مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ارجو من السادة المدرسين الدخول للاهميةالقصوى

ali farouk
17-12-2012, 06:31 PM
ارجو الافادة فى حل هذه الاسئلة

translate into English

یجب ان تتعاون كل طوائف الشعب حتى تنھض مصر وتكون فى مصاف الدول الكبرى .

Find the mistake in each of the following sentences, then write them correctly :

-1 She found a valuable gold ring that she lost last week
2- He is lazier than stupid
3- the climber lost his footing but he kept his cool
4- climbers want to climb even after an accident because they love the experiment and the challenge of it
5- The Beatles were successful pop group in the 1960s
6- Maha speaks the most fluent
7- the humming bird is one of small birds we know of
8- this book is as interested as the other one


1- Have you ever met a man [ brave - as brave as - bravest - much brave ] than uncle Ali

2- some people dont work [ in - on - about - into ] money . they are volunteers .
3- I did her a favour , so it made me slightly worried but excited and [ frustrated - proud - depressed - impressive ]
4- ministry of education encourages [ distance - remote distant inner ] education in Egypt .