مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ارجو افادتي هل السؤال صحيح و يمكن وضع كلمه واحده في كل الفراغات

06-10-2016, 11:52 PM
2- Complete the following dialogue with one word each A tourist interrupts a guide politely Guide: This building was a library in Roman times. Tourist: Excuse me,1… a question? When did the Romans live here? Guide: It was around 30 BCE. Now, where …….2 …….? Tourist: You …….. 3........... that this was once a library. Guide: Yes. People came here to read and to study. Tourist: Can ………..4 ........... what they liked doing? Guide: They liked reading, music, sports and many things. Tourist: I'm sorry ……..5 ......... , but what sports did they play? Guide: They liked ball games, like we do

محسن لبيب حنين
08-10-2016, 08:25 PM
This question doesn't cope with the specifications of the exam. A wrongly-set type of question