مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : نموذج امتحان 2016 للغة الانجليزية

14-05-2016, 05:06 AM
1- Complete the dialogue between An Egyptian man has just helped an English one to complete a form in Arabic:
*An English man: Thank you very much for helping me with this form!
*An Egyptian: ……… (1)………………
*An English man: Let me know if I can help you with your English any time.
*An Egyptian: Thanks. Actually, there is something you can tell me.
*An English man: "Resign" means " leave your job", but "retire" means stop working permanently.
*An Egyptian: I see. And ………(3) …………..?
*An English man: Yes, it is almost the same, but " attorney" is American English, whereas "lawyer" is a more international word.
*An Egyptian: Ah, I understand. ………….(4)………..
*An English man: You are welcome! Anytime.
2- What would you say in the following situations?
1- you are a hotel receptionist. Offer a brochure of guided tours to a hotel guest.
2- write a warning memo to all staff: say that tiredness kills! Remind them to take a break when driving long distance.
3- Ask a colleague if you can use the meeting room for the next half-hour.
4- A friend at work tells you his computer is old and slow. Make a suggestion.
3- * Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1- The capital of India is ………………………
a- New Delhi b- Islamabad c- Dacca d- Kathmandu.
2- We insured our IT equipment………….. Fire and Theft.
a- to b- against c- in d- on
3- A web browser is a program that will……….…
a- download web documents. b- set out information in tables
c- send emails. d- store information
4- The mixture ……………... natural fruit juices.
a- involves b- consists of c- qualifies for d- amounts to.
5- She's the person who ……………… our exports.
a- handles b- caters c- relates d- deals.
6- what would he have done if he ….. …. …about it?'
a- knew b- should know c- had known d- has known.
7- She insisted …… ….. the contract first.
a- seeing b- on seeing c- to see d- for seeing.
8- If you put in your tax return late, you have to pay ….…
a- a receipt b- an interest c- a duty d- a penalty .
9- Fixed …………………… include things like buildings.
a- machinery b- assets c- expenses d- equipments.
10- When things fall in value , they "……………….…" .
a- lower b- depreciate c- reduce d- appreciate.
4- Rewrite the following using word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:-
1- In this situation, we couldn’t do anything else. ( There was nothing…..)
2- The shop is usually open from 8am to 8 pm. ( The shop usually……)
3- He wanted his children to see the port so he hired a boat. ( … so that…)
4- Perhaps the taxi went the wrong way. ( The taxi…..)
5- Fill in the spaces from a word from the list:-
Manual - light - bug - overtime- night- resale
1- ….. work means working with your hands.
2- work ….means work extra hours.
3- A computer problem is called ……
4- …… work is that is done from 10pm to 6 am.
5-We buy goods from the manufacturer for ….. in our shop.
6) Read the following passage then answer the questions:
Two important kind of plastic cards are debit cards and credit cards. A debit card is issued for a particular bank account and the money is immediately deducted from that account. A credit card is issued to any customer. The credit card company pays the retailer , and is reimbursed once a month by the card holder ( or in monthly part-payments plus interest). One problem with credit cards is fraud. in the US , more than $2 billion is lost annually through theft or fraud. To fight against this, smart cards are now replacing the old-style cards. The new cards have a chip with a personal identification number (PIN) without which the card cannot be used.
Until recently , Egypt has always been very cash-based. It is now much less so than it was in 2003 when 97% of all transactions were cash-based. An those days ,Turkey , with a similar population to Egypt's had 15 million credit card users., compared to 800,000 in Egypt. In addition , it had 8,000 ATM , far in excess of Egypt's 700. Bankers predict further changes: ' cash-based countries are increasingly turning towards plastic money. Other countries in the Arab world that were once cash-based are now plastic-users. Egypt too is becoming a fast-changing market.
A- choose the correct answer:
1- Purchases with debit cards are paid for……
a- by the credit card company b- by the customer's bank
c- by the credit card company's bank d- from the purchaser's bank account.
2- Smart cards are being introduced in order to ……..
a- - replace chips b- reduce fraud
c- change the PINs d- help people use their cards more.
3- In 2003 Turkey had about ………. credit cards users ……. Egypt.
a- half as many …..as b- 20 times more ….. than
c- 200% more …… than d- the same number of …. as
4- a- 8% as many b- the same number of
c- ten times as many d- half as many
B- Answer the following:
5- What does "so" in the phrase " much less so" refer to?
6- What does "that" in the phrase " that were once cash-based " refer to?
7- Why does the banker predict that the use of plastic money will increase in Egypt?
7- - Write a paragraph of 7 sentences about " Plastic money in Egypt" . use these guiding points.
* Which types of cards are commonly used in Egypt today?
* How can you get a credit card or debit card?
* Once you have a credit card, how can you use it?
* Once you have a debit card, how can you use it?
* How can you avoid paying bank charges or credit card charges?
* Does anyone in your family use plastic money? how do they use their card(s)?

8- You work for an advertising agency and you need to update the company's IT system . You have been looking at the website of Business Solution . Send them an email, introducing your company. Ask them to send you a brochure and details of similar projects that they have completed for clients in the advertising sector.
9- Write a letter to Miss Nadia Hamdy, 31 Pyramids Road, Cairo. Refer to our reminder letter of the 1st of this month. Inform her that her Multi-Trip Travel Insurance policy expires on the 31st of this month. Request her to send a cheque with her payment of renewal premium if she wishes to continue the policy. You are Lucy Clarke.
10- Translate from English into Arabic
1- Many multinational companies have invested in Egyptian market recently.
2- We left before breakfast to avoid the traffic.
3- لقــد أرسل العقد إلي المدير مع رسالة توضيحية

27-10-2018, 06:30 AM
شكرا جزييييييييييييييييلا

Mr. Hatem Ahmed
27-10-2018, 02:18 PM
عمل رائع وجهد أروع من حضرتك

جزاك الله خير الجزاء