى الجمله هذه:

he's stubborn.it (will-is going to)be hard to change his mind

حضرتك اخترت توقع دون وجود دليل مع انه يصف بأنه شخصية عنيدة و عنده ليس دليل كافى على انه من الصعب تغيير رأيه ؟؟

وفى جملة اخرى مثل :

amr is running well .he (will-would-'s going to) break a few records this afternoon
فهنا الدليل ايضاموجود وهو انه يجرى جيدا

الرجاء القضاء على هذا اللبس فى هذه النقطه لانها مشكلة تؤرقنى تماما
فأرجو من حضرتك توضحلى امتى يبقى فيه دليل وامتى ميبقاش فيه دليل ودمتم

الاولى العند ليس دليل اكيد على انه لن يغير رأيه
يعنى لما اقول
He is studying hard. He will get high marks
لانه ليس اكيد انه يجيب درجات عاليه و من هنا تعتبر تنبؤ او الاصح توقع

الدليل انه بيجرى فى السباق كويس و من هنا دليل عل مقربة حصوله على الرقم القياسى
يعنى لما نقول
He is studying medicine. He is going to be a doctor
اما لو قلنا
He is studying hard. He will be a doctor
دا بقى توقع و من الممكن عدم تحقيقه

18-02-2013, 05:51 PM
انا معايا برجراف عاوزة اعرضة على مدرس فاضل هنا يصححلى اخطائى فية ؟

ahmed gomaa
18-02-2013, 08:05 PM
الاولى العند ليس دليل اكيد على انه لن يغير رأيه
يعنى لما اقول
he is studying hard. He will get high marks
لانه ليس اكيد انه يجيب درجات عاليه و من هنا تعتبر تنبؤ او الاصح توقع

الدليل انه بيجرى فى السباق كويس و من هنا دليل عل مقربة حصوله على الرقم القياسى
يعنى لما نقول
he is studying medicine. He is going to be a doctor
اما لو قلنا
he is studying hard. He will be a doctor
دا بقى توقع و من الممكن عدم تحقيقه

شكرا على سرعة الاستجابة الدائمة استاذنا الفاضل ايمن

وشكرا على التوضيح

ahmed gomaa
22-02-2013, 12:25 AM
choose the correct answer :

The puncture(was mended-has been mended).The tyre is no longer flat

Ashraf was relieved to her that he (had passed-has passed-passed) the exam

It was first time they (flew-had flown-fly)by concorde

Trees give us valuable (liquids-chemicals)like turpentine

We need wood from trees for(building-decorating)houses

In the film"The Gold Rush",Charlie Chaplin(ate-was eaten) his boots

About 20% of the earth's surface is covered(on-at-with-of) forest

If you don't eat ,you(will die-die).

A lot of ice cream(is eaten-are eaten) every summer

The thieves(arrested-were arrested-have arrested-had arrested) early this morning


Find the mistake

He broke his arm during playing hockey

If a catalyst is used, the reaction occur more rapidly

Under the bark,there is a circle of soft cells which liquefies every spring

22-02-2013, 08:43 AM
bring attend

23-02-2013, 05:04 PM
معلش محتاج اجابة سؤال فى كتاب المدرسة فى القصة
Rassendyl has never liked responsibilities. Now he has many. what responsibilities does he have

Ayman M.Ebrahim
24-02-2013, 01:13 AM
معلش محتاج اجابة سؤال فى كتاب المدرسة فى القصة
Rassendyl has never liked responsibilities. Now he has many. what responsibilities does he have

the responsibilities of the king ( as he pretended to be the king of Ruritania)

ahmed gomaa
24-02-2013, 10:55 PM
choose the correct answer :

the puncture(was mended-has been mended).the tyre is no longer flat

ashraf was relieved to her that he (had passed-has passed-passed) the exam

it was first time they (flew-had flown-fly)by concorde

trees give us valuable (liquids-chemicals)like turpentine

we need wood from trees for(building-decorating)houses

in the film"the gold rush",charlie chaplin(ate-was eaten) his boots

about 20% of the earth's surface is covered(on-at-with-of) forest

if you don't eat ,you(will die-die).

a lot of ice cream(is eaten-are eaten) every summer

the thieves(arrested-were arrested-have arrested-had arrested) early this morning


find the mistake

he broke his arm during playing hockey

if a catalyst is used, the reaction occur more rapidly

under the bark,there is a circle of soft cells which liquefies every spring

متنسانيش يا مستر ايمن

Ayman M.Ebrahim
25-02-2013, 12:28 AM
choose the correct answer :

The puncture(was mended-has been mended).The tyre is no longer flat

Ashraf was relieved to her that he (had passed-has passed-passed) the exam

It was first time they (flew-had flown-fly)by concorde

Trees give us valuable (liquids-chemicals)like turpentine

We need wood from trees for(building-decorating)houses

In the film"The Gold Rush",Charlie Chaplin(ate-was eaten) his boots

About 20% of the earth's surface is covered(on-at-with-of) forest

If you don't eat ,you(will die-die).

A lot of ice cream(is eaten-are eaten) every summer

The thieves(arrested-were arrested-have arrested-had arrested) early this morning


Find the mistake

He broke his arm during playing hockey

If a catalyst is used, the reaction occur more rapidly

Under the bark,there is a circle of soft cells which liquefies every spring

will occur

shymaa mouhamed shoman
25-02-2013, 09:53 PM
find the mistakes
1- she always throws her clothes on bed
2- there is no easy care for poverty
3-how far is the distance between the earth and the sun
4- i need some iron for my trousers
5-she said she was going to join us this evening but i do not think she would
6-she is resembled a famous actress
7- the post has been arrived at last
8-women are on purpose paid 25% less than men
9-that is what i have decided to do if there are any objections
10-he died in his early life he was either 30 or 31 i think
vittle vichy and perrier are names of some french mineral water -11
12- it is really good to help someone with his financial problems if you are able to

سلمي عيسي
27-02-2013, 06:22 AM

سلمي عيسي
27-02-2013, 06:24 AM

shymaa mouhamed shoman
02-03-2013, 06:05 PM
find the mistake
1- she always throws her clothes on bed
2- there is no easy care for poverty
3-how far is the distance between the earth and the sun
4- i need some iron for my trousers
5-she said she was going to join us this evening but i do not think she would
6-she is resembled a famous actress
7- the post has been arrived at last
8-women are on purpose paid 25% less than men
9-that is what i have decided to do if there are any objections
10-he died in his early life he was either 30 or 31 i think
vittle vichy and perrier are names of some french mineral water -11
12- it is really good to help someone with his financial problems if you are able to

ahmed gomaa
04-03-2013, 11:13 AM

I feel dizzy.I think I ('ll-am going to ) fall

This baby's very attached(to-with)his mother.He follows her wherever she goes

Can you tell me what your code number ( is - was )

On this course ,you may study French in (combination- collection)

X-rays and ultraviolet rays, given (out-in-up-away) by the sun, are very harmful to life

A massive drilling machine called Nefertiti dug a tunnel (in-at-of-with) a diameter of over 8 metres

My son's bedroom light is still on.He (must be-may be) awake now

His success (surprised-surprising-surprisingly) many people as it was unexpected

He was (stuck-stung-struck-fired) by lightning

They've (rose-raised-aroused-risen) their prices a lot since last year

The annual(floods-rainfall-droughts-storm) in Cairo is less than 3Cm.This is the total amount

You can't look at the sun (safe-safely-safety) even if you are wearing sunglasses


Find the mistake:

Finally the suspects were found to be guilty

It is important to press the soil down with your hand

Some trees lose their leaves.others kill them

Evidently the China wall reached a length of 6,400 km

Teaching is a respectful profession

I wonder whose car is this

Do you know where the post office was ?

I phoned her but she wasn't in , she may have been visited a friend at that time

Lightning is a bright flash of noise that appears in the sky during a thunder storm

You can't avoid the danger of the sun even if you are putting on sunglasses

If you walk too fast at high altitude , you'd get really short of breath

Never look at the sun lest you should damage your hearing

أمة الله طالبة
09-03-2013, 02:11 PM
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
انا عندي طلب يمكن غريييب معلش بس يا رب الااقيه عندكم
عايزة شرح مفصل لجميع قواعد when
شرح مفصل ل must w shoud w have to w ought to
شرح مفصل ل will w going to
بتدرييببااات أو مللااازم محلوووولة علليييهم لإن دي عقدتي في الإنجلش
مش بعرف افرق بين فواعد when الستة او السابعة و امتة استخدم القاعدة دي و كدة
عايزة ملزمة عليها بالححلللل أرجوووكم
و الحاجات اللي كتبتهلكم
يااا رب الاقي طلبي عندكم ياا رب
ملحوظة:/ أنا مكنتش عارفة اسجل علي المنتدي ف قلت اكتب اي حد دعاني ليه في خانة ميين اللي دعاكي للمنتدي يمكن اعرف اسجل ف كتبت بنت اسمها هبة بس هي مش دعتني ولا حاجة
في انتظااااااااااااااار الرددد

Ayman M.Ebrahim
10-03-2013, 01:08 AM
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
انا عندي طلب يمكن غريييب معلش بس يا رب الااقيه عندكم
عايزة شرح مفصل لجميع قواعد when
شرح مفصل ل must w shoud w have to w ought to
شرح مفصل ل will w going to
بتدرييببااات أو مللااازم محلوووولة علليييهم لإن دي عقدتي في الإنجلش
مش بعرف افرق بين فواعد when الستة او السابعة و امتة استخدم القاعدة دي و كدة
عايزة ملزمة عليها بالححلللل أرجوووكم
و الحاجات اللي كتبتهلكم
يااا رب الاقي طلبي عندكم ياا رب
ملحوظة:/ أنا مكنتش عارفة اسجل علي المنتدي ف قلت اكتب اي حد دعاني ليه في خانة ميين اللي دعاكي للمنتدي يمكن اعرف اسجل ف كتبت بنت اسمها هبة بس هي مش دعتني ولا حاجة
في انتظااااااااااااااار الرددد

ابنتى الغاليه
اهلا بكى معنا فى بيتك
و اعطينى فترة و سوف اعد لك ما طلبتيه ان شاء الله
شكرا لكى

mohamed .arbi
12-03-2013, 02:02 PM
as soon as the photograph had taken .it was shown to every one
2- he asked me if i saw his newspaper
3-the married team went to italy on there honey moon
4-how in earth it is possible to irrigate the desert
5-a spring is ahole in the earth from which hot water can rise

mohamed oun
12-03-2013, 02:05 PM
as soon as the photograph had taken .it was shown to every one
2- he asked me if i saw his newspaper
3-the married team went to italy on there honey moon
4-how in earth it is possible to irrigate the desert
5-a spring is ahole in the earth from which hot water can rise
had been taken
had seen
on earth

15-03-2013, 12:15 PM
1- While he does his homework, his friend arrived.
2- Before she did research on new treatments, she works as a surgeon.
3- My brother has a difficult decision to do next week.
4- He isn't finishing the job yet.
5- When the company needs people to speak for it at a meeting, it can send a relation.
6- Both my parents are tired. They no longer work.
1- What did you do since the weekend?
2-When would you start to learn English? – Two years ago.
3-I want to be a doctor since I was ten.
4-When I was eight. I have seen a programme about a famous doctor on TV.
5-We were having a meeting this morning when suddenly all the lights were going out.
6-At the moment my sister trains to be a primary teacher.
7-Metals are expanding when they are heated.
8-She does research on plants a few years ago.
9-I knew him for ten years.
10-I didn't see the film yet.
11-What do your do? – I'm reading a story.
12-The better thing about this job is that it is well-paid.
13-She felt ashamed because she did a silly mistake.
14-Dr. Magdy Yacoub made many heart transplant operations.
15-She helped me doing the job.
16-Egypt sent a trade allegation to the conference.
17-Policemen usually wear a platform.
18-He had a kidney transport last year.
19-The normal requirement age in Egypt is 60.
20-She is interested on reading newspapers.
21-The complimentary on the Olympic Games was much better on the other channel.
22- A carpenter represents one country in another.
23-Could you give me a quick exploration of how this machine works?
24-This designer always comes up with new ideas. He is very imaginary.
25-They chose a famous lawyer to present them in court.
26-They were arrested as breaking the law.
27-He had to apologize owing to he made a shameful mistake.
28-As well as she studied hard, she played tennis regularly.
29-If he reads the questions carefully, he answers them.
30-There were no accidents though the dangerous roads.
31I like most school subjects because I don't like physics.
32-As soon as seeing the accident, I called the police.
33-However the box was heavy, he could carry it.
34-In addition to he wrote the letter, he saw the film.
35-Because they played very well, they lost the match.
36-The people in our street are very neighboring. They always help each other.
37-My uncle is a represent for an international oil company.
38-You should not ridiculous people who have different ideas from you.
39-Despite the weather was bad, we went out.
40-He didn't go out as his illness.
41-As well as he goes to the market, he visited some friends.
42-He was driving with one hand and waving with the another.
43-She was the last student arrives at school.
44-The government gives private care to setting up new projects.
45-I look forward to see that play.
46-She allowed me using her computer.
47-I need to draw some money out of my discount.
48-The government is trying to contract more tourists to visit Egypt.
49-Many people in Egypt still wear conditional clothes.
50-He couldn't decide which one he liked good.

نشأت حبيب جرجس
15-03-2013, 01:40 PM
well done
thank you

Ayman M.Ebrahim
16-03-2013, 12:54 AM
1- while he does his homework, his friend arrived.
was doing
2- before she did research on new treatments, she works as a surgeon.
had worked
3- my brother has a difficult decision to do next week.
4- he isn't finishing the job yet.
hasn't finished
5- when the company needs people to speak for it at a meeting, it can send a relation.
6- both my parents are tired. They no longer work.
1- what did you do since the weekend?
have you done
2-when would you start to learn english? – two years ago.
did you start
3-i want to be a doctor since i was ten.
have wanted
4-when i was eight. I have seen a programme about a famous doctor on tv.
5-we were having a meeting this morning when suddenly all the lights were going out.
went out
6-at the moment my sister trains to be a primary teacher.
is training
7-metals are expanding when they are heated.
8-she does research on plants a few years ago.
9-i knew him for ten years.
have known
10-i didn't see the film yet.
haven't seen
11-what do your do? – i'm reading a story.
are you doing
12-the better thing about this job is that it is well-paid.
13-she felt ashamed because she did a silly mistake.
14-dr. Magdy yacoub made many heart transplant operations.
15-she helped me doing the job.
do - to do
16-egypt sent a trade allegation to the conference.
17-policemen usually wear a platform.
18-he had a kidney transport last year.
19-the normal requirement age in egypt is 60.
20-she is interested on reading newspapers.
21-the complimentary on the olympic games was much better on the other channel.
22- a carpenter represents one country in another.
23-could you give me a quick exploration of how this machine works?
24-this designer always comes up with new ideas. He is very imaginary.
25-they chose a famous lawyer to present them in court.
26-they were arrested as breaking the law.
27-he had to apologize owing to he made a shameful mistake.
28-as well as she studied hard, she played tennis regularly.
29-if he reads the questions carefully, he answers them.
will answer
30-there were no accidents though the dangerous roads.
31i like most school subjects because i don't like physics.
32-as soon as seeing the accident, i called the police.
after - on
33-however the box was heavy, he could carry it.
34-in addition to he wrote the letter, he saw the film.
35-because they played very well, they lost the match.
36-the people in our street are very neighboring. They always help each other.
37-my uncle is a represent for an international oil company.
38-you should not ridiculous people who have different ideas from you.
39-despite the weather was bad, we went out.
40-he didn't go out as his illness.
owing to
41-as well as he goes to the market, he visited some friends.
42-he was driving with one hand and waving with the another.
the other
43-she was the last student arrives at school.
to arrive
44-the government gives private care to setting up new projects.
45-i look forward to see that play.
46-she allowed me using her computer.
to use
47-i need to draw some money out of my discount.
48-the government is trying to contract more tourists to visit egypt.
49-many people in egypt still wear conditional clothes.
50-he couldn't decide which one he liked good.

تقبل الله منا و منك

17-03-2013, 01:44 PM
51-The information in this report is based on a spray completed by 2000 students.
52-What were you doing when I am calling you?
53-By the time my father was 18, he has been at work for two years.
54-My sister is really happy. She is just winning the first prize.
55-Alexandria was the last place I was spending a holiday.
56-In the past, people thought that the earth has been flat.
57-I will see a good film recently.
58-He would give me back my money a few hours ago.
59-At the moment he has cleaned the room.
60-I am understanding this math problem very well.
61-I didn't eat hamburger since last October.
62-She has been mopping يمسح the floor when she heard the bad news on the radio.
63-She slipped on a banana skin and breaks her leg.
64-I don't speak to him since Christmas.
65-I don't have any cash on me, so could I pay by click?
66-Internet connection via broadcast offers many advantages
67-My sister wants to open a bank deposit.
68-She is gone to finish her work early today.
69-Can she intend to study medicine in the USA?
70-We are packing our luggage because we have gone to travel to Italy.
71-Should you close that window, please?
72-The bookcase isn't well fixed. It's will go falling.
73-Football players pass the ball to each other until one player can win a goal
74-Space scientists has to work in large, complex teams to send people into space.
75-Elephants and gorillas live in large family groups to bringing up their young.
76-In a recent experience, scientists showed that birds can cooperate on complex jobs.
78-The birds could see the food, but to get him into their cage, they had to pull pieces
of string attached to the box.
79-Scientists found that they could successfully learn many pairs of birds to get their food in this way.
80-Winning the Olympic gold medal was the realize of his life's dream.
81-They help you talk through your problems but they don't give you any salutations.
82-The ending of the film was printable. Everybody knew what was going to happen.
83-I would like to compress my thanks for your kindness.
84-He was the first man to example the land. No one has been there before him.
85-Italy is an European country.
86-The continent to the east of Europe is the Asia.
87-The Aswan High Dam is on river Nile in Egypt.
88-Good doctor needs a lot of experience.
89-I must go to bank and change some money.
90-I really enjoyed book I've just finished reading.
91-I'm just going to have wash.
92-All I had for lunch was piece of cake.
93-It's a honor to get this international award.
94-During sixties, people were interested in music.
95- France is part of an European Union.
96-Gobi is a huge Desert in Asia.
97-The Mediterranean Sea is between the Europe and Africa.
98-The teacher hit the children into three groups.
99-Something that makes you feel afraid is pleasing.
100-We should build a filter to protect us from the wind and rain.

17-03-2013, 01:53 PM
اريد شرح الفرق بين المفرد والجمع في unit 2

ahmed ali12345
17-03-2013, 02:30 PM

Fancy holding my pen to write about this important topic ! Wow ! I am sure that everyone will tackle it from a different angle, but I will focus on the main points

sports are very important and useful as they keep us fit and healthy .But what sports can we do?. to answer this question we can say that there are individual sports like swimming,running and horse riding .on the other hand there are team sports like football and volleyball.Egypt full of sport champions like Abo trika and Ahmed Hassan .they are pride to their country.The ministry of sports encourage the young people to do sports.So every one should do sports and encourage other to share in the advance of our country.I hope to be the best country in sports as we the first one
Finally, I'd like to point out that what I have just written about this interesting topic is just like adding a drop of water to the ocean.1

ااخد كام على البراجراف ده يا مستر.

Ayman M.Ebrahim
17-03-2013, 10:57 PM

Fancy holding my pen to write about this important topic ! Wow ! I am sure that everyone will tackle it from a different angle, but I will focus on the main points

sports are very important and useful as they keep us fit and healthy .But what sports can we do?. to answer this question we can say that there are individual sports like swimming,running and horse riding .on the other hand there are team sports like football and volleyball.Egypt is full of sport champions like Abo trika and Ahmed Hassan .they are pride to their country.The ministry of sports encourages the young people to do sports.So every one should do sports and encourage others to share in the advance of our country.I hope Egypt to be the best country in sports as we the first one
Finally, I'd like to point out that what I have just written about this interesting topic is just like adding a drop of water to the ocean.1

ااخد كام على البراجراف ده يا مستر.

جميل بس اخطاء بسيطه و انا علمتلك عليه
يعنى بداية الجمله ب capital و النهايه full stop و تاخد بالك من المفرد و بعض الكلمات اللى كانت ناقصة
الدرجه ان شاء الله حلوة

أمة الله طالبة
20-03-2013, 05:30 PM
جزاك الله كل خير مستر أيمن إبراااهيم بجد انا اللي كنت عايزة شيتاات لفواعدwhen و الحاجات التانية
انا بس حبيت اكتب لحضرتك شكر و أأكد لحضرتك اللي عايزاه بالظبط عشان يحصل الإفادة إن شاءالله و بجد ربنا يجازيكم خيير يا رب
انا لو تكرمتك عايزة الشرح بتاع السبع قواعج بتوع when الأول شرح كل قاعدة و بعدين بع شرحهم و إعطاء الأمثلة مجموعة كبيرة من التدريبات عليهم بس بالحلول طبعا يعني re-write لإنها بتيجي كدة في شكل الإمتحان لإن للأسف المدرسين عندي بيشرحوها و يعطوا مثالين ثلاثة و بس ف بتلغبط و يدخل كله في بعضه ف لو ينفع ملزمة كاملة 25 جملة مثلا كدة و حضرتك طبعا أدري
2-must w have to w ought to w should w must w needn't و ال negative بتاعهم نفس when شرح ثم تدريبات كثيرة بالإجاابااااات الله يباركلكم حتي افرق بينهم
3-will w going to الفرق ما بينهم و شرح ثم تدريبات كثيرة أيضا بالإجاابااات
جزااااااااااااكم الله خيرااااااااا بجد ربنا يجعلكم في ميزان حسناتكم كنت عايزة اعرف ايه نظام المنتدي هو اسئلة بس ولا في حاجات تانية
إن شاء الله اقفل الإنجليش معاكم ياا رب

24-03-2013, 02:59 PM
Last week, we had a meeting, (at which – for which – on which – by which) we found out about next year's school trip

الحورية الصغيرة
28-03-2013, 10:34 AM
في سؤال

I have decided that i .................... travel .
( am going to - will (

ممكن شرح سبب الاختيار

media khalid
03-04-2013, 11:11 PM

Fancy holding my pen to write about this important topic ! Wow ! I am sure that everyone will tackle it from a different angle, but I will focus on the main points

sports are very important and useful as they keep us fit and healthy .But what sports can we do?. to answer this question we can say that there are individual sports like swimming,running and horse riding .on the other hand there are team sports like football and volleyball.Egypt full of sport champions like Abo trika and Ahmed Hassan .they are pride to their country.The ministry of sports encourage the young people to do sports.So every one should do sports and encourage other to share in the advance of our country.I hope to be the best country in sports as we the first one
Finally, I'd like to point out that what I have just written about this interesting topic is just like adding a drop of water to the ocean.1

هى مش المفروض تبقى others/other people

ahmed ali12345
06-04-2013, 06:50 AM
طيب معلش علملى البراجراف التانى بتاع 2011 وارجووك تقولى لو بتصحح ااخد كام علشان اطمن بس

How to share in the progress of our country

Fancy holding my pen to write about this important topic ! Wow ! I am sure that everyone will tackle it from a different angle, but I will focus on the main points. Our country is one of the most beautiful countries all over the world.Every one should do his best to make egypt a better place. Many people ask,how to share in the progress of our country?. We have to encourage tourism by handling the tourists like our friends. The sellers shouldn`t exploit the tourists.The mass medias play a vital role in the advance of Egypt .They should show good models of the egyption people to encourage others to be better.The government should care about it`s scientists and reward them for their efforts to encourage them to do their best to make Egypt the most advanced country all over the would. Scientists should make new inventions .Students should study well and do their best to be scientists,doctors,engineers and good models for Egyption people .We should encourage industry ,exporting and reducing importing.I hope Egypt to be better than any time before.Finally, I'd like to point out that what I have just written about this interesting topic is just like adding a drop of water to the ocean.

08-04-2013, 09:21 PM

Ayman M.Ebrahim
11-04-2013, 09:52 PM
طيب معلش علملى البراجراف التانى بتاع 2011 وارجووك تقولى لو بتصحح ااخد كام علشان اطمن بس

how to share in the progress of our country

fancy holding my pen to write about this important topic ! Wow ! I am sure that everyone will tackle it from a different angle, but i will focus on the main points. Our country is one of the most beautiful countries all over the world.every one should do his (their) best to make egypt a better place. Many people ask,how to share in the progress of our country?.first, we have to encourage tourism by handling the tourists like(as) our friends.second, the sellers shouldn`t exploit the tourists.third,the mass medias play a vital role in the advance of egypt,so they should show good models of the egyption people to encourage others to be better.fourth, the government should care about it`s (its) scientists and reward them for their efforts to encourage them to do their best to make egypt the most advanced country all over the would.fifth, scientists should make new inventions .sixth, students should study well and do their best to be scientists,doctors,engineers and good models for egyption people . We should encourage industry ,exporting and reducing importing.i hope egypt to be better than any time before.finally, i'd like to point out that what i have just written about this interesting topic is just like adding a drop of water to the ocean.

موضوع جميل
بس يا ريت تغير فى المقدمة شويه خليها ابسط من كده
الاخطاء الاملائية اصبحت قليلة
ارجو استخدام الروابط لتحقيق الوحدة

يعنى ممكن لو من 8 يبقى 6و نص

ahmed ali12345
12-04-2013, 05:58 AM
موضوع جميل
بس يا ريت تغير فى المقدمة شويه خليها ابسط من كده
الاخطاء الاملائية اصبحت قليلة
ارجو استخدام الروابط لتحقيق الوحدة

يعنى ممكن لو من 8 يبقى 6و نص[/color]
انا بشكر حضرتك جداا
وان شاء الله اكون احسن المرة الجاية.

mazen 2011
12-04-2013, 04:24 PM
Last week, we had a meeting, (at which – for which – on which – by which) we found out about next year's school trip

meeting at which
we found out about next year's school trip at the meeting
so we choose at

mazen 2011
12-04-2013, 04:26 PM
في سؤال

I have decided that i .................... travel .
( am going to - will (

ممكن شرح سبب الاختيار
am going to
any thing decided or planned
we choose be going to +inf

أمة الله طالبة
16-04-2013, 09:05 PM
إلي مستر أيمن: هل حضرتك انتهيت من الشيتات اللي طلبتها من حضرتك بتاعت when و كدة؟؟
انا في الانتظاااار و جزااك الله خيرااا

(بالقرآن نحيا )
19-04-2013, 04:13 PM
لو سمحت يا مستر
هو ايه الفرق بين
conquer*occupy*raide ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

(بالقرآن نحيا )
20-04-2013, 08:36 PM
يا ريت حد يرد عليا ضروري

Ayman M.Ebrahim
20-04-2013, 09:17 PM
لو سمحت يا مستر
هو ايه الفرق بين
conquer*occupy*raide ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

conquer يقهر - يهزم - يتغلب على
occupy يحتل مكانه او وظيفه او بلد
occupied محتل للدوله - مشغول لوسائل المواصلات
raid يغير على اى يقوم بغارة على منطقه
raiders المغيرون

بوسى اشرف
20-04-2013, 11:38 PM

-hala is planning spending spending the summer in balteem

steam is the hard form of water


choose :

1\in some remote areas in egypt alot of superstitions ..................

is prevailed


are prevailed


2\ he will travel to saudi arabia when he ............... from the faculty of engineering


will qualify

is qualified

will be qualified


3\ I................ I have met him atthe railway station lately


'm believing


am believed

أمة الله طالبة
20-04-2013, 11:59 PM
مسترررررر أييييييييييييمن هل من رررررررررررررررد؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki
24-04-2013, 06:10 PM
find the mistakes :

-hala is planning to spend the summer in balteem

ice is the hard form of water


choose :

1\in some remote areas in egypt alot of superstitions ..................

Is prevailed


are prevailed


2\ he will travel to saudi arabia when he ............... From the faculty of engineering


will qualify

is qualified

will be qualified


3\ i................ I have met him atthe railway station lately


'm believing


am believed
هذا مجرد رأى
حتى يرد مستر ايمن

بوسى اشرف
24-04-2013, 08:30 PM
شكرا جزيلا استاذى وبارك الله فيكم جميعا

25-04-2013, 01:50 PM

25-04-2013, 02:10 PM
thanksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssss

anwer abdul sattar
26-04-2013, 06:51 PM
شكرا جزيلا

همس الجنوب
29-04-2013, 03:19 AM
الوحدة ال18 مش قادره افهم الجرامر بتاعها ومش عارفه اعمل ايه

29-04-2013, 11:19 PM
السلام عليكم


4- Randa was very nervous during her flight to Paris, as she .... before

( has never flown - had never flown )

ترجمة إلى العربى

Basma stopped by with a cake while I was doing the dishes

Read for gist and to guess the meaning of the unknown words

شيرين عماد
30-04-2013, 08:55 AM
unit 1
find the mistakes

As soon as he will finish the project, he will go abroad.

I’ll leave until he comes.
When I find somewhere to live, I would give you my address.
I need to get fit, so I’ve made a decision. I do more exercise.
I expect he is going to pass the exam.
Perhaps it is raining tomorrow.
I hope he is getting better soon.
Look at those black clouds. It will rain.
I feel terrible. I think I’ll be sick.
The film is starting at 7.30.

محمد حسن 123
03-05-2013, 06:28 PM

mazen 2011
04-05-2013, 09:30 AM
unit 1
find the mistakes

As soon as he finishes the project, he will go abroad.

Iwon't leave until he comes.
When I find somewhere to live, I will give you my address.
I need to get fit, so I’ve made a decision. I am going to do more exercise.
I expect he will pass the exam.
Perhaps it will rain tomorrow.
I hope he will get better soon.
Look at those black clouds. It 's going to rain.
I feel terrible. I think I'm going to be sick.
The film starts at 7.30.

you should revise the future again

11-05-2013, 12:54 AM
اختر the new temples were( hammered tied communicated attached )to a concrete base

11-05-2013, 12:59 AM
بليز انصر كوكيلي:bosyht9:

mazen 2011
13-05-2013, 01:32 AM
attached )

Ayman M.Ebrahim
15-05-2013, 10:22 PM
اختر the new temples were( hammered tied communicated attached )to a concrete base

شكرا لك

20-05-2013, 10:48 AM
Students would like books to ............ and feel
grip / hold / value / read
Mona was so fluent that the words just ....... off her tongue
spilled / mixed/ circulating / rolled
وما معنى الجملة
trying on shoes , you should always wear socks .............
After/ Although/ During / When
Fady owns a Toyota , ............... his brother Ali has BMW
but / although/ when/ so
The most .......example of an information source is a dictionary
envious / agree/ relevant/ relative
Shakespeare is the most .........writer in the English language
excited/ exciting / amazed/ interested
Laila speaks .......English as if she had been born a native
fluently / fluent / obvious / tongued
The company has been in business ........for 20 years
existence / establishment
The man said that the new carpet had arrived and asked where................. 1
he was to put it / was he to put / was it to he put / was to put it
http://www.thanwya.com/vb/style12/buttons/edit.gif (http://www.thanwya.com/vb/editpost.php?do=editpost&p=5283369)

20-05-2013, 01:00 PM
thanks and best wishes

24-05-2013, 11:22 PM
Most .....in the medical field require years of training
works / vacations / applications / professions
Many people ......online shopping to do rather than go to ordinary shops.
would prefer / would rather / would like
يا ريت توضيح
The children were covered in sand . They .....on the beach
were playing / have been playing / played / had been playing

Find the mistake
Ali has a part -time job in a bank working eight hours a day
2- My father loved his job. He worked for the same company for 20 years
3- The journalist asked who caused the explosion
4- The case was argued successfully by six of doctors
5- It was nearly midnight by the time he has finished his homework last night

28-05-2013, 02:56 PM
......alot of stories were made into films , weren't they? (quitely -- quite -- quiet

2-My brother said that he(will go -- was going) on holiday the following week

3-Most southern European Countries have (a similar --a regular --alike) climate :Hot in summer and cold in winter

4-I (might -- can) go swimming tomorrow . It's possible.

5-New homes will have(been found - to be found) for people whose houses where damaged in the hurricane

6-English (will be - must have been) spoken by half of the world's population by 2050

7-I can't come with you (but - although) I'd like to

8-Sham El nessim is mainly a day (when -- in which) families spend the day together in the open air

9-When I walked past the bus stop again , she was still waiting.The bus(didn't come - hadn't come)

10-Ali ate a sandwich during the game because he(didn't have - hadn't had)enough time to eat before it started

11-My father retired last week .He(had worked - has been working) for the same company all his life

12-Last year,I spent a month in France.I(had dreamed - have dreamed)of going there since I was child

13-Leila and her husband moved into their own flat last weekend.Before that,they(lived --had lived)with Leila's parents

14-when we got up that morning ,there was sand all over the streets.there(had been - has been) a storm

15-suzi (was looking - looks)scornfully at whatever her friends wear as if she was wearing something different

16-He used to be a friendly assistant.He (had - has) worked for me since he was 20

17-Writers (speak - have spoken) for their age. for this I like books that view history

18-I(had planted - planted) the tree then i Watered it

19-he now uses his money to lead a life of leisure that he(never used - has never used)to afford

20-I wish I(knew - had known) where this embassy was.However,We can ask a taxi driver

28-05-2013, 05:03 PM
A: can i buy some tapes ?
B:yes you can buy them singly or in packs .
A: Thank you , sir

28-05-2013, 05:32 PM
شششششششششششششششششششششكرا جزيلا

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki
28-05-2013, 05:42 PM
......alot of stories were made into films , weren't they? (quitely -- quite -- quiet

2-my brother said that he(will go -- was going) on holiday the following week

3-most southern european countries have (a similar --a regular --alike) climate :hot in summer and cold in winter

4-i (might -- can) go swimming tomorrow . It's possible.

5-new homes will have(been found - to be found) for people whose houses where damaged in the hurricane

6-english (will be - must have been) spoken by half of the world's population by 2050
رغم انها المفروض مستقبل تام

7-i can't come with you (but - although) i'd like to
i'd like to but i can't come with you

8-sham el nessim is mainly a day (when -- in which) families spend the day together in the open air
on which

9-when i walked past the bus stop again , she was still waiting.the bus(didn't come - hadn't come)

10-ali ate a sandwich during the game because he(didn't have - hadn't had)enough time to eat before it started

11-my father retired last week .he(had worked - has been working) for the same company all his life
المفروض had been working

12-last year,i spent a month in france.i(had dreamed - have dreamed)of going there since i was child

13-leila and her husband moved into their own flat last weekend.before that,they(lived --had lived)with leila's parents

14-when we got up that morning ,there was sand all over the streets.there(had been - has been) a storm

15-suzi (was looking - looks)scornfully at whatever her friends wear as if she was wearing something different

16-he used to be a friendly assistant.he (had - has) worked for me since he was 20

17-writers (speak - have spoken) for their age. For this i like books that view history

18-i(had planted - planted) the tree then i watered it

19-he now uses his money to lead a life of leisure that he(never used - has never used)to afford

20-i wish i(knew - had known) where this embassy was.however,we can ask a taxi driver

مجرد رأى لحين رد مشرفى القسم

28-05-2013, 06:02 PM
شكرا اوى يا مستر على تعب حضرتك

28-05-2013, 06:07 PM
"I have heard that she came to Ruritania with her servants as a guest of Michael "
Who said this to whom ???
and who told him this information???

انا عارف انه سابت لرودولف بس مش قايل جبها منين المعلومات دى؟؟؟؟؟

السؤال صفحة 44

2-.What is the most fatal mistake of Rudolf Rassendyll?

28-05-2013, 06:09 PM
A: can i buy some tapes ?
B:yes you can buy them singly or in packs .
A: Thank you , sir

cassette shop / book shop
sales person
requesting or asking for a service
replying or accepting

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki
28-05-2013, 06:34 PM
"I have heard that she came to Ruritania with her servants as a guest of Michael "
Who said this to whom ???
and who told him this information???

انا عارف انه سابت لرودولف بس مش قايل جبها منين المعلومات دى؟؟؟؟؟

السؤال صفحة 44

2-.What is the most fatal mistake of Rudolf Rassendyll?

who told him this information???

طبقا لنص القصه Sapt سمع الكلام ده من الناس " الفصل الخامس 41 "
اما يالنسبه ل Rassendyll فى الفصل الاول ص 5

His friends Goerge and Bertram

What is the most fatal mistake of Rudolf Rassendyll?

Rassendyll made more than a mistake both of them are fatal
He didn't give The duke a permission to come in. He said to the princess when he was younger he didn't need to worry about societyy and he thought that it was someone else's job

مجرد رأى لحين رد مشرفى القسم

28-05-2013, 06:42 PM
بس يا مستر هو كان sapt هو اللى قايل الجملة دى و bertram كان موجود مع rudolf مش مع sapt
يعنى حسب ما انا فاهم انه يسال قائل هذه العبارة جاب المعلومات منين؟؟؟؟؟؟ و القائل هو sapt

Mr.Nashaat Elhamaki
28-05-2013, 07:46 PM
بس يا مستر هو كان sapt هو اللى قايل الجملة دى و bertram كان موجود مع rudolf مش مع sapt
يعنى حسب ما انا فاهم انه يسال قائل هذه العبارة جاب المعلومات منين؟؟؟؟؟؟ و القائل هو sapt

فى القصه فى نفس الصفحه 41 sapt قال انه سمع وان الناس يتقول دا معناه ان لا يوجد حد محدد
Sapt heard that or people in the capital said that or he knew
from the people in the country

لكن بالنسبه ل Rassendyll
اصدقائه فى باريس

28-05-2013, 09:22 PM
choose Most .....in the medical field require years of training
works / vacations / applications / professions
Many people ......online shopping to do rather than go to ordinary shops.
would prefer / would rather / would like يا ريت توضيح
The children were covered in sand . They .....on the beach
were playing / have been playing / played / had been playing
Find the mistake
Ali has a part -time job in a bank working eight hours a day

2- My father loved his job. He worked for the same company for 20 years
3- The journalist asked who caused the explosion
4- The case was argued successfully by six of doctors
5- It was nearly midnight by the time he has finished his homework last night
يا ريت رد من السادة المدرسين

محمد الحضرمى
01-06-2013, 02:10 AM
مشكورا بارك الله فيك:excl:

مروة كمود
01-06-2013, 04:29 PM
لان دة كلام مباشر وزمن فعل القول مضارع

03-06-2013, 04:36 AM

03-06-2013, 09:29 PM
thanks for all evorts

دموع الفرح
04-06-2013, 12:14 PM
يا مستر حضرتك احنا ازاي نراجع المنهج في اليوم ونص دول اللي قبل الانجلش

bright stars
04-06-2013, 02:00 PM
يا مستر حضرتك احنا ازاي نراجع المنهج في اليوم ونص دول اللي قبل الانجلش

انا كمان عاوزه اعرف ازاي هنراجع في الفتره دي ونبدأ بايه؟

Ayman M.Ebrahim
07-06-2013, 09:39 PM
يا مستر حضرتك احنا ازاي نراجع المنهج في اليوم ونص دول اللي قبل الانجلش

انا كمان عاوزه اعرف ازاي هنراجع في الفتره دي ونبدأ بايه؟

انا راى انكم تبدأوا الاول بالقصة لانها هتحتاج مجهود اكبر
و اليوم التالى تلموا فيه الكلمات ( اختصار للكلمات مش كلها) و القواعد بنظرة سريعة مع المراجعة على كل التمارين اللى انتو اكيد حليتوها فى الورك بوك
و احنا معاكم ان شاء الله للرد على الاسئلة

08-06-2013, 02:12 AM
All the news....... ... is - are....good

08-06-2013, 08:56 AM
Most .....in the medical field require years of training
works / vacations / applications / professions
Many people ......online shopping to do rather than go to ordinary shops.
would prefer / would rather / would like
يا ريت توضيح
The children were covered in sand . They .....on the beach
were playing / have been playing / played / had been playing

Find the mistake
Ali has a part -time job in a bank working eight hours a day
2- My father loved his job. He worked for the same company for 20 years
3- The journalist asked who caused the explosion
4- The case was argued successfully by six of doctors
5- It was nearly midnight by the time he has finished his homework last night