مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اسأل و سنجيب باذن الله

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
05-10-2014, 01:31 PM
الى كل أبنائنا الطلاب أى أسئلة تتعلق بمنهج الصف الثانى سنجيب عنها و أى توضيح مطلوب لأى معلومة سنقوم به يوميا معكم و لكم من أجل نجاحكم و تفوقكم

mostafa w
17-10-2014, 10:05 AM
find the mistake
1-I'm a bit in a hurry
2-I'm wanting a taxi to the station now
3-your son is very obedient at the moment
4-Gulf summers get hotter and hotter
5-I thought that offering him help might improve our relation
6-She explained me the rules
7-Everybody will get their share
8-Whatever fame he is,his neighbours ignore him

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
19-10-2014, 06:16 AM
find the mistake
1-i'm slightly in a hurry
2-i wanta taxi to the station now
3-your son is very good at the moment--- your son is very good nowadays
4-gulf resorts get hotter and hotter
5-i thought that offering him help might improve our relationship
6/ she explained me grammar/rules
7-/everybody will get their shares/destiny
8-whatever fame he has ,his neighbours ignore him
هذه هى الاجابات بس ممكن المصدر

mostafa w
19-10-2014, 07:43 PM
المصدر أخي الكريم bit by bit الصف الثاني الثانوي

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
20-10-2014, 07:07 AM
المصدر أخي الكريم bit by bit الصف الثاني الثانوي
شكرا لى الرد
بس على الفكرة كتير من جمل bit by bit للمتفوقين ما فيهاش حاجة غلط اصلا

mostafa w
20-10-2014, 09:44 PM
أخي الكريم كثير من الجمل أكون في حيرة شديدة في حلها فما نصيحتك

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
24-10-2014, 09:17 PM
أخي الكريم كثير من الجمل أكون في حيرة شديدة في حلها فما نصيحتك
اكتبهم هنا و نناقشهم مع بعض

mostafa w
31-10-2014, 08:47 PM
find the mistake
1-after a week,we're going to Italy
2-I'll phone you again in five minutes
3-The clock has struck five hours
4-Nepal has one of the highest mountains over the world
5-I,you and he will go together
6-My job involves to deal with customer complaints

07-11-2014, 03:59 PM
Nobody is going to hand you success on a silver platter. If you want to make of it, you'll have to make it yourself. In order to be successful, we must have the courage and ambition and self-confidence and self-reliance.

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
08-11-2014, 11:37 PM
nobody is going to hand you success on a silver platter. If you want to make of it, you'll have to make it yourself. In order to be successful, we must have the courage and ambition and self-confidence and self-reliance.
لن يهديك أحد النجاح على طبق من فضة فلابد ان تحققه بنفسك و لكى تنجح لابد ان يكون لديك الشجاعة و الطموح و الثقة بالنفس و الاعتماد على النفس

28-11-2014, 08:47 PM
لو سمحت يا مستر ممكن حل الاسئلة دى
The program will include live ......on the egypt cameron game
( community _ commentator _ commentary _ hanging ) وممكن ترجمة لمعنى الجملة

you can .........online to www.centralhosp.org (http://www.centralhosp.org).
( use _ apply _ fly _ play )
at this price cooking oil is a ........ at this shop
(beggar _ charity _ margin _ bargain )
it was such a success and we had so much ........ doing it
( funny _ funnily _ funnel _ fun ) ممكن حضرتك تقولى السبب
they should adopt a more ..........approach and investigate alternative uses for their property
imaginable _ imagination _ imaginatively _ imaginative
ممكن ترجمة الجملة السابقة دى ؟
i did the work last monthbut i have not had any ........... yet
( debt _ salary _ payment _ payee ) وايه الفرق بين salary _ payment

و ايه الفرق بين ambition _ goal _ target
والفرق بين display _ proposal
place :-
is this the right bus for shoubra ?
yes just sit down and i will tell you when to get off at the right stop

مصطفى محجوب ثابت محمد
06-12-2014, 06:13 AM
لو سمحت يا مستر ممكن حل الاسئلة دى
The program will include live ......on the egypt cameron game
( community _ commentator _ commentary _ hanging ) وممكن ترجمة لمعنى الجملة

you can .........online to www.centralhosp.org (http://www.centralhosp.org).
( use _ apply _ fly _ play )
at this price cooking oil is a ........ at this shop
(beggar _ charity _ margin _ bargain )
it was such a success and we had so much ........ doing it
( funny _ funnily _ funnel _ fun ) ممكن حضرتك تقولى السبب
they should adopt a more ..........approach and investigate alternative uses for their property
imaginable _ imagination _ imaginatively _ imaginative
ممكن ترجمة الجملة السابقة دى ؟
i did the work last monthbut i have not had any ........... yet
( debt _ salary _ payment _ payee ) وايه الفرق بين salary _ payment

و ايه الفرق بين ambition _ goal _ target
والفرق بين display _ proposal
place :-
is this the right bus for shoubra ?
yes just sit down and i will tell you when to get off at the right stop